My time shift/slip experience.


Temporal Novice
I've been visiting TTI for a couple years on and off, and after reading many threads, and seeing the responses of various people, I decided to tell about mine and my fiance's time shift/slip experience. It will be interesting for the debunkers because, I for the life of me can't find a logical explanation for what took place. Moreover, once something like this takes place, to capture evidence of such an event is nearly impossible and unless you have a video camera or some type of media device to capture such an event, you're out of luck. Even if one was able to capture any evidence on any recording media, there is always one who will say "that was faked." Either way, my only evidence is my fiance' a witness to the event.

Below are original emails I sent to Richard C. Hoagland about what happened. I first emailed Lisa at Coast To Coast AM and George himself and received no response. Thanks Lisa! Thanks George! Here they had a genuine incident, and the story was ignored. So I forwarded my email to RCH and one other person. Starfire Tor who supposedly investigates incidences like these ignored my story. I realize these people get a lot of emails, but I've been contacted by C2C for lesser interesting issues when I've written in about a subject. Here we go:

To Lisa at Coast To Coast
Is there any possible way to get the full recording for the past show dated October 21st, 2001 for Coast To Coast AM with Richard C. Hoagland as guest?

The following is an experience my fiance' and I had last Saturday evening, the day before Easter. I wrote it in an email to Mr. Hoagland and also included responses I received about the incident. Any help getting a copy of the original broadcast from 10-18-2001 would be greatly appreciated. Thank you We know what we heard!


"Mr. Hoagland,

I have heard you on Coast To Coast since the mid 90's when Art still hosted the show. Last Saturday evening, Coast To Coast ran the usual weekend show, Somewhere In Time with Art Bell. The show was from October 18th, 2001 and you were speaking on the Mars information. During one particular segment you stated that you were asked to speak at NASA about the information you had, but was, in so many words censored. I can't recall the exact details however you DID state that you TWEETED all about it on TWITTER!! There is one problem with this Mr. Hoagland. Twitter did NOT come into existence until July, 2006. So, pray tell me HOW you could have sent a Tweet in October of 2001, when Twitter did not exist? I was not the only one who heard this. My fiance' was in the car with me as we listened to the rebroadcast. As soon as you mentioned you were on Twitter, I turned to her and asked, "I heard that right didn't I? You heard that right? HE
TWITTER? She replied, "YES HE SAID TWITTER.!!" IMPOSSIBLE!! I said, F-ING IMPOSSIBLE. How can Hoagland Tweet when Twitter didn't exist? Shit, another time line shift. Well we have proof now, Now I have to go search youtube, or the C2C archives for this show. I yelled out the date OCTOBER 18th, 2001! I said to my fiance' excitedly, Don't you think if Twitter existed back then people would be tweeting about 9/11 it was only a month earlier..? She agreed with me.

When we got home I did some research and found out Twitter did not come into being until July 2006. So unless I can find that show again in archives and listen to it and pin point where in the show I heard that.. All we have is the story at hand.

I tried contacting Starfire Tor about this. She says she investigates claims such as this. But she has ignored my email.

This is the truth. Nothing is made up. this happened. I wish someone would listen for once. Thanks for your time. I thought you should know about it since the time shift, or whatever happened directly involved you AND Art.

Jason Mathis

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"Robin Falkov" <[email protected]>
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Quite weird, especially since Mr. Hoagland is not on Twitter even now. You do need to get a copy of the show

Dr. Robin Falkov
Health Freedom Rights

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"RCH" <[email protected]>
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IF you have shifted ... then that version of my tape will NOT exist in THIS timeline .... :(

But, you HAVE to check.

Good luck.

I tried finding a bit torrent of the show, which I did, however when I'd DL the program, it would not work. I am not very computer savvy when it comes to bit torrent. I've never bothered using it. Does anyone out there have a copy of this complete broadcast?

That's our experience.

I was under the notion that all of the Art Bell broadcasts could be obtained for a small fee. The bit torrent approach for obtaining copyrighted material is illegal as you may or may not know. If it was me, for something like this, I would pay the small fee, and legitimately own a copy of the broadcast.
Here is the problem. I did find the show on coast to coast archives. However they only give you four 15 minute segments that you are able to download. I guess its just the highlights. They only keep the full show for three months, after that all you can get highlights. Been there, tried that. I used to subscribe years ago.
Here is the problem. I did find the show on coast to coast archives. However they only give you four 15 minute segments that you are able to download. I guess its just the highlights. They only keep the full show for three months, after that all you can get highlights. Been there, tried that. I used to subscribe years ago.

Silverhouse, you have not stated the date when you heard the broadcast. If I'm reading this correctly, you and your partner were listening to a radio show which was re-running a broadcast that originally aired in Oct 2001, within which you both heard the term "Twitter" and "Tweeted" being used? What year and month did you hear this re-run? 2012. 2011. 2013? Could it be possible that the original broadcast had been tampered with, and the words twitter and tweeted were "edited" into it?
There's missing information in your posts. When did you listen to the rebroadcast? If you are an old subscriber and know about the archive system and given that this incident immediately consumed you, why didn't you try to call up a copy of the show then? Why did you wait for over 3 months before the light came on to remind you that the show has an archive? If you heard "Tweet" and "Twitter" why no one else? Why did RCH blow you off?

If you want to be taken seriously you (not we - this is your problem) need to get a copy of the show and let others listen to it.
Please forgive me. The date in which we heard this broadcast was the day before Easter in 2011. I sent the email on May 4th, 2011. As RCH stated in his response to me, it may not even be on this timeline, if I happen to get a copy of the show. I subscribed to C2C back in 2005.

It was a Saturday night/early Sunday morning. We were driving to a friends place that night. At that time our friend owned a farmhouse, so he invited us out to see the renovations. ( The farm was built in 1723 and is an historic landmark here in Maryland.) So it was around midnight or so when we put the show on.

I knew right away there was an archive. I could not access it. The old shows from back then as I stated, only have high lights when you DL them. Unless they changed it, C2C only keeps full shows in their archives to DL for three months. After that, you can only get 4 15 Minute segments of any given show. The problem is, I do not know at what point in the broadcast I heard this. So I don't know if it was an hour into the show or three. All I know is RCH was talking to Art about being invited by NASA to speak about some Mars discoveries, and Hoagland was a bit miffed because NASA told him what he could and could not say. At that point he stated he tweeted to all his followers about the censorship NASA placed on him. At that moment I flipped, turned to my fiance' and said IMPOSSIBLE! I listened closely then, to make sure I was hearing what I was hearing. RCH made another Twitter reference, and I said to my fiance' "how can they be talking about Twitter on a rebroadcast from 10-18-2001? She said maybe it's not a rebroadcast. I said BS, listen to the bumper music and announcer when they go to commercial. About a minute later, they cut to a commercial and the announcer stated, "You are listening to Somewhere in Time" on Coast to Coast AM from October 18th, 2001 After that I said to her. "See? "REBROADCAST" and they are talking about Twitter. I also said to her if Twitter existed, everyone and their mother would be tweeting about 9-11 which occured a month before. She agreed with me on that, and since twitter didn't exist in 2001, what on earth were we hearing?

I had to prove to her twitter didn't exist then. We googled it and twitter didn't come online until July 2006. So you tell me.

So again I ask anyone out there. Where can I get the FULL SHOW? I've searched the net to no avail. I can't find it. at all. I can find full shows from around that date, but not on that date.

I emailed Starfire Tor, Lisa and George from C2C RCH and RCH's website master. He wrote me back first actually. After that I got an email from RCH. I included everything in my post. I have no idea why they blew me off. As you stated. You would think one of them would be interested. So after many attempts at trying to find the show, and C2C not giving the full show in the archives. I gave up. If they edited twitter into it, then Art and RCH were in on the scam. But it was a rebroadcast. No chance, I thought of that too, but they made several twitter references so for it to be hoaxed would be impossible really. Art said something like, NASA censored you so you tweeted to all your followers about that? RCH replied, "yes I put a tweet out about it to all my followers." After that they cut to a commercial, bumper comes up, announcer comes on says "you're listening to somewhere in time on coast to coast am with guest RCH from 10-18-2001.
Art and RCH would not necessarily have to be in on the scam. A mischevious sound engineer could in theory "splice" in the words Twitter and Tweet into the original audio files. Like you have already pointed out, "if" you did temporarily experience a period of time in an alternate reality (which sounds incredible) then you will never find that broadcast.
I doubt a sound engineer did anything. He'd have to get Art and RCH in on it. As I said as much as they talked about twitter, that's some heavy editing and splicing for a few minutes of a hoax, on a long shot someone might catch the "joke." I give it as about much chance as humans being able to travel the speed of light. The way to capture evidence of such an event is to have a recording device of some sort. Just like lightning, you never know when or where such an event will "strike."
Again, Art and Rch do not have to know anything about a potential hoax. A sound engineer at the radio station could get hold of the original broadcast, edit in recent audio files of both Rch and Art using the word Twitter and Tweet, and Rch + Art would be none the wiser. I am not saying I believe the scenario I am presenting, but however unlikely, it is still a possible and rational explanation. I personally think the illogical explanation of a timeslip/ alternate reality appeals to me more.
I found it ( Art Bell: Somewhere in Time - Shows - Coast to Coast AM ) I have been listening it for about 2 1/2 hours now and my eyes are glazing over and I could have easily have missed a mention about twitter. If you listen to it and hear it again please let me know what segment and time. I am very curious to know if it happened in this timeline also.
thats way cool that you found and shared the link with the group. Thanks.
That's odd. Last night when I clicked on the link, it just brought up the info page, with no option to click and listen. Now I am at work and decided to try again, and now it's a completely different page with the option to listen. So I emailed the link to myself and I'll take a listen tonight.
Silverhouse, you are quite fortunate that after a fruitless 2 year online search (for a link to the full show) a tti member has provided you a link less than 2 days after reading your post/plea. That sir, is good fortune.
I really hope that this is more than good fortune or a coincidence. It is very strange how I even came about this. I was watching a silly movie about time travel and decided to Google time travel to see if by any chance this movie was based on any truth. This website was one of the first sites to pop up so I clicked on it in hopes of finding a discussion about the movie. I saw this thread and kept scrolling but something tempted me to go back and click on it. So I am reading your post and for some reason I believed you. I hear all kinds of claims of the paranormal, UFO's, and so on. However, your claim just seemed so detailed and sounded like it would be a huge waste of time if someone was to try and lie about something like this. So now the weird part I Googled "October 18, 2001 coast to coast" and immediately found that site. I started listening to it and when I got tired of listening to it myself I decided to post it on this forum. So I sign up and go to copy/paste the address and realize I had accidentally closed that tab out. So I forgot what I had Googled, soI typed in all kinds of things like "richard c hoagland coast to coast 10/18/2001" and "October 18, 2001 Richard Hoagland Somewhere in time" and so on. However it would not show up in the search engine for anything but "October 18, 2001 coast to coast" and even then I had to pay attention to the details because it did not stand out. I am the kind of person that will type in as much information to make sure I get the best hits, so it is very strange that I immediately typed in "October 18, 2001 coast to coast" which is what was needed to find it as opposed to "Richard C. Hoagland Coast to Coast Art Bell 10/18/2001" which is what I would more likely use to search. I hope that God or the cosmos are smiling down on us and and lead me to this so we can all hear what you claim.
I can't listen. I don't have a subscription. Tomorrow is payday and I will subscribe just so I can hear this show. I hope it's the full show. Jenny, you said it was. If you get thru the whole show before me let me know. RCH said if I did find the show he doubted it would be on this timeline, but we can try. (The Twitter reference that is) As I stated before, you never know when an event like this will occur. I am just happy my fiance' was with me to witness it.

