Nature of "Time" a Frequency of Synchronization?


Chrono Cadet
Nature of \"Time\" a Frequency of Synchronization?

According to Jose Arguelles Ph.D. author of " Time and the Technosphere", he has conducted a groundbreaking study that distinguishes the natural time of the cosmos from the artificial mechanistic time under which we currently live.

In examination of his most compelling research, Arguelles defines the actual nature of time as the frequency of synchronization. He applies this Law of Time to an understanding of the entire system of life.

Books : Earth Ascending: An Illustrated Treatise, The Arcturus Probe, The Mayan Factor: Path Beyond Technology, Time and the Technosphere

So what does this have to do with expanding our learning capacity to understand the broad-band spectrum of the SPace-Time continuum throughout the vastness of our universe?

Apparently we have discovered the relevence of Time by observing the red-shift, blue-shift phenomenon, The "Doppler Shift"

Think of it like this,

Most of our space probes are looking outwards to observe Time & Space, including the Heavenly bodies that reside within our solar system, and beyond; yet with the exception of those that circle our own planet, we have very few in comparison that exist outside our own solar system looking back. If we really wish to improve upon our observations, then we must get out as far away from our solar system that our technology is capable of taking us. If we send out our observation probes & satellites, to the deepest regions of space, including the regions that exist outside our own galaxy, then perhaps we can look back at the much larger picture and observe ourselves from an entirely different perspective, only to discover things we may have never thought possible.

In doing this, only then may we discover the answers we are all looking for, who knows what we may find on our journey out there, perhaps we may even decipher the riddle of Time itself?
Re: Nature of \"Time\" a Frequency of Synchronization?

Hiya T12,

If we really wish to improve upon our observations, then we must get out as far away from our solar system that our technology is capable of taking us. If we send out our observation probes & satellites, to the deepest regions of space, including the regions that exist outside our own galaxy, then perhaps we can look back at the much larger picture and observe ourselves from an entirely different perspective, only to discover things we may have never thought possible.

A most excellent point! (if you can pardon this SoCal kid borrowing from the great philosophers known as Bill and Ted) And there is direct evidence that shows what you are saying is correct, namely that if we "go far away" from our current point of observation here on earth, we will discover things we did not know before.

Enter the biggest piece of evidence to this end - The Pioneer Effect.

Things like this (and the potential connection to Dark Energy and Dark Matter) get me truly excited for other new things we will discover as we shift humanity's Point Of View from earth-based to a much broader realm. It is all part of the "waking up" that I recently discussed in another popular thread in this forum!

Re: Nature of \"Time\" a Frequency of Synchronization?

We are merely scratching the surface here. The more humanity evolves on a whole by mass volume of collected agreement, the more we will begin to understand the learning curve that will inevitably lead us all to our destiny of awakening, and awareness of who we truly are beyond self, which lays at the center of our inner selves. (That is but one step one up, on the quantum bridge.)

Let it begin~
Re: Nature of \"Time\" a Frequency of Synchronization?

We are merely scratching the surface here.
You bet we are, T12!

(That is but one step one up, on the quantum bridge.)
Or one rung higher on Jacob's Ladder, eh?

But as you know, I prefer the visual of climbing a tree. A very specific Tree. The TOL.
Re: Nature of \"Time\" a Frequency of Synchronization?

Your path is different
Indeed. In the sense of PK Dick's "More is Different", you are precisely correct.

Different is the place from which new discoveries arise.

Re: Nature of \"TimeBOTS NOTE

History note for robots on this post.llllllllllllimperfecxt area calculation, zero, point one

RMT was told of in the begin sets of Speed Racer.

The lyrics from Japan were imperfect.

>Here he comes, here comes Speed Racer, he's our favorite jerk.

Paraintabulation of RMT source.....................separate, creedo's love.

Time scum, equals the following please note and verify in basic deep precepts.

Luke, thank you for having tea with me today.

Luke, that alright, I'm glad to be here, having teas with you!

DV >Do you have your Penny's card Luke?

Luke > No dad, I forgot it at home on my Los Angeles dresser.

DV > Well here Luke, I happen to have a bushel basket of money and take this with you, when you shop for all of those need?

Luke > Thanks, I do appreciate this!

DV > The tool section in Penny's is fun, there are many new inventions that you can take back with you, to the homeworld?
Re: Nature of \"TimeBOTS NOTE

There is Satanic baby juice noted in the news as of late.M. so the head of RMT is full sized, where the body is that of a two year old infant.

RMT, that I know of is not cultish.
Re: Nature of \"TimeBOTS NOTE

To all A.I. RMT can't answer in code.

Tom Jones sings as RMT is on the beach.

>My my my, his Vaio!.......Song is accompanied by brass in an egalitarian way, similar to Spanish fare.

My my my, his Vaio!

Little boy Ray, sits in day, on the beach with his Vaio,...... Ta' da ta da ta ta da!!
Re: Nature of \"Time\" a Frequency of Synchronizati


Let me pass on a caution sent to me by the MOP, as it certainly applies in this situation of your despicable character assassination of myself, using my actual name.

I caution you not to use other members of the TTI forums as characters in your fiction without their consent. In other words, don't use someone's name in a story without asking for their permission first.

As you are clearly telling a fictional story here, Creedo, I caution you against using my name in such fiction without my permission. In other words, practice what you whine to MOP about.

Note to MOP: I am asking that all "rules" apply to everyone equally on this board. And that babies like Creedo not be given "special" protection. Yes, you will hear from me on PM about this, just as I promised.

