Pentagon’s U.F.O. Unit Will Make Some Findings Public


Rift Surfer
UFO investigation and reporting is alive and well in government.  They are actually getting a bit concerned because there have been UFO sightings over military bases.  Note: Unidentified doesn't necessary mean E.T.  They are, of course, worried about China and Russia.  

Anyway, they are starting to become a little more transparent saying, “It no longer has to hide in the shadows,” Mr. Elizondo said. “It will have a new transparency.” Why? Maybe to ease us into it so we don't freak out when we know the truth.  

Should government be more transparent?  Would anyone believe it, anyway?  I have a feeling that even if they said "Yes, aliens are here", there would first be a big meme fest on social media, then it would kind of die off and nobody would believe it.  

What do you think? 


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[QUOTE='PaulaJedi]I have a feeling that even if they said "Yes, aliens are here", there would first be a big meme fest on social media, then it would kind of die off and nobody would believe it.  
[/QUOTE]That's how I would feel. My opinion is they must exist, given the scale and age of the universe. Being told they do by "daddy" would be exciting, but I don't think it would change much in daily life. I would probably forget they did that after a while.

It's a bit like the Deep State stuff. The people who pay attention already know and have their own version of confirmation. The "breaking news" that surprises some people is stuff we learned months or years ago. It's just a matter of some authority confirming it.

@PaulaJedi - I would have given your post here a like if it weren't for that link to the New York Times, so I didn't do it out of principle. I've always thought you were someone who wanted to avoid fake news. No offense intended, but why the Times? Was there no credible source with something similar? And don't worry, I'm certainly not upset or offended myself, just curious.

[QUOTE='Cosmo1598825723]That's how I would feel. My opinion is they must exist, given the scale and age of the universe. Being told they do by "daddy" would be exciting, but I don't think it would change much in daily life. I would probably forget they did that after a while.
It's a bit like the Deep State stuff. The people who pay attention already know and have their own version of confirmation. The "breaking news" that surprises some people is stuff we learned months or years ago. It's just a matter of some authority confirming it.
[/QUOTE]Life wouldn't have to change, but I would be SO CURIOUS and would want to know the details!!!

[QUOTE='PaulaJedi]You can probably find a similar article by another news source, however, we should be able to debate any article online without being censored.
[/QUOTE]I see and agree with your point. And I wouldn't want anything political to be censored as long as our liberties aren't threatened by it. You certainly aren't accusing me of being a censor, are you?

[QUOTE='PaulaJedi]UFO investigation and reporting is alive and well in government.  They are actually getting a bit concerned because there have been UFO sightings over military bases.  Note: Unidentified doesn't necessary mean E.T.  They are, of course, worried about China and Russia.  
Anyway, they are starting to become a little more transparent saying, “It no longer has to hide in the shadows,” Mr. Elizondo said. “It will have a new transparency.” Why? Maybe to ease us into it so we don't freak out when we know the truth.  

Should government be more transparent?  Would anyone believe it, anyway?  I have a feeling that even if they said "Yes, aliens are here", there would first be a big meme fest on social media, then it would kind of die off and nobody would believe it.  

What do you think? 
[/QUOTE]Wife and youngest saw a UFO.  A bright white light that they thought was a meteor rapidly descending from the night sky. stopped, then sped off towards the West, then made a seemingly impossible change in direction, then shot back up into the sky until it was no longer visible picking up speed as it traveled.    

So, it does seem there is something going on.  If it is interstellar beings, seems reasonable absolute proof would be let out in small doses.  All at once, would crush Christianity and Islam.  Not sure about the other religions, or ways of life.   So as far as transparency, would hope it is done smart, but, would the government actually do anything smart? ?

I think a lot of people would believe it, depending on how it was presented.  If a one-time statement, "Yes, aliens are here" , then yes, probably would be a meme fest, um, people trying to make contact, maybe violence, and if nothing else is said or seen, then it would die off.   

However, if it is revealed the interstellar travelers are here on Earth, and they make themselves evident, for a lengthy period of time, like admission into the Federation, then most of the people of Earth would have to accept it.

Interesting topic Paula.   

Seems as more advanced technology gets into the hands of more people, would it still be possible to hide the fact they are here?

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I don't know too much about Islam, but this struck me as interesting:

Islamic tradition holds that [the Black Stone] fell from heaven as a guide for Adam and Eve to build an altar. It has often been described as a meteorite.

A long while ago, the Vatican made a lot of noise about welcoming aliens and how their existence would also be part of God's plan. Stuff like this:

In that second link, it quotes Billy Graham as saying he believed God created aliens elsewhere... That seems like a big deal to come out and say that. I think religion is far more prepared than most of us think. Not that it wouldn't cause waves, it would, but I don't think it would destroy anything. At least I hope not.

Quote from the BBC article linked in your reply :

"This could present the greatest challenge to the major Abrahamic religions, which teach that human beings are purposefully created by God and occupy a privileged position in relation to other creatures."

 And would add into the mix, the expectations of going to heaven.   

There are verses in the bible that could, in reality, be references to interstellar beings.  However, I would say that most people haven't been taught that perspective nor will easily accept that perspective.  

To have interstellar beings appear suddenly as real and "here we are" with alien craft buzzing around in our skies, I don't see that going well for the people of the Abrahamic religions.   

Quote from the linked source relative to the Vatican,

" Just as there is a multitude of creatures on Earth, there could be other beings, even intelligent ones, created by God. " ~ Rev. Jose Gabriel Funes, astronomer and director of the Vatican Observatory.   

If THEY don't believe that they were created by God, will the Vatican set them straight?  

Buddhism on the other hand, from what I understand, their focus isn't on outside "gods"  and I would think that includes interstellar beings too.  

Hinduism, not sure, figure they might adapt to their deities originating from the stars.  

Odinites, not sure.   Wiccans, not sure.  Voodoo, star people, watch out !!!

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I was under the impression that the Vatican has many secrets and yes disclosure would challenge many religions.  There will always be someone who would feel threatened by the notion.   Good links by Cosmo --- the Vatican has always been open to fringe and the paranormal. They seem to know more than we think they do. 

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Jammed radars? Or the radar software was glitchy to start with? All we have is what these pilots claim they saw....To my knowledge none of these other worldly vehicles (supposed aliens) have been seen again since the incident. Which strikes me as odd..Why just show up one time and leave? We know there are still Naval operations and training going on there.

'Classicalfan626][USER=21172]@PaulaJedi[/USER] - I would have given your post here a like if it weren't for that link to the New York Times said:
Odd coming from some one who believes all these other alternative fake ass news sites......You hear the one about they found Mickey Mouse house on the Moon? Yep they found it in green cheese valley.....I bet if you post shit like that on UFO Twitter it would go viral in minutes as the truthers would eat the shit up.
[QUOTE='Cosmo]Wait, where?
[/QUOTE]Green Cheese Valley, I think its just West of that fake ass face people on crack keep seeing up there.

[QUOTE='Poison Pen]Green Cheese Valley, I think its just West of that fake ass face people on crack keep seeing up there.
[/QUOTE]I think I passed through there once when I played Ducktales on NES.

[QUOTE='Cosmo]I think I passed through there once when I played Ducktales on NES.
[/QUOTE]Good one..I will give you that one....... :classic_laugh:
