Hey Time02112!!!!! You know, with the stories coming about ancient stargates or portholes there's definately a pattern emerging that I find facinating. There a couple of other possible ancient portholes that I would like to bring to attention as well. The first is Stonehenge, long believed to be a dimensional porthole and a place of strong escoterical esscence. Being a Druid myself that site had drawn me as it has many, but when I was a kid, before I knew anything about it's historic and spiritual significance my only exposure to the site was through a picture of Stonehenge in the doctors waiting room. I always felt like I was being pulled into the picture to this place. Another ancient mystery is the sudden disappearance of the Tuatha De Dannon, the Ancient Tribe of Ireland. It is said that they too went through a porthole to the "Otherworld". There is also an indian tribe out in the North American west coast region I believe that vanished through a gate so they wouldn't have to see their land be stolen by the whiteman. I'm writing this off the top of my head so you must excuse the absence of details but the details do exist. Basically what I'm getting at is that possibly there are these ancient portholes to the "otherworld" all over the earth. It's probably an observation that's been made before, I felt that it is of great significance to this thread and the Andes sungate thread. Will post more thoughts on this topic matter soon..
Sincerely, Draco