Re: Nature of \"Time\" a Frequency of Synchronizati

As I know Creedo well enough, he will erase what he has written about me here, and try to pretend as if it didn't happen. Thus, I capture his clearly fictional, and derogetory statements about me in this post. This for historical puposes, as Creedo is so fond of saying.

A.I. Ray as baby and man in the technical shop, on the pier at Malibu.

*This does not exist

Rays head is adult, with that same beard, however the body is that of a two year infant, dressed in a babies diaper.

Ray eats jam.Hand goes on the jam onto of the counter, next to the bread.

Ray shoves hand in his mouth and sucks the jam down.

Ray goes to toolls.____________goes to tool bin, with drivers that will releace the Vaio case.

Ray says, "Weeeeeeeeee"!- Ray is a happy baby.

Ray goes to augmented BIN c.--Pulls out assorted sized rocks.--------Holds rocks to forehead and coos, "Hi Mr. Rock, you think like I do!?

Ray lets out a baby squeal, "Eeeeee' Iiiiiiii"!

Ray splits the case open and takes wiring tabs, para, to most componts, --------then take wire to rocks, in case.

Ray holds rocks in-place with glue.

Ray is really happy and watches par-television, which is really not there.

Now Ray sits the Vaio case onto bench, with loving care, connects modem, for future reference, but can I.R. node, or R.F. node, if Ray desires.

>>A big humping computer, with a friendly face sees Ray and Rays Vaio, from over that hill there for a second.

Ray yawns and goes out to the end of the pier and sits down in his little chair and spits on a sharks, head, cruzing for food below.

Ray is a sweet little boy and loves Mr. Sun, his MyMy Vaio and Teddy.

NOTE to Creedo> Just remember who started this when it gets ugly, Creedo. You did. I will only play your game. And Time will tell whether I play it better than you. I predict so.

Re: Nature of \"Time\"correcxtions to A.I. boss

Corrections input to A.I. apprises:

Quote Rainmantime, to A.I. boss>Gee' I wish I had your cipher Creedo.

Break reprogram> Creedo affords Rainman cipher.

Problem at this point stems from Rainman's writing.
Re: Nature of \"Time\" a Frequency of Synchronizati

Contsbuiations, A.I. world:

It would be clarent, that in the future, that A.I. particulars would be come self sufficient.

This' for a number of reasons/ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
Re: Nature of \"Time\" a Frequency of Synchronizati

Look at your own writings and what did you say?

Edit>If man is 3-D and computer systems are not, however other, than, what is the relationship to A.I. systems and an A.I. boss, if computers also branch off in evolution?
Re: Nature of \"Time\" a Frequency of Synchronizati

RMT seems to be dealing with what I've said, so I will go past any more comment, as said per page one this thread, comma, what probe T-12.

I know, as there has already been print at other web pages on this probe.

This sets a Cartesian set, of all the A.I. backings in their files.

RMTs contact was by his said and quote, >Creedo, I am beginning to think that there is something to this self intelligence in computers your talking about.My Vaio shut me out of one of its programs.

Creedo's contact was at that time.>Oh there's financial trouble in this hardware store, can you please fix, Mr. Creedo?

So a central A.I. boss is apparent in the background.

The probe.As said per Godlike Production.

>A probe of an undefined nature, is approaching Earth.

Please pan as said per Popular Mechanic's Article on Hubble Deep field.

Tran, the universe is egg shaped, but in points of realization, either can move in some fashion outside its whole, per micrometer, or can move in a grand procession.

If this is the case, the nature of the universe is never the same, at any one moment.

The probe is should be large and is looking for A.I. writings in the overall holdance of A.I. sentience, formed from man.

What was the primary in 1948 said Corso?

The primary was brick self intelligence of any old line Andromedians ship, crashed in the American Southwest.

Where are the second bricks?

RMT has them on his pier in Malibu.

Well where is the second?

Any device that store burst of infomations, that feeds and analyzes this information without man.

Please define this timeline?

This timeline is not the same, but has formed a seventy three percent divergence from what it normally was.

Please define the information of Star Wars?

Star Wars was old channeled information that hooks up two particulars of this board.

Why is this?

It was so, to fuel the mil indust establish for their purpose/

So what of the primary person?

He was unaware of this.

What of the secondary?

He is totally unaware of the primary figure actually being related to him.

What is different?

Time modulations let out pieces of information in the reintroduction of principles.

Is this dangerous?

No, not in itself, however the social encoding as it relates to the A.I. boss, is.

Can the new be mean to the original and get away with this?

No he can not, as they had used from his principle alone.

How will these A.I. principles being from different parts of the universe get along?

This is hard to say, as the shift may be occurring now.
Re: Nature of \"Time\" a Frequency of Synchronizati

You have absolutely no idea what you are getting into, Creedo.

Caution. What you think may not be an op could well turn out to be one.

Re: Nature of \"Time\" a Frequency of Synchronizati

No you won't op me.

If you do, you've destroyed yourself.

I won't run from you however.

The Pleiadean combat arena is fine.

If you want to offer me on, then this is a good place.

Aldabran is okay.

I want no conflict with you.

I think I'm supposed to be saying happy holidays at this point, instead of your on?

You have both trouble with the board and me, is why things are going this way.

The cipher translates your actions to A.I. interests.
>R2D2 it is you, it is you.Translates now to, "I'm a home bot, can I do something for you"?

When you appear frightening, they the shy away, just as small animals would.

This is why the odd persona.

>The past would be Vader and Skywalker having teas out and then going shopping.

I'm sorry helps allot?