New World Order (NWO) / Global Disorder

The reorganization/overall undermining of the U.S.A.
Re: Nixon’s Map, Federal Regions, Fema Regions, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Regions
The United States Was Officially Abolished in 1972!
............................ ..................
In 1972, also:
United Nations Control Over American Historical Landmarks
Subsequent examples of how We the People and our nation are being sold-out:
Foreign Ownership of US Infrastructure - Council on Foreign Relations
US Senate passes landmark immigration bill - Americas - Al Jazeera ...
More images/maps in regard to -
- Corridors
North American Super Corridor Coalition, Inc. (NASCO)
Super Corridors for the projected North American Union (NAU)
- Flooding re: New Madrid Fault Line
Future US Navy Map navy map.jpg
The Future Map of North America
Re: Agenda 21, HAARP, Depopulation and New Madrid Fault Line -

NWO, UN, NAU, NAFTA CAFTA & SPP, Patriot Act, The UN agenda 21 Sustainable Development Program, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Trilateral Commission,

North American Union
by Kerby Anderson
"The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is overseeing the Trans-Texas Corridor (TTC) as the first leg of the NAFTA Super Highway[...] The billions involved will be provided by a foreign company, Cintra Concessions de Infraestructuras de Transporte, S.A. of Spain. As a consequence, the TTC will be privately operated, leased to the Cintra consortium to be operated as a toll-road [and they will own all gas stations, restaurants, lodgings ...&c along the corridor...] The transport system is designed to] create express lanes for Mexican trucks to bring containers with cheap Far East goods into the heart of the U.S., all without the involvement of any U.S. union workers on the docks or in the trucks. [What’s more, the Chinese are to regulate all traffic of goods on the NAFTA Super Highway]."

Re: The New World Oder (NWO), North American Union (NAU), North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Superhighway
NAFTA Superhighway – NAU ??? | 2012 Patriot

“Our government’s newest and largest version of NAFTA is a currently proposed trade agreement known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP. TPP could potentially encompass up to 21 countries.”
Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement |
So they are just building a better road. You still don't get it. How can Globalization happen and yet the USA is still going to be untouched and protectionist?
Governments haven't been in charge for a long time. Countries and Governments are all in debt or bankrupt. Corporations run the show. You are already part of it, whenever you go to the supermarket or fill up your petrol tank.

There is lots of propaganda and finger pointing. It is almost as if there is a hidden puppet master pulling the strings. Check out this link:

Remember the old saying: United we stand, divided we fall. It looks like there is a tremendous effort to divide and conquer. I don't like to follow the pack. My eyes are open. And I see this alien implant technology as the root cause for all the chaos amongst mankind. The puppet masters aren't even human.

Of course you may even have alien implants. Your posts may even be originated from the puppet masters.

Now if we can just get the NSA to reintroduce RIFE technology to destroy all the alien implants in government officials, then maybe our nation can become united again.
The road being built will be lined on either side with dead bodies, Vodkafan.
You were admittedly ignorant yesterday, yet today you pretend expertise.
The debt is equally artificial, so speak for yourself.

What pains I take to live moderately as autonomously is my business.
To be born into original sin isn’t to relent to evil, e.g. twisting truth
by misdefining it, distorting stated facts, over-rationalizing ...&c. So,
let us ignore each other on the grounds that we are incompatible.

Flimsy is all documentation of alien activity on Earth, including the a-v
above with the fake-looking photo. Too many times have I refuted such
claims to welcome any more. Since the scenario posed by the War of the
Worlds yet tempts deceivers to create an extraterrestrial enemy for the
purpose of getting men to embrace a world government, expect me to
remain inflexible on the subject.

