Temporal Novice
I've been visiting TTI for a couple years on and off, and after reading many threads, and seeing the responses of various people, I decided to tell about mine and my fiance's time shift/slip experience. It will be interesting for the debunkers because, I for the life of me can't find a logical explanation for what took place. Moreover, once something like this takes place, to capture evidence of such an event is nearly impossible and unless you have a video camera or some type of media device to capture such an event, you're out of luck. Even if one was able to capture any evidence on any recording media, there is always one who will say "that was faked." Either way, my only evidence is my fiance' a witness to the event.
Below are original emails I sent to Richard C. Hoagland about what happened. I first emailed Lisa at Coast To Coast AM and George himself and received no response. Thanks Lisa! Thanks George! Here they had a genuine incident, and the story was ignored. So I forwarded my email to RCH and one other person. Starfire Tor who supposedly investigates incidences like these ignored my story. I realize these people get a lot of emails, but I've been contacted by C2C for lesser interesting issues when I've written in about a subject. Here we go:
To Lisa at Coast To Coast
Is there any possible way to get the full recording for the past show dated October 21st, 2001 for Coast To Coast AM with Richard C. Hoagland as guest?
The following is an experience my fiance' and I had last Saturday evening, the day before Easter. I wrote it in an email to Mr. Hoagland and also included responses I received about the incident. Any help getting a copy of the original broadcast from 10-18-2001 would be greatly appreciated. Thank you We know what we heard!
"Mr. Hoagland,
I have heard you on Coast To Coast since the mid 90's when Art still hosted the show. Last Saturday evening, Coast To Coast ran the usual weekend show, Somewhere In Time with Art Bell. The show was from October 18th, 2001 and you were speaking on the Mars information. During one particular segment you stated that you were asked to speak at NASA about the information you had, but was, in so many words censored. I can't recall the exact details however you DID state that you TWEETED all about it on TWITTER!! There is one problem with this Mr. Hoagland. Twitter did NOT come into existence until July, 2006. So, pray tