Parallel Universe

Dear TT-0,

I apologize for the confusion. I am still in the process of honing my descriptive writing skills. The center of rotation is where y1 intersects x2, not in the center of x1 and x2. In truth it does not matter but I find that it is easier to visualize the results if you allow the piviting point or fulcrum of y1 to be located at the intersection of x2 which is the bottom of the two parallel lines x1 and x2. (y1 being a vertical line.) If you know draw it out one can see graphically that the angular decrease of the angle between y1 and the parallel lines x1 and x2 are still symetrical. By rotating the perpindicular line y1 90 degrees in a clockwise direction the angle between y1 and x2 will diminish to zero. This can be seen graphically if one draws this representation on paper. One will also notice that the angular decrease between line y1 and parallel line x1(which is the top parallel line that is parallel to the bottom parallel line x2) is always simultaneous to the angular decrease between the same y1 and x2. We can assume that there will always be an intersection between line y1 and parallel lines x1 and x2 and so long as line y1 is straight those angles will always be equal. So if line y1 is pivoted 45 degrees to the right then at the intersections of (y1,x1) and (y1,x2) the angle will be 45 degrees. When you are drawing this out remember that the pivot point of y1 is at the intersection (y1,x2). Thus the intersection y1 and x2 remains fixed at you location and the intersection of (y1,x1) accelerate to your right such that the intersection (y1,x1) travel an infinite distance to the right along parallel line x1 arriving at an infinite distance at the instant that y1 has pivoted ninety degrees to the right. In the model you drew out the pivot point was between lines x1 and x2 at six inches. That would result in the intersection (y1,x2) accelerating to an infinite distance to the left along parallel line x2 while intersection (y1,x1) speed off to an infinite distance to the right along parallel line x1. Still the intersection angles between lines (y1,x1) and (y1,x2) diminish to zero at 90 degrees rotation of line y1 in a clockwise manner. (If you pivot line y1 in a counter-clockwise manner the same will result but instead intersection (y1,x1) will acelerate to the left instead of the right.)According to the above model the aceleration of the intersection (y1,x1) to the right accelerates exponentially to an infinite velocity and distance as line y1 rotates 90 degrees at a fixed velocity (or constant velocity). That means that 90 degrees of constant rotary acceleration is equal to infinite exponential linear acceleration. Thus for every revolution of a spinning mass there are four periods of infinite exponential linear acceleration. If we use the spinning minute hand of a clock and allow the 12 O'clock to represent the starting point of our measurement then we will have our first exponential infinite acceleration in fifteen minutes as the minute hand reaches 12:15. The second will be reached at 12:30 and the third at 12:45 and finally the fourth at 1:00 O'clock. If we can devise a way to convert constant rotary acceleration into linear aceleration without losing any energy we can enable a mass to accelerate to an infinite velocity or put out an infinite kenetic potential. If rotating electric fields or magnetic fields can be rotated at a fixed velocity at one full revolution per second and if we can convert this rotary motion of electric fields into linear motion in the form of electrical output then we will have an electrical ourput of infinity four times each second. That means if we were to take an oscilliscope and measure the electrical sine wave of our linear electrical output that the sign wave will reach a peak amplitude of infinity four times a second so long as our electric field makes a full revolution once every second.

What does everyone think? Agian this is based on allot of assumptions and I could be wrong so fill free to tear it apart and find the flaws. But be sure to post them otherwise I won't learn anything. I need your help and input to assist me in finding out more accurate info. So long as you all place your oppinions of my models on the forum I will continue to put my ideas out here. You scratch my back,and I'll scratch yours.


