OvrLrdLegion Travels Back In Time Story


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I have travelled back from what your calenders would read as 3033. However, this date is no longer used for reference of duration of time, our actual number would be meaningless to you.

I am located in a remote section of Earth and utilizing a satelite placed into orbit by our research team several decades ago to gather as much information regarding your civilizations as possible before sending an individual. The satelite has recorded audio and visual information and transmitted the data to our scientists to enable a teammember such as myself to blend into your time period without any undue problems arising and jeoperdizing the mission.

The satelite has also been enabled to send internet transmissions through many computer terminals and still ensure my safety as far as discovery. The I.P. addresses you may see are artifically created and to trace them would be useless, since they are fabricated by the on-board security systems, and would lead any investigators to innocent civilian internet users.

The vessel I utilized to reach this time period was constructed only after many un-manned experiments into the timelines with automated devices. The satelites tracked there movements through the time shifting process and only after the processes were proven to be safe and reliable, was I sent to gather specific information and objects of interest to our research institution.

I have been briefed in many subjects; history, science, religion, psychology, cultures, and geographic information. I certainly am not an expert in any of these areas of study, but have been given enough to achieve my goals. However, I am able to download any required information into a bio-implant that serves as a link with my communication systems.

The construction of my craft was a collaboration of government agencies, private industry, and scholastic institutions.

As far as any future events of your time period, I think that most of you already know what will happen. The quest for energy that isnt reliant on petroleum reaches success before considering the impact on those countries whose sole source of money was from the sale of oil. The U.S. and European companies were not impacted as first feared, since they had been gearing up for the transition long before the technology reached its level of success.

The Middle Eastern Countries were the first to begin to feel the economic backlash of their oil no longer being a saleable commoditiy. They also had no other method of generating income to support the lifestyle they had become accustomed too. This set off riots and civil unrest in that region of the world. At that time the superpowers just stepped away from the whole situation, since they no longer had any national interests of protecting the oil producing countries.

Isreal got the brunt of the anger from the conditions that arose once the United States and all the other NATO countries were not interested in maintaining stability in the region any longer. The intense attacks on Isreal resulted in the first use of nuclear weapons.

The country could only fend off the other Middle-Eastern countries for so long, resorting to its most lethal weapons to halt the incursions into their holy lands. At the beginning of the unrest, Isreal had basically isolated itself and utilized the unfolding of the hosilites to commit an almost genocide against its most engaging enemy.

The warfare caused quite a problem for other near-by nations such as India and the other surrounding countries. The uprising of middle-eastern groups provided opportunites for other groups in the Asian regions to step up activites against many peoples.

Most countries that had ties to the larger nations were able to fend them off, but the smaller countries eventually collapsed. North Korea did launch several missles, but only a few actually detonated, and the damage was minimal.

There are time limits to me being able to transmit data, since the satelite is now moving into a dark zone. I will rsume as soon as I regain the ability to transmit data.

Until then, may yo
The satelite has returned to a position allowing me to continue transmitting data...

As these aggressions were taking place, nature herself decided to play a role in the re-structuring of the planet. The melting of the polar ice-caps had created an instability that when coupled with a celestial alignment, caused the Earth to actually roll over. The north pole became the south pole and visa-versa ( I believe this is the correct term, even though I havent figured out the connection of a financial device to the versa )

This had caused massive changes on the surface of the Earth. The political infra-structures had been completely eliminated and survival of humanity took on an almost primitive format. A great rift between peoples also occurred. Some groups were able to salvage some technology and had begun using what they could to adapt to the new enviroment. The others became similar to the nomadic tribes of the Native American Indians in the before times.
Just story like the chap said, nothing more.
My own trip to the year 3001 certainly made me understand that what some do now really has no major effect of future events. Of course nuclear War being an exception. I also found that some values we hold dear are non existant in 3001. On arrival my crew and I were arrested as they believed us to be spies from the colonies, our language expert was able to construct some meaningful exchange with the authorities of that time, english not being a major language a thousand years hence. I did get the impression that intelligence was not as high as it is now, but I had no way of confirming this. History to these people was of no importance, clues garnered from those we could understand seemed fixated on something called 'the coming' but noone was willing to explain something we were expected to know already. After a few days we managed to get back to our craft and return to our proper time. The expedition was deemed a failure, no intel was received and during decom no untoward microbes surfaced that could be used in the nearby lab complex.
Our own conclusion was that mankind was entering a steady decline, our next trip certainly confirmed some of these fears, our last trip was as confusing as it was eventful. And after nearly three years after the project was closed down, I still remember looking at the faces of those people a thousand years from now, and can see the faces of people who to my mind were in bliss, ignorant of history, but what my crew felt was a drug induced calm.
I was going to get to the explaination as to how we live in your calender year of 3033, but your account has made me decide to provide this information at this time.

Humanity was divided up into two groups. The first were those that were able to regain the use of technology and utilize it to not only survive, but to advance in many areas that were still under developement before the Grand Event.
The second group has almost de-evolved, almost becoming less intelligent, or seeming to be that way. They just have somehow lost the ability to reason normally, which has been linked to the diseases that ravaged many of the surviving peoples. Remember, hosptials were pretty much a thing of the past.

