Re: Nature of \"Time\" a Frequency of Synchronizati
TKS, (but it's ancient history already)...
you should see it's replacement.
Hidden away somewhere inside an undisclosed MT. the rush with the hypersonic will bolster enough trickle down funds for the black one, it needs funding for a combination cloak/shield system and navigation scans. The micro-black hole emitted from the wave-guide propulsion systems "pull" the craft anywhere it's projected. Because of it's amazingly powerful force, most of the initial energy required to open it is equivelant to a "starter" system, after that the micro-black hole supports the remainder of the pulling force, very little energy is required to manipulate it's position. A hyperdimensinal "thrust" system pales in comparison to something that never runs out of fuel!
Don't know how I know; (I just do) but if I told anyone more, I would hve to go back in Time & shoot myself!