Edwin G. Schasteen e-mail addresses are and
With all do respect I graduated highest with the highest grades in my school. I went through a year of college before joining the United States Marine Corps where I now serve in the most prestigious technical field the Corps has to offer--the Airwing. The marines that go into the airwing are the top ten percent of the american population when it comes to intelligence. I however do appologize for my bad spelling and grammar for as usual I am on a timer and have an average of anywhere from ten minutes to one hour to type in this information and hit the 'submit reply' button before I lose all that I have typed and have to start all over again. So I ask that you overlook any spelling errors for the time being and take into consideration the information that is being transmitted. If you were offered gold in a beat up box would you reject the gold because it was delivered in an ugly box. Or could you care less what the container looks like in that the gold within that container will make you a rich man? What I am delivering is either golg or fools gold. If I am right in my theories then the gold is pure and worth something. If I am wrong then the gold is fools gold and worth much less but still something in that you can learn from my mistakes.


Edwin G. Schasteen

I get the funny feeling that my question about anti-particles and antimatter was indeed a stupid question :-)

I already mentioned that I'm not very familiar with physics, let alone the physics concerning timetravel. However, I was under the assumption that there is a theory that claims that every single particle has its anti-particle. I remember reading an article or a post that compared matter in a particular timeframe with an ocean. If matter from another timeframe came into this timeframe, the "ocean" would flood.

I realize that this sounds very stupid, but please bare with me. Physics is not my league and English is not my native tongue :-)

Anyone care to elaborate on this subject? Thanks.

Greetings from rainy Amsterdam
It is assumed true that every particle has a corresponding antiparticle. Actually, some particles are their own antiparticle. There is very little physics knowledge of time travel. It is true that their are a number of various situations in general relativity which allow for time travel, but very few people completly understand it.
I am not exactly sure what you are refering to with the over flowing? Conservation of energy can be violated for short times. To be truthful conservation of energy only applies to closed systems. If wormholes do exist and connect between parallel universes then our universe is not in fact a closed system and there should be no violation, I am not sure if this is what you are refering to.
Mr. Schasteen,

As long as you can get your main point accross, your grammer and spelling do not bother me. The poeple who are going to pick on how the message looks instead of its concept may not be worth responding to. If don't understand what you are reading, ask. You will be answered.
Thanks Mr. Jay,
(I don't know your last name). I will try to be as clear as possible. A lot of the times I post things for people who are involved with my project. I sometimes use the forum to transmit bits and peices of technical information as a way to transfer data to my counterparts in different parts of the globe. I don't work with too many professors so I donnot worry about grammar(except when I post to a professor). It is much cheaper a method o communicating data then making a long distance telephone call. And calls are taken more seriously then postings on the internet. Thusly the internet is a low profile means of communication. Hushmail and transmissions of this nature are the most likely routes that would be scanned for information pertaining to national security but I still use that means of transmitting personally discovered information that is too sensitive to be posted over the public forum. There are few messages that I send over the hushmail that I do not send accross the regular forum. My philosophy is that theory is not dangerous if persons don't know how to apply the theory. Some theories can be extremely dangerous if persons know how to apply it, especially if those persons do not know how to apply that theory safely. This is why I usually don't work on my own projects. I merely do the thinking and provide the self made schematics of my devices. I provide explainations to the developer and let them do their job. They have the engineers and software to do all the complex designs. And they are located on the other side of the country so if I did by mistake give the designs to a device that puts out a little too much power I will have time to hit the deck. (that last line was just a joke.) My devices are pretty safe. At most I believe that the limitations in the material will not allow the production of too much electrical energy, for the materials in the generator will melt down at around 3,000 volts at less then 100 amps. This is just a guess so don't quote me.

