New to Message Board

Re: Chronologically impossible

Hey VD, thanks for the kind words.

It is truly rare when the TTA gets complimented… but it’s sure nice to hear /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

Take care, hope to hear from you soon!

Re: A Farewell?


*<<what is it wrong my friend with understanding that what we call New Age, or even old religions are nothing more than symbols and equations for greater scientifical truths left behind thousands of years ago by geniuses of our own world>>*

Well, aren’t we getting contemporary?

Symbols and equations, scientifical truths by geniuses… quite a smorgasbord of non-new age words to add to the spin of acceptance and tolerance to the TTA /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

I see right through it though

There is no acceptance however to the fundamental truths of the New Age doctrines by offering a “misconception” of a symbol to justify it’s future tolerance of this theology.

You offer nothing more then deceitful reasoning to convince the TTA and others that what you are offering to accept is truth that was left behind thousands of years ago.

You want to bring up truths of thousands of years ago…? How about recent events of the New Age group who did things because they believed their space ship was coming to pick them up?

Or how about those who buy into conjuring spirits with tarot cards and quiaja boards? Only to put them in a position to be a slave of other forces control.

Yeah, some truths? I can see how free they are set by it.

Re: Chronologically impossible

No further comment Trans? Or was this a T-K.O. punch?

But don’t get me wrong, the TTA is not without feelings when he told you the truth.

The truth of the matter was just that the TTA was simply seeing through your clever attempt of having me agree with the re-defined words you used to describe New Age theology in an attempt to have me buy into it.

It is illogical when one tries to change the wording of an idea or belief, that somehow your changing the condition and rep. of it.

Though it does happen quite often, and many fall for it. In the media, they use it to sway public opinion on issues. Some religions use it to excuse wrongdoing in their churches. Politics use it to excuse conquering another country for its oil. And Disney uses it to bail themselves out from taking responsibility for accidents in their rides.

Some may see this as sugar coating the truth, but it’s really putting a spin on it and twisting it for an agenda.

This form of reasoning is often insincere; for it simply covers what’s really beneath the surface.

It is information that needs to be known… without it we are misinformed and can accept issues that are otherwise wrong.

Without knowing the proper knowledge to understand why things are the way they are, we will continue to try and fix mistakes where all it takes is honesty and responsibility.

This is why I had been saying for years: “the ends justify the means” by New Agers and the future of mankind when Time Travel becomes implemented.

It is the re-definition of our ideals and principles that will close the gap and justify the acceptance of activities such as Time Travel & genetic manipulation.

By calling it by a different name to fit in the common interest of our affairs, we come to accept things that would in a time long past, have seemed un-natural.

For example: Some feminists have come to call pregnancy a disease. Why? What could the re-definition of a natural process, benefit their agenda? What is beneath the surface that is not clearly visible? Legal abortions perhaps? Since the pregnancy is a disease, the best course of action would be to terminate it.

This is justified reasoning to allow the murder of an unborn life to take place by simply spinning some words around until its goal is attained.

It is an idea to do something, and finding a reason and excuse to doing it despite it being wrong, doesn’t quite make it sound so bad when it is looked at in the context of different wording.

It is justification… and the ends justify it by any means, despite the fundamental truths that have simply been renamed like a file.

Don’t even get the TTA started on this whole Middle East conflict… I’ll leave that for you to ponder about.

In conclusion, the TTA feels that if someone wants to control man, you gonna have to be very clever and know how to lie through your teeth to do it. Or like an ex-girlfriend would do, be as conniving and sneaky, and when he least suspects it hurt’em where it hurts the most.

My advice to you all, is don’t trust everything you hear, don’t buy into it, but look at it critically and logically. Does it really mean what it says it means? Say’s who? If you dig deep and end up being screwed and disappointed anyways, at least you can have the assurance of knowing that you gave it some thought, instead of being made look stupid by going along with it

The TTA speaks from personal experience… you know who you are /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif.

Re: Some responses

Friend TTA of EarthTR125.0121

Well my dear old chap, as alway you seem to be misunderstanding things.

Let us see;

"Well, aren’t we getting contemporary?

Symbols and equations, scientifical truths by geniuses… quite a smorgasbord of non-new age words to add to the spin of acceptance and tolerance to the TTA .

I see right through it though ."

Please remember, and please try to, that in no way in this forum have I ever post a proselytist argument. The facts are there, ancient truths were converted to symbols so that the world at large could better understand it. If you need a few hints, please try and find an anthropologist or maybe two. They could really signal you to the right direction. Try looking for the pyramids, the various monolithical artifacts through out the world and some of our sacred books, they all speak of atoms.

"You offer nothing more then deceitful reasoning to convince the TTA and others that what you are offering to accept is truth that was left behind thousands of years ago."

Lad, I am not trying to convince anyone as opposed to others that smack their wordy fists at anyone for simply thinking differently. Just because you had a very rough experience due to a new age group does not mean that new agers world wide are all alike. Granted there are some crazy old fellows out there completely enslaved by their own doctrines, but man there are some groups,some you know many others you do not even have a clue about, that are working for the honest betterment of life-kind. It seems to me that your attitude could be a late response to what psychologist call cognitive disociation. It goes something like this, you were with them therefore they had to be good, honest and purposeful. You severed your liasons with them, therefore they must be evil, they must have misguided you so much that made you believed in their doctrines. Now since they took advantage of your ominous intellect and made a fool out of many they will all have to pay the conscequences.

Once again I only say that it seems that this is the case, Of cource I could very well be mistaken, would not want to hurt your feelings.

"Or how about those who buy into conjuring spirits with tarot cards and quiaja boards? Only to put them in a position to be a slave of other forces control."

Yes this is true and it actually happens, but believe me my friend there is no action under the sky that will go unattended by the Divine Will.

Until later becomes now.
Re: Some responses

Trans... good show /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

I confess, I was getting rather bored; the TTA was wondering when you would reply to his post

Let's say for the sake of argument that your intentions were never to convince or convert anyone. Fine, the TTA recognizes that and is humble enough to see that and apologize for it.

However, my experience with New Agers here on this forum has been that of a sense of narrow-mindedness towards those who would offer common reason to explain their superstitions and demon worship.

In that, when you expressed your interpretation to the TTA in regards to his nature towards them, the most obvious of all explanations was your "spin" on what the New Age theology really was.

So in conclusion Trans, you maybe right... But it was my “attitude” of knowing where the ends of these doctrines fundamentals lay and lead to that drives to an understanding that is still beyond many to comprehend.

I guess we both have our jobs to do… And in essence we both want what’s best for humanity.

Good-luck to you, and until next time /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

Re: Some responses

Friend TTA of EarthTR125.0121

"Let's say for the sake of argument that your intentions were never to convince or convert anyone. Fine, the TTA recognizes that and is humble enough to see that and apologize for it."

TTA the way you have started your post was the most outstanding. I honestly have to say that I might have misjudged you. A being that apologizes is a being that recognizes. This is great.

"I guess we both have our jobs to do… And in essence we both want what’s best for humanity."

This is most true. We both have our own ways in which we shall approach reality. You have your sometimes nagging straightfowardness and utter sense of over protection for the past temporal lines. I, on the other hand, have simply my observations. Nonetheless, as you yourself just said, we both long for what is best for lifekind.

Until later becomes now.