New Evidence that Helps Validate that John aka TT_0 was in Fact from the Future.

Jay Walker

Chrono Cadet
Your Honor, I would like to admit this exhibit into evidence as Exhibit A.

November 7, 2000, John submitted to TTI a post describing his time-travel device. In this post he describes his device having 4 cesium clocks in the C204. For those who don't know what a cesium clock is, it is a time-keeping device that measures the frequency in which atoms vibrate. Cesium is a chemical element with the symbol Cs and atomic number 55. Cesium plays a critical role in technology, especially in atomic clocks, where its precise oscillation frequency is used to define the second in the International System of Units (SI). It's also used in electronics, medical imaging, and even as a drilling fluid in the oil industry.
However, John mentions in the same post that the C206 time displacement unit uses 6 cesium clocks, but (a huge but) but they use an optical system to measure the oscillation frequency. To the average Joe this might seem completely benign. Although it may seem like an insignificant detail, the research I conducted via pure curiosity found that the optical system in order to measure atomic frequency for purpose of clock was not invented yet. The earliest you can find this tech being developed was at the University of Tokyo in 2001 (a year after John's Post), where a man named Professor Hidetoshi Katori developed an Optical Lattice Clock, which is similar to the Optical Atomic Clock. However, there was a demonstration of optical comb technology in 2000.

In other words, in 2001, optical atomic clock technology was a very new emerging technology. He mentions it almost like 'in passing' as part of his time-traveling narrative?

Methinks not.
Optical Atomic Clock.webp
The Image above is an example of what is called an Optical Atomic Clock.

The cesium clock does pre-date John's posts, however, the patent for an OPTICAL system that checks oscillation frequency has a patent:

Pantent #US7982944B2
Simply entitled: "Method and apparatus for optical frequency comb generation using a monolithic micro-resonator."
The year of our lord good 'ol 2008.

TT_0 Chat Cesium Clock Highlighted.webp
This is a screenshot from a YouTube video that has a robot voice reading all of John's Posts.
I highlighted the key sentence.
Just some context to further my theory.

One of NIST's 2013 pair of ytterbium optical lattice atomic clocks.

Look at how massive they were in 2013. They weren't even imagined to be portable until fairly recently. But John did? How?

Also, John L. Hall and Theodor W. Hansch shared the 2005 Nobel Prize in Physics for their contributions to optical clock development.

So, what do you think?

Disclaimer* if I am missing information or have anything wrong it was due to the excitement of getting this posted. Perhaps more due diligence is in order.
Or perhaps I stumbled across something everyone overlooked?
Please help either proving me correct or let me down easily and tell me I am a schmuck.

- J


  • TT_0 Chat Cesium Clock.webp
    TT_0 Chat Cesium Clock.webp
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Whoever Titor or TT0 is, he/she is definitely involved in some sort of time travel operation. I know this because I found evidence of time manipulation, and some of it is related to and/or referenced in the posts.

But others do not see what I see. Titor is merely words on a screen to most people. There is nothing specific or definitive to prove he was a time traveler. At best, you scrounge up "Evidence that Helps Validate". Under any normal circumstance, Titor would be immediately written off as a hoaxer or mentally ill. He'd be dismissed and forgotten. His internet legacy would have lasted about two minutes. You would not find it with a web search, and there would be no cult following or fancy expensive websites.

It has always puzzled me why so many people would invest so much for so long into an anonymous claim backed by nothing.
Whoever Titor or TT0 is, he/she is definitely involved in some sort of time travel operation. I know this because I found evidence of time manipulation, and some of it is related to and/or referenced in the posts.

But others do not see what I see. Titor is merely words on a screen to most people. There is nothing specific or definitive to prove he was a time traveler. At best, you scrounge up "Evidence that Helps Validate". Under any normal circumstance, Titor would be immediately written off as a hoaxer or mentally ill. He'd be dismissed and forgotten. His internet legacy would have lasted about two minutes. You would not find it with a web search, and there would be no cult following or fancy expensive websites.

It has always puzzled me why so many people would invest so much for so long into an anonymous claim backed by nothing.
I see where your coming from. My interest in time-travel goes back to when I was maybe 13. I watched any movie that tested their writing abilities trying to write around plot-line paradoxes. Because of these constant plot holes, I became very skeptical regarding people claiming it was real. My interest never diminished even though these claims all have their own plot-holes.