Edwin G. Schasteen
Thanks Mr. Jay,
(I don't know your last name). I will try to be as clear as possible. A lot of the times I post things for people who are involved with my project. I sometimes use the forum to transmit bits and peices of technical information as a way to transfer data to my counterparts in different parts of the globe. I don't work with too many professors so I donnot worry about grammar(except when I post to a professor). It is much cheaper a method o communicating data then making a long distance telephone call. And calls are taken more seriously then postings on the internet. Thusly the internet is a low profile means of communication. Hushmail and transmissions of this nature are the most likely routes that would be scanned for information pertaining to national security but I still use that means of transmitting personally discovered information that is too sensitive to be posted over the public forum. There are few messages that I send over the hushmail that I do not send accross the regular forum. My philosophy is that theory is not dangerous if persons don't know how to apply the theory. Some theories can be extremely dangerous if persons know how to apply it, especially if those persons do not know how to apply that theory safely. This is why I usually don't work on my own projects. I merely do the thinking and provide the self made schematics of my devices. I provide explainations to the developer and let them do their job. They have the engineers and software to do all the complex designs. And they are located on the other side of the country so if I did by mistake give the designs to a device that puts out a little too much power I will have time to hit the deck. (that last line was just a joke.) My devices are pretty safe. At most I believe that the limitations in the material will not allow the production of too much electrical energy, for the materials in the generator will melt down at around 3,000 volts at less then 100 amps. This is just a guess so don't quote me.

Edwin G. Schasteen
Hey I believe that you are right with your tree theory. Though that was a vast understatement. For it has been theorized that whenever it is possible for an atom to take more than one course of action a parralel dimension can must and will form to make sure all possible roads are traveled. So in theory as I am typing there are hundreds of different universes being formed from the multitude of different possibilities of the millions of atoms in the rooms actions. Its an interesting thought to think that somewhere in one of the uncountable dimensions you could be dead or worse while you live in this one reading my message. (chew on that for a while) /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
I am a firm believer that everything is perfect and that nothing in our Universe could possibly be any different. In other words, every thing that is is the result of everything that was. I believe that by changing the past we change its memory and the memory of the present. The time traveler's memory would not have changed, and he would have no one to substantiate his claims that he changed anything. I believe that some of the things John said were false. His mentioning that his worldline would not change as a result of anything he did, for example. I believe that may have been the *theory* when he left, but I believe that was merely because things that changed could not be substantiated by anyone else. If no one mentioned any changes then I'd keep the fact to myself as well (as opposed to being accused of changing the future for the worse). The confidence level that John mentioned sounded very accurate to my impression of reality, and effects of the degree of variance that he described sounded very plausable. However, the past that he traveled to, in my opinion, was indeed his past and he was indeed changing his future and the future of everyone involved. I also believe that the confidence varience only indicated the difference between his present and the future of our present because of the changes he would be making in the reality he would be returning to. It may also be possible that because of the changes he made that his machine no longer had an accurate reading of the quantity of effect his presence would have. In addition, he may have caused other problems such as the site of his departure being moved and therefore the substance of his return location not being as it was when he left.
Profile for TimeTravel_0

Name: TimeTravel_0
Title stranger
Total Posts 1

Registered on 03/21/04 10:40 PM can a post made from 2000 be made on a member who joined 2 months ago?
also why are all members after a certain date have the "REGed" field in their sidebars. This is too strange, speaking from someone like myself who runs and modifies forum software for public web forums.
I am Alfred Titor i live in 2038 my brother jonh titor is died yesterday i go in this time because i fright

That confirm that you are from alternate Timeworld, cause John is according to his mission at CERN before jumping to 2000 then to 1975 LOL!!!

bump. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Back in the day when "time travelers" could post and questions could be asked them
and the moderator did not chase them away or try to ridicule them.
Interesting conversations actually took place.
Back in the day when "time travelers" could post and questions could be asked them
and the moderator did not chase them away or try to ridicule them.
Interesting conversations actually took place.

i will add the following:" and the Moderator and/or his followers -Like a Cult- trying to debunk every person, without the benefice of the doubth, did not chase them away or try to ridicule them.

And the worst part is that "they" will not get "any" new data regarding Time travel...

this Thread:

This will be a "perceptible" Hidden Agenda of TPTB here on TTI.


Define Word "OPEN":
<font color="red"> a. Accessible to all; unrestricted as to participants: an open forum.
b. Free from limitations, boundaries, or restrictions [/COLOR]

The Time Travel Institute <font color="red"> was [/COLOR] a Open and Friendly Forum!!!