Jenny, the part where RCH and Art are talking about Twitter, I know at the time he was talking about how NASA invited him to speak, so if you hear that in any of the segments, keep your ears open, because RCH stated he was censored, after that he talked about twitter. Just to try and give you a reference point to search for.
About a minute later, they cut to a commercial and the announcer stated, "You are listening to Somewhere in Time" on Coast to Coast AM from October 18th, 2001 After that I said to her. "See? "REBROADCAST" and they are talking about Twitter. I also said to her if Twitter existed, everyone and their mother would be tweeting about 9-11 which occured a month before. She agreed with me on that, and since twitter didn't exist in 2001, what on earth were we hearing?

I had to prove to her twitter didn't exist then. We googled it and twitter didn't come online until July 2006. So you tell me.

So again I ask anyone out there. Where can I get the FULL SHOW? I've searched the net to no avail. I can't find it. at all. I can find full shows from around that date, but not on that date.

I emailed Starfire Tor, Lisa and George from C2C RCH and RCH's website master. He wrote me back first actually. After that I got an email from RCH. I included everything in my post. I have no idea why they blew me off. As you stated. You would think one of them would be interested. So after many attempts at trying to find the show, and C2C not giving the full show in the archives. I gave up. If they edited twitter into it, then Art and RCH were in on the scam. But it was a rebroadcast. No chance, I thought of that too, but they made several twitter references so for it to be hoaxed would be impossible really. Art said something like, NASA censored you so you tweeted to all your followers about that? RCH replied, "yes I put a tweet out about it to all my followers." After that they cut to a commercial, bumper comes up, announcer comes on says "you're listening to somewhere in time on coast to coast am with guest RCH from 10-18-2001.

Let's take it one item at a time:

  1. Premiere Radio obviously has the full show because they rebroadcast it. What's not so obvious is that you're unlikely to get a copy. As I've said before, Art Bell is not a news commentator. He's a niche audience late night radio entertainer - and he's pissed. He and Premiere Radio split the sheets and he's apparently threatening to sue Noory over the rebroadcasts for copyright violation.
  2. We're talking about RCH here. For the past four decades he's made a lot of claims about his CV but no one can verify his claims (like working for CBS as Walter Cronkite's science advisor or NASA asking to speak about Mars and being censored). It's not beyond him to stretch the facts to stir up interest in whatever he happens to be selling st the moment. An edit to the tape would not surprise me.
  3. You jumped to a conclusion that "timeline slip" was the explanation. Is that to most likely conclusion or are there other more likely reasons for hearing "Twitter" in a ten year old rebroadcast on a show that is for entertainment and not necessarily fact?
  4. What the heck is a "time slip" anyway? Where in quantum mechanics or general relativity would I look for this?
  5. When you listen to Bell and/or Noory do you believe more or less than 10% of their guests' claims?
  6. "TWITTER? She replied, "YES HE SAID TWITTER.!!" IMPOSSIBLE!! I said, F-ING IMPOSSIBLE. How can Hoagland Tweet when Twitter didn't exist? Shit, another time line shift. Well we have proof now, Now I have to go search youtube, or the C2C archives for this show. I yelled out the date OCTOBER 18th, 2001! I said to my fiance' excitedly, Don't you think if Twitter existed back then people would be tweeting about 9/11 it was only a month earlier..? She agreed with me."
I'm sorry, but that conversation sounds canned. A bit too pat. Even self-serving. Are you sure that that's exactly how the conversation went down in the car? I question it because according to the later part of the post you had to do some Googling at a later time to discover that Twitter came into being in 2006. It begs the question, because no one else reports to have heard what you claim to have heard - are you pulling the forums leg with this story? (Don't get upset - you have to have considered that this question would be asked.)​
This is "the fiance" of "silverhouse". Although you ended your post with "don't get upset" this is exactly what has happened. My other half is very upset. So I am here to write a response. First off let me first tell you that I am not into "time traveling". Quantum physics is quite interesting but I only know what I learned from "Whats down the rabbit hole" With that being said let me respond to you one item at a time.