Why am I telling you this?
And why is it important?

Well, I am telling you because you posted on this thread that I wrote, secondly it may not be important to you, but I think it is fun.

The reason why I find this particular story about John Titor fun, is that he explained time-travel in a way that I had never heard before. He in just a few posts eliminated the paradoxes that still plague writers in Hollywood forcing them to rewrite time-loop narratives over and over again. Semi-recently they tried their hand at a Time Dilation movie called Interstellar. In order to write this movie, they needed assistance from one of the most brilliant theoretical physicists in the world. Kip Thorne.
However, some random poster from 2000 claiming to be a time traveler from a dystopian future created something that just doesn't exist in pop culture because they keep running into causality paradoxes. His story is so compelling to me because no one really knows how to disprove his claims. The only evidence people have is that the future events he spoke about never happened.
I argue, that is not evidence against him because he happened to close that paradox that allows for a divergence to occur from our perspective.

I have heard many time-traveler claims, but they are usually boring and doesn't make any sense. John's story on the hand, real or fake captivates me.

I hope that makes sense to you.

I don't mind talking about it, so let me know if you have questions, or some links that discuss this further. Tc.

If it is a cult to some, it isn't to me.
This story got my creative juices flowing and I think people that dismiss this story are really missing out.
Thank you, Jay Walker. You find Titor's story unique and interesting so you follow along for fun. I think that's true for a lot of people. I question the motives of some though.

Time travel operations apparently involve a lot of very dark and ugly things. There is a lot of foul play and I don't really trust any of it at face value. That includes the world of John Titor and these sites.
I really don't know what the Titor saga has become. I only know that John's purpose was driven by decent intentions, and that is the only thing I know for sure.
When people find opportunity, they always take it to the absolute breaking point. John was the exception.

However, as far as this site is concerned, I really thought by being someone that took time learning about everything surrounding this site, I would be preaching to the quire most of the time. It turns out however, that the people I have interacted with are the biggest sceptics. They are harder to convince than people that dismiss it as nuts. It turns out, they are talented, educated, and smart critical thinkers, and during a time in history that can be so arrogant, these guys let you have a voice even when they don't agree.

P.S. Politics aren't welcomed as much as I would have expected. Some people here flat out abandon threads that get too politically charged.
I really don't know what the Titor saga has become. I only know that John's purpose was driven by decent intentions, and that is the only thing I know for sure.
When people find opportunity, they always take it to the absolute breaking point. John was the exception.

However, as far as this site is concerned, I really thought by being someone that took time learning about everything surrounding this site, I would be preaching to the quire most of the time. It turns out however, that the people I have interacted with are the biggest sceptics. They are harder to convince than people that dismiss it as nuts. It turns out, they are talented, educated, and smart critical thinkers, and during a time in history that can be so arrogant, these guys let you have a voice even when they don't agree.

P.S. Politics aren't welcomed as much as I would have expected. Some people here flat out abandon threads that get too politically charged.

Don't be so sure. Titor's story is fiction laced with hidden info, and evidence suggests these sites are an intelligence operation. They're already busted doing all kinds of shady things. Their integrity is null. They aren't trustworthy.

If this gets through moderation, if I start backing up my assertions, this conversation will not be allowed to continue. The cosmic gatekeeper will have to end it. So conversations here are kind of pointless or of little value.
I really don't know what the Titor saga has become. I only know that John's purpose was driven by decent intentions, and that is the only thing I know for sure. When people find opportunity, they always take it to the absolute breaking point. John was the exception.

A lot was added to the story. The Titor story wasn't that complicated, but through the years people have added more and more to it.
A lot was added to the story. The Titor story wasn't that complicated, but through the years people have added more and more to it.

It's been subjected to heavy manipulation. ...posts altered removed or added, rebranding as a hoax, copyrights, gatekeeper control freaks, lies, obfuscation, hacking, stalking, etc.

Titor was/is shady too. Why would a time travel operative post on the internet? Why would he/she go out of his/her way to be noticed and secretly leave or point out evidence of time travel directed at specific people? Why not quietly approach them send a letter or something more simple direct and discreet?