This is the group you apparently had encountered. We are not on the land mass still exposed after the polar shift. We have constructed our cities within the waters of the oceans. This provides us with everything we need, including protection from the suns damaging eminations. The atmoshpere also was damaged when the shift took place, it is slowley repairing itself, but our researchers have calculated this still may take several hundreds of years.

Our cities within the waters can pump the H2 0 into a seperation complex that seperates the hydrogen from the oxygen, thus serving duel purposes. The hydrogen supplies most of our energy needs and the oxygen supplies the cities with a breathable atmosphere. Once the hydrogen has been processed through the fuel cells, it produces clean water to use in the food production sectors.

As far as religion, it still is functioning, but slightly different from what I have observed through the satelite links. Each city has a central building for religious gatherings. It consists of a great hall where our citizens gather to socialize and just be a part of humanity, without any particular faith system except humanity in itself.
There are smaller buildings that are attached to the great hall, and it is in those buildings that the individuals can go to worship in whatever faith they wish. There is a Christian building, Islamic building, Buddist building, Hindu Building, and many others all attached to the Great Hall.
youve been at this site for a long time, why now are you just saying somthing?

I had to understand the nature of this time Travelling Site. I have noticed the reaction to others whom just revealed their origins. Certainly, you wouldnt expect an immediate revelation of this magnitude without some background work being completed first...Do You?
Quick Chronohistorian, check him for chronoradiation!!!!!!

Radiation was a definite problem for the robotic probes sent ahead of any biological units. It took weeks of decontamination before we could remove the information gathering equipment from the robots.
Our bio-medical researchers had discovered a plant existing deep within the ocean that actually absorbs the radiation and processes the particules into a protein that actually is healthy for any biological species.
Imagine the value of this discovery for time travelling.
It also is being tested for use in long distance space exploration, but we are not yet sure of its ability to survive away from the salty environment in which it is cultivated. All samples we utilize have been harvested and transmuted immediatley to be injected into the blood stream of the time travelling team members.

This is a photo of the control centre. You will see the geograhpical mapping unit in the center the picture. The unit to the left is the actual time co-ordinate proccesor. Note the planetary and the digital time period display screens. The radio equipment is also visible, since it is necessary to monitor several frequencies. It would be disasterous to shift into the path of any aircraft in the area of my tragectory.
I also must stay in constant communication with the orbiting satelite.
ok pictures are a good thing got any more? this kinda looks like an airplane console or somthing. my cousin is an air force pilot so i emailed the pictrue to him and asked him what it was, no answer yet though.

What type of goverment is in the year 3033

Do you have any predictions that will happen within the next year?
...this kinda looks like an airplane console...

That is reassuring. We did spend alot of time on researching the re-creation of an aircraft from your era. It would be difficult to blend in if our vessel looked as though it was from the future.

The craft does resemble a typical airplane and does have aerodynamic capabilities. So certainly there wil be instruments the same as any aircraft would contain.

Our government is a collection of seven individuals from each of the different sectors of production and society. They meet on a regular basis and co-ordinate the direction of our city. The members are rotated periodically and are relatively ordinary citizens. They do have the necessary requirements to appropriately represent the sciences, arts, and social issues.

Law enforcement is not the same in our time as it is in your time period. Our genetic scientists have had the ability to alter any defective genetic patterns or re-design them as to remove any criminal tendencies from those prone to such behavior.

This doesn't happen very often, since everyone is satisfied with life in our cities. I suppose everyone is still somehwat subdued from the occurance of the Grand Event.
wow, I hope you don't mind me saying so, but that "cockpit" looks very simmilar to my friends Charter Fishing Boat. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
Not to many fishing boats have guages with little pictographs of an airplane on them, do they? If you look to the left you can see part of the altimeter. And in the right bottom of the picture you can see the edge of the yoke. Also the airspeed indicator is in on the right side of the photo. The center console of electronics is the radio and GPS navigation system.

If you ever want to get the control tower guys "knickers in a twist" , forget to turn on your identification transponder. I did that once after taking off from the airport and after a few minutes they gave me all kinds of hell. But, hey, alot of controls need to be operated when taking off, so I forgot one step. Whats the big deal if they can't identify who or what type of plane I am piloting?
This is a photo of the control centre...

If you look more closely at this photo of the vessel, you may have noticed that there is room for more than one team-member. Yes, folks, that does mean I didnt come alone. My fellow traveler has
become acclimatized into your society as an engineer. You also may notice he appeared in this Time Travelling Site just about the same time as John Titor.
Guess he just couldnt pass up all the attention that this individual was receiving.
If you are wondering how the time-line could be effected by our presence, the Grand Event of the pole shift removes our fears of any contamination of the future.
The devastation is on such a grand scale, any minor mistakes now will not really effect anything of your calender date of 3033.

You doubt my credibility of this story, yet, can you deny that alot of resources are being put into alternative fuel sources?
How do you think this WILL impact the Middle-Eastern Countries when thier primary source of income is gone?
Do you really think the West will care about the Middle-East if it doesnt need the oil anymore?

As far as the celestial alignment portion, type in 2012 into any search engine and see what comes up.

A fabricated story, sure...

but then again....
Well, the Earthquake in Indonesia caused a little wobble of the Earth Axis. Wonder what kind of effects will occur as we approach the peak in 2012?

North Korea sure seems bent on making ICBM's. Wonder where this proliferation of nukes is heading?
Whoops, maybe OvrLrd did come from 3033 and his story is accurate as to the future.

Or Not.