It's interesting, Einstein.
For all the times you have been so vociferously against experimentally validated scientific facts, you have the audacity to present absolute bullshit as validation of alien abductions and alien implants being inserted into unwitting individuals.
At times, I thought you might be educable... but, I must reconsider, in light of this.
Perhaps, you are simply an un-convertible devotee of Fallibilism.' rel="external nofollow">
Fallibilism [internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy]
I have a hard time understanding why otherwise seemingly intelligent individuals deny logic and subscribe to these conspiracy theories.
NWO... there is no "new" world order. It is, just as it has been, since the dawn of civilization. Just look back at the Greeks, Romans, Persians, or Egyptians. History shows us that the subjects will always be subjugated by a governing power. Be it corporate, dictator, or elected government makes no difference. Six of one or a half dozen of the other. Some stand up to this subjugation and resist. This is what brings about change and advancement. Others actively seek to be ruled as they feel inadequate to make their own decisions. I have heard these subjects referred to as "the sheeple". Today we call them, Democrats.

(sorry, I couldn't help myself )
Millions will be sacrificed for the advancement of the NWO.
Why in the hell would anyone destroy that which sustains them??!!
I won't bother getting in to GMO, fluoridated water, chem-trails, and other absurdities. Most of the followers of these have no understanding of what they are following... They are just following. Perhaps, we should call these lemmings.??