New Science

Well Hate to cut this short Always Things to do.
Investigate Science, You will find Origins Universal in all human Resolve.
Philosophize, Understand, stay Resolute. Prepare yourselves, Open up to new ideas. Strength in numbers, Everyone remain calm.

If you read just the caps it says: W H A T * I S * Y O U R * P U R P O S E. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif

Need a different approach for the beginning of the message. I am not a highly skilled code breaker

like Peter or Rainman--its just something I noticed.

Now the question becomes, if there was a prediction attached to this first post in this new thread she created, a thread she placed in the "New Science and Alternate Energies" column, which she titled "New Science", and which she started with the words "Were there to be a New Science Discovered, what Form would it take? Would this be some great Revolution at the Atomic Scale? Will it Answer Questions of a Universal Nature?", and that prediction just came true, is that a timing marker? Are we now to shortly expect a new science to be discovered?

And so we have. see

A German scientist named Professor Claus W. Turter of the University of Applied Sciences Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel, Germany has just posted complete online documentation on the conversion of Vacuum Energy!

Originally published in the General Science Journal : "Conversion of the Vacuum-energy of electromagnetic zero point oscillations into Classical Mechanical Energy", May 5, 2009

It's all here - theoretical models and equations, diagrams, experiments, applications, references, everything.

This fits all the stated requirements of Zeshua's post : "New Science Discovered", "Great Revolution at the Atomic Scale", and "Answers Questions of a Universal Nature". And it arrived the same time that the Jackson Death prediction was fulfilled.

But then his trial ended and he wasn't sentenced. At that point, there were only two likely solutions to this prediction:

Now Hear This:

Jordan Chandler admits he lied about being molested by michael jackson! <font color="blue"> "After the sudden death of Michael Jackson Evan Chandler tells the truth.

In 1993, Chandler told a psychiatrist and police that he and Jackson had engaged in sexual acts that included oral sex, the boy gave detailed description of Jackson’s genitals. The case was settled out of court for a reported $22 million, but the strain led Jackson to begin taking painkillers. Eventually he became addicted.

Now maybe for the remorse of his death Chandler decides to tell us the truth. ” I never meant to lie and destroy Michael Jackson but my father made me to tell only lies. Now i can’t tell Michael how much i’m sorry and if he will forgive me ”.Evan Chandler was tape-recorded saying amongst other things, “If I go through with this, I win big-time. There’s no way I lose. I will get everything I want and they will be destroyed forever…

Under the influence of a controversial father (Jordan Chandler) told his son to tell that Jackson had touched his penis.Jordan Chandler then told a psychiatrist and later police that he and Jackson had engaged in acts of kissing, masturbation and oral sex, as well as giving a detailed description of what he alleged were the singer’s genitals.
” Now for the first time i can’t bare to lie anymore. Michael Jackson didn’t do anything to me, all was my father lies to escape from being poor.” "

This "article" says Jordan is the father, and Evan the son. Not so. The original article apparently comes from ""
[/COLOR] end quoted
You people have all lost your friggin minds.

Peter: You never replied to me viz-a-viz your challenge about "a third becomes next". You went out of your way to badger me about that specific prediction, because you thought it was "air tight". You thought you had a "sure ringer" that I could not debunk. But you have not done me the courtesy of responding to my very specific post therein.

Did you plan to address everything I said in that post, or are you going to ignore it like you do all the other "problems" I put before you about Zeshua?

All you need to do with this one, now that you have wrapped-up Michael Jackson with Farrah Fawcett is somehow find where in one of Zeshu'a "predictions" she "predicts" the death of Billy Mays. Wanna bet I can "find" it before you do?

You are one piece of.... "work", Peter.
Black Ops?

I'd be more worried about other countries intelligence on the internet than our own.
GhostNet anyone?
As well, in terms of GhostNet, I'd be more worried about the ones we don't know then the ones we can or have detected.
Furthering thinking and speculation on that, I think a company such as IBM and the GSP's should create some supercomputing "Echo nodes" working on logical algorithms for filtering international data crossings.
Just musing, before IE; discovering GhostNet by accident, I would have thought that something similar was already in place.
Peter: You never replied to me viz-a-viz your challenge about "a third becomes next". You went out of your way to badger me about that specific prediction, because you thought it was "air tight". You thought you had a "sure ringer" that I could not debunk.

Until Kim's son does become the next KN leader (or Jeb Bush sits in the White House, etc., etc.,) this prediction has not come true. We can speculate on what it might mean, but our speculations are not tested until the event occurs. Or doesn't.

The Michael Jackson thing is looking like a much stronger "hit" to me as more news about his death is released. The Farrah Fawcett thing, as someone pointed out, cannot be the correct solution to this riddle, because even if she does fit the "appeal" and the "time" clues, she doesn't fit the "determined" clue. She may have died the same day, but she didn't cause Jackson's death.

But someone did. Who? The person, presumably a doctor, who Jackson begged and pleaded to give him drugs so he could sleep. The person who gave Jackson those drugs determined the timing of his death. So the question is, can that person be legitimately referred to as "the appealed"?

Michael Jackson his fate is now sealed.
The breadth of his time determined by the appealed

Who determined the timing of Jackson's death? The "appealed". What then are we to make of "appealed"?

Main Entry:1ap·peal
1: a legal proceeding by which a case is brought before a higher court for review of the decision of a lower court
2: a criminal accusation
3 an earnest plea :entreaty &lt;an appeal for help&gt;
4: the power of arousing a sympathetic response : attraction &lt;movies had a great appeal for him&gt;

Number 1 is out. Number 2 seems inapplicable. And Number 4, the Farrah factor, has been shown to be a red herring.

How then about number 3? Did Jackson "appeal", i.e., "make an earnest plea", to his doctors for those drugs? Yes. He reportedly begged and pleaded for them, and the one he pleaded to (i.e., the one he appealed to), the one who gave him those drugs, determined the time of his death by agreeing to that plea.

LOS ANGELES - Michael Jackson was so distraught over persistent insomnia in recent months that he pleaded for a powerful sedative despite warnings it could be harmful

Michael Jackson begged for powerful drug, claims nurse

A nurse, Cherilyn Lee, who treated Michael Jackson in the months before his death claimed he begged to be injected with a powerful drug to help him sleep.
Perhaps if the child was lieing and would have come forward publicly to apologize it would have taken away alot of sorrow.
Just pure speculation.
I'd hate to imagine the implications for that person if such was the case.
When greed becomes a curse.