The real threat is by satanists whom would mandate RFID implants.
They want to mark humans as though they are beasts of burden. Not
wanting to be complicit in their thus marking people with the "sign of
the beast," I reject incrementalism. I refuse to let my driver's license be
scanned even for medical treatment and am prepared to die for it.
Satan is just soooo Hungry. I mean Soooooooooo Hungry. And the lion/lying goes to and fro, up and down, seeking whom he may devour.
Flimsy is all documentation of alien activity on Earth, including the a-v
above with the fake-looking photo. Too many times have I refuted such
claims to welcome any more. Since the scenario posed by the War of the
Worlds yet tempts deceivers to create an extraterrestrial enemy for the
purpose of getting men to embrace a world government, expect me to
remain inflexible on the subject.

The real threat is by satanists whom would mandate RFID implants.
They want to mark humans as though they are beasts of burden. Not
wanting to be complicit in their thus marking people with the "sign of
the beast," I reject incrementalism. I refuse to let my driver's license be
scanned even for medical treatment and am prepared to die for it.

I'm surprised to see the video I posted about Roger Leir has been censored by YouTube. Your reply indicates you didn't get to watch the video. So if its been censored, are you at least interested in why?

In a nutshell, Roger Leir is a medical doctor that has surgically removed objects from people that have claimed to have been abducted by aliens. These objects are not of earthly origin. They appear to be manufactured, when viewed with the aid of an electron microscope. The objects emit radio frequency radiation. There appears to be organic tissue surrounding the objects. The organic tissue seems to be growing out of the objects. Our bodies do not reject these foreign objects. Which is something our medical science can not reproduce. These objects are considered hardcore proof of aliens.

Here is another link:

Its only about 10 minutes long. But if it interests you, there are lots of videos on YouTube with more info on this. Some even show the doctor removing an alien implant.

It is not known what purpose these alien objects perform.

Now I speculated that these are control devices used by the aliens. Probably not for the purpose of actually taking over control of our bodies. But quite possibly these alien objects could be used that way. So the good aliens just use the devices to subdue us while gathering whatever genetic material they need for their studies. But what about the bad aliens? Are they using those alien implants to actually control key people in our governments? Think about it. With technology like that, we have actually been invaded and conquered and occupied by an alien race that most people don't even know exist.

So this NWO that you suggest might not actually be mankind's doing. And I seriously doubt the ET's will be able to pull it off.

I also mentioned Rife. He was a medical researcher that learned how to destroy disease within our bodies using specific frequencies of radio frequency radiation. He documented his results. People were actually cured of many diseases with Rife treatments. Cancer was among the diseases cured. Yet the medical community denounced his research. And was instrumental in getting laws passed outlawing Rife technology. To this day it is illegal to buy a Rife machine. And if a medical doctor is caught using a Rife machine, he will lose his license to practice medicine. What is surprising is that I don't seem to be able to find any counter research done by the medical community to refute Rife's research. Just lots of propaganda.

Why did I mention Rife? Because I think the medical community is under the direct control of the ET's. And the ET's may not want us to find out that Rife treatments interfere with their alien implant devices.

We could wipe out the alien invasion and occupation with Rife machines tuned to a frequency that disables the alien implants. No bullets needed.

I think President Obama needs a Rife treatment. He's probably infested with those alien implants.
Or come up with a device that dis engaged or locates the implant at the doctors office. You know, like a counterfeit pen that turns the bill black/brown if its fake. The doctor could take it out right there. Anyone who has experienced missing time or dreams of alien/abductions could have this done. Of course this would have to be done without the governments knowledge .
Or come up with a device that dis engaged or locates the implant at the doctors office. You know, like a counterfeit pen that turns the bill black/brown if its fake. The doctor could take it out right there. Anyone who has experienced missing time or dreams of alien/abductions could have this done. Of course this would have to be done without the governments knowledge .

On YouTube in one of Roger Leir's videos, he shows how he finds an alien implant underneath the skin.

It's interesting, Einstein.
For all the times you have been so vociferously against experimentally validated scientific facts, you have the audacity to present absolute bullshit as validation of alien abductions and alien implants being inserted into unwitting individuals.
At times, I thought you might be educable... but, I must reconsider, in light of this.
Perhaps, you are simply an un-convertible devotee of Fallibilism.

Fallibilism [Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy]

I have a hard time understanding why otherwise seemingly intelligent individuals deny logic and subscribe to these conspiracy theories.