1. We plan to get paid subscription tomorrow as my fiance stated. Other members posted that they got it so no reason why we can not. My fiance is a fan of Coast to Coast and has listened for many years. I however never heard of the show until 2008 when I met "silverhouse"

2. In regards to RCH, once again I have no information on this man or an opinion. I will take what you wrote as "truth". If this man would make an edit to a previously recorded show from 2001, just to include twitter. I do not see how this would really "stir" up that much interest. So far, it appears that only me and my fiance heard this. Will get back to this after I finish replying to your number system LOL

3. Call it a conclusion or a reason, does not matter. No one ever said that the show was factual, and yes we all know shows are for entertainment purposes. If adding a plug for "twitter" back in a 2001 was to mess with people's heads then yes, I suppose someone out there might have pulled a prank. Why? Why go through all that just to plug twitter?

4. Time slip" is a term he uses, not sure where it came from, but did you ever consider that "time slip" is just a slang term. Why is this even important?

5. Since 2008, I would say I have listened to maybe a dozen or so shows. % wise I would say I believed 10% of the callers. I can not speak for my fiance on this question.

6. This one upset us the most. How was our conversation in the car self serving? Then you have the nerve to question us and how our conversation went. There are tons of websites that are created and around for many years before the "masses" hop on board. We wanted to double check and make sure that twitter was not in existence back in 2001. Looking on Google confirmed that Twitter came on board to the WWW back in 2006. No one is pulling any one's leg.

This has bothered my fiance ever since it happened. The other night we were talking and he came across this forum. He said "I forgot all about this site" (His passion is coin collecting and spends most time in those type of forums) He then went on to ask me if he should post our story. I said sure why not? Perhaps there are other people out there that heard what we heard, or similar stories. He has been hesitating and I now understand why. Evil Debunker's like you!!!

One more thing before I hop off here, it is after all almost three am. My fiance and I take pride in raising our daughter, just like other members on this forum. We all have lives outside the net, forums, social media, etc. I resent the fact that you not only are a debunker, but in my opinion your post makes us sound like uneducated adolescents looking for a prank. I just want you and anyone else who chooses to take the time out to read this to know where my fiance and I are coming from. We only wanted other insights, stories similar to our own, keeping our fingers crossed that we are not the only people in the United States that heard the two twitter comments in the re-broadcasting. That simple, don't twist and turn this into anything else then what it is. Thanks!!!!
If adding a plug for "twitter" back in a 2001 was to mess with people's heads then yes, I suppose someone out there might have pulled a prank. Why? Why go through all that just to plug twitter?

If you knew the history of Richard Hoagland, you would not only know why, but you would know that his purpose is not about "plugging twitter". Rather, he would only be using the knowledge of when Twitter appeared as a "McGuffin" for his story (look it up if you do not get the Alfred Hitchcock term). Hoagland's bread and butter is getting lots of people to follow him and believe his many wild and woolly claims. Claims such as:

Richard C. Hoagland - RationalWiki

Since you said you don't know much about him, you might be interested in reading some other of the entries on that rational wiki page.

In short: Hoagland makes his money by gaining followers and getting them to believe his far out claims. As such, he is a public person making unsupported claims and that causes some people to believe he "needs debunking." The world would be a lot more gullible place were it not for the work of "evil debunkers", regardless of how much you may hate them. :)

Has anybody listened to the link provided by JennyM yet, to confirm the use of the terms Twitter and Tweet(ed)? I tried to subscribe, but being in the UK, the online subscription process just does not want to know (asking me for zip codes etc, lol). Would be really interested to hear some feedback about the link.
Silverhouse here. I plan to listen to the show in full tonight after I get my daughter off to bed an know I won't be interrupted, provided this time I pay for the subscription I get more than four 15 minute high lighted segments. JennyM said she was two hours into the show when she got tired.