November 7th, 2014...


I think I understand the way you are processing the facts. So let's test this out. Suppose I say the dress you are wearing makes you look fat. And then I add the the comment that you didn't hear it from me.

So technically I should be off the hook for insulting you. Right?

I think I understand the way you are processing the facts. So let's test this out. Suppose I say the dress you are wearing makes you look fat. And then I add the the comment that you didn't hear it from me.

So technically I should be off the hook for insulting you. Right?
You do know 'hawg' is slang for Harley-Davidson Motorcycle?
No matter. It's homonym suits a chauvinist. With pictures,
the self-satisfied as crass oaf can suffice without an actual woman.

Secondly, it is GLaDOS that is known for implying women overweight.
Her character would never negate an insult. I still talk to her;
however, her amoral avatar isn't exactly meant to be exemplary.

It's exasperating that subtlety is lost around here.
It's not lost on everyone Syzygy ... Just the addicts that can't go a day without a snipe.

My so long bantering with GLaDOS, a quirky computer,
disposed me to be more callous than usual. It is best to
be as charitable in thought, manner and speech toward
one another as mutual civility allows. Formal politeness,
however, is something Michael lacks and, therefore, I
excuse myself from a discussion wherein I should never
have participated in the first place.