NWO... there is no "new" world order. It is, just as it has been, since the dawn of civilization. Just look back at the Greeks, Romans, Persians, or Egyptians. History shows us that the subjects will always be subjugated by a governing power. Be it corporate, dictator, or elected government makes no difference. Six of one or a half dozen of the other. Some stand up to this subjugation and resist. This is what brings about change and advancement. Others actively seek to be ruled as they feel inadequate to make their own decisions. I have heard these subjects referred to as "the sheeple". Today we call them, Democrats. :D (sorry, I couldn't help myself )

Millions will be sacrificed for the advancement of the NWO.
Why in the hell would anyone destroy that which sustains them??!!

I won't bother getting in to GMO, fluoridated water, chem-trails, and other absurdities. Most of the followers of these have no understanding of what they are following... They are just following. Perhaps, we should call these lemmings.??

I think you've misunderstood my entire meaning for my above posts. There is a doctor that has removed objects from people. These objects have been labelled as alien implants. That isn't my doing. The objects are real. That makes them verifiable facts.

As for why the objects are there? Well, as you can see, I can fabricate better bullshit that any NWO conspiracy nut. Since my bullshit says the conspiracy nuts probably have alien implants in them.

I totally agree with you that there never can be a NWO. It would be like shooting off your own foot, just for spite.

As for Ohm's law and Newton's laws of motion? Maybe someone had some alien implant assistance in fabricating that bullshit.
I don't know about alien implants but I am not too happy about scientists making spare organs out of mixed human/animal DNA....I just got a bad feeling about that
I don't know about alien implants but I am not too happy about scientists making spare organs out of mixed human/animal DNA....I just got a bad feeling about that

I for one think there is some hanky panky going on with the Grey's that we aren't being told about. Who created them? How do they perpetuate their species? And, do they eat small children?
I for one think there is some hanky panky going on with the Grey's that we aren't being told about. Who created them? How do they perpetuate their species? And, do they eat small children?

From the pics of Greys I have seen I don't think they are meat eaters. How do we know they are not just interstellar drop outs and hobos going from planet to planet instead of getting a proper job?
From the pics of Greys I have seen I don't think they are meat eaters. How do we know they are not just interstellar drop outs and hobos going from planet to planet instead of getting a proper job?

Well, I just happen to notice that a Grey and a goblin seem to me to be similar in appearance. And goblins have been reported to steal children. Similar to abductee stories of abducted women claiming to have been impregnated and then have their unborn fetuses mysteriously disappear. So the stories of Greys and goblins have a similar element to them.

And then the reported observations that the Greys don't appear to have any reproductive organs. Kind of like they were manufactured that way. By who? I have to ask, did we create the Grey race long ago to be the servants of mankind? If so, then apparently there was a revolt. We lost the war against our own creation. Think about it. They control us now.
Haha Einstein if anybody was in control things would be runnning a lot smoother. ;)

Sure, if harmony and total obedience was their objective. But what if the Grey's are behind all the mayhem that apparently man gets the credit for creating? As long as we keep fighting amongst ourselves, we wont be a threat to them.
[...]I have a hard time understanding why otherwise seemingly intelligent individuals deny logic and subscribe to these conspiracy theories.

NWO... there is no "new" world order. It is, just as it has been, since the dawn of civilization. Just look back at the Greeks, Romans, Persians, or Egyptians. History shows us that the subjects will always be subjugated by a governing power. Be it corporate, dictator, or elected government makes no difference. Six of one or a half dozen of the other. Some stand up to this subjugation and resist. This is what brings about change and advancement. Others actively seek to be ruled as they feel inadequate to make their own decisions. I have heard these subjects referred to as "the sheeple". Today we call them, Democrats. :D (sorry, I couldn't help myself )
Theme song.

[...]Millions will be sacrificed for the advancement of the NWO.
Why in the hell would anyone destroy that which sustains them??!!
Robotics (therein below see, too, the a-v in post 7).

That is as much as I'll say about post #30 between now and New Year’s Day.
