not average time traveller

On a serious note...Butterfly17...many here have put many a supposed time traveler under scrutiny, and certainly you must realize that once a claim has been made, the requests for proof would follow.

I have a thread that offers for me to meet with any time traveler at a specific location, at a specific time, easily found on any map of the area. Nobody showed up, so you had an opportunity to provide proof by thinking yourself to that spot.

That thread is still on the first page of the index of the claims section. But, I will place it near the top for you to read.

Since you werent there, I will stay on on the " I Don't Believe You " side of the room.
it takes like 3 or 4 mins and i dont know why a guy has to be judged by how long it takes for him to take a dump
I am establishing precedent here, and if you cannot be trusted to admit things (like this) that are easily verified, how can you be trusted to tell the truth about something like time travel?

There will be another test, this one related to your TT claims. It will be MUCH more difficult for you to "fake it" or lie.

You guys have really made my day, all of you, and Butterfly too. This thread has turned out to be one of the most hilarious ones so far.

Hope I can go to sleep, probably will be laughing all night.

Thank-you, all!
it takes like 3 or 4 mins
And the next obvious question then becomes: If this "son" had to create his account on another computer... why did he bother to go to all the trouble to leave the computer he was at, log you off, log in under his username, and then post from that computer? Why didn't he just post his first message from the same computer he registered on?

first off the computers are like 3 feet from each other and he logged me out on this one becuase he didnt know that he couldnt create a name on the same computer so he switched and made the name and i aready had e-mail up on this one so he could get his pass fast so i wouldnt come back and caught his. so he went to this one to get the pass then go and log on.
first off the computers are like 3 feet from each other and he logged me out on this one becuase he didnt know that he couldnt create a name on the same computer so he switched and made the name and i aready had e-mail up on this one so he could get his pass fast so i wouldnt come back and caught his. so he went to this one to get the pass then go and log on.
And you know all these details..... how? I thought you were taking a 20 minute dump? And it STILL doesn't make sense that, once he created his account, he didn't simply post from THAT computer!

Things are NOT going to go well for you here, Mr. Time Traveler, if you lie.

And you will certainly NOT be able to pass my test, or any further tests that OvLrdLegion puts to you.

its kind of ovibious what he did and he did post from that computer you really are a moron arnt you look i cant believe that in a place like this people would be sceptical im out of here ill find people who believe real tters
its kind of ovibious what he did and he did post from that computer you really are a moron arnt you look i cant believe that in a place like this people would be sceptical im out of here ill find people who believe real tters

Yeah... now how did I know you would not stand-up to even the most minute scrutiny?

Take more English classes.... my guess is you are not getting "A's" in school.
Oh yes... and by the way, I used to go out with my dad in our boat on Lake Hopatcong when I was little and we lived in Berkeley Heights. How is that old lake these days?

ill find people who believe real tters

We will believe in a " real " time traveler, once one " really " shows up.

Understand this...we wanted to believe you.

To show up here and expect anyone to just straight up believe you, is not very savvy.

I gave you a specific date, time and location to think yourself too, in an attempt to give you an opportunity to prove yourself.

What happened ? I was there, you weren't.
Whoa! I can't belive the post count on this ....

Its kind of ovibious that you sir are really a moron arnt you. Nobody is REALLY called Zane. Thats what people call themselves in an RPG for a handheld system.
Butterfly, greetings! If your time travel ability is as simple as you claim, you can easily prove that you are legitimate. Here's what you do:

1. Think yourself forward in time to say, one week from now in the future. You could go forward further, but one week means we have to wait less time to see the result of your attempt to prove your claims.
2. Once one week into the future, learn about the most significant current even that is specific to that day. What I mean is that you should gather information about something that will happen on that day. Not before that day. For example, think forward to this coming Saturday (September 30th) and gather every possible statistic (EVERYTHING, not just the score and who had touchdowns as that small amount of information has a greater chance of being guessed) for an American college football game of your choosing.
3. Think yourself back to this time and then post those statistics here for us to see and verify after the game has finished.

Again, that's just an example. But it is simple enough that someone with your abilities should be able to do fairly easily, I imagine.

Also, do work on your grammar, punctuation, and general English. The way you present yourself to others, especially on a forum like this where folks are going to be highly critical, goes a long way in making a positive impression.