The whole situation is wrought with inconsistency and deception.
It's been subjected to heavy manipulation. ...posts altered removed or added, rebranding as a hoax, copyrights, gatekeeper control freaks, lies, obfuscation, hacking, stalking, etc.

Titor was/is shady too. Why would a time travel operative post on the internet? Why would he/she go out of his/her way to be noticed and secretly leave or point out evidence of time travel directed at specific people? Why not quietly approach them send a letter or something more simple direct and discreet?

The whole situation is wrought with inconsistency and deception.

To whoever did that; That's not what I posted. Do you not understand how rude it is to moderate and alter people's conversation? Why must you filter?
To whoever did that; That's not what I posted. Do you not understand how rude it is to moderate and alter people's conversation? Why must you filter?
I'm sorry, I did that. It won't happen again. I didn't realize that some of you individuals are sensitive to what you post and how you post it. I just thought that the post in question looked like something that needed to be corrected grammatically. Next time, I'll just leave it be, no matter how much unacceptable it looks to me. ;)
It's been subjected to heavy manipulation. ...posts altered removed or added, rebranding as a hoax, copyrights, gatekeeper control freaks, lies, obfuscation, hacking, stalking, etc.

Titor was/is shady too. Why would a time travel operative post on the internet? Why would he/she go out of his/her way to be noticed and secretly leave or point out evidence of time travel directed at specific people? Why not quietly approach them send a letter or something more simple direct and discreet?

The whole situation is wrought with inconsistency and deception.

I’ve experienced some of it. And I’ve often had questions, too. I understand where you are coming from. Maybe the posts were meant for someone to find.
Your Honor, I would like to admit this exhibit into evidence as Exhibit A.

November 7, 2000, John submitted to TTI a post describing his time-travel device. In this post he describes his device having 4 cesium clocks in the C204. For those who don't know what a cesium clock is, it is a time-keeping device that measures the frequency in which atoms vibrate. Cesium is a chemical element with the symbol Cs and atomic number 55. Cesium plays a critical role in technology, especially in atomic clocks, where its precise oscillation frequency is used to define the second in the International System of Units (SI). It's also used in electronics, medical imaging, and even as a drilling fluid in the oil industry.
However, John mentions in the same post that the C206 time displacement unit uses 6 cesium clocks, but (a huge but) but they use an optical system to measure the oscillation frequency. To the average Joe this might seem completely benign. Although it may seem like an insignificant detail, the research I conducted via pure curiosity found that the optical system in order to measure atomic frequency for purpose of clock was not invented yet. The earliest you can find this tech being developed was at the University of Tokyo in 2001 (a year after John's Post), where a man named Professor Hidetoshi Katori developed an Optical Lattice Clock, which is similar to the Optical Atomic Clock. However, there was a demonstration of optical comb technology in 2000.

In other words, in 2001, optical atomic clock technology was a very new emerging technology. He mentions it almost like 'in passing' as part of his time-traveling narrative?

Methinks not.
View attachment 2395
The Image above is an example of what is called an Optical Atomic Clock.

The cesium clock does pre-date John's posts, however, the patent for an OPTICAL system that checks oscillation frequency has a patent:

Pantent #US7982944B2
Simply entitled: "Method and apparatus for optical frequency comb generation using a monolithic micro-resonator."
The year of our lord good 'ol 2008.

View attachment 2397
This is a screenshot from a YouTube video that has a robot voice reading all of John's Posts.
I highlighted the key sentence.
Just some context to further my theory.
View attachment 2398

One of NIST's 2013 pair of ytterbium optical lattice atomic clocks.

Look at how massive they were in 2013. They weren't even imagined to be portable until fairly recently. But John did? How?

Also, John L. Hall and Theodor W. Hansch shared the 2005 Nobel Prize in Physics for their contributions to optical clock development.

So, what do you think?

Disclaimer* if I am missing information or have anything wrong it was due to the excitement of getting this posted. Perhaps more due diligence is in order.
Or perhaps I stumbled across something everyone overlooked?
Please help either proving me correct or let me down easily and tell me I am a schmuck.

- J
Ya think, maybe, possibly? Idk. What I do know is, time travel isn't possible by speed or gravity pockets. At light speed there is a huge problem with increasing mass, with gravity cavities you get stuck at the center never exiting the other end... there may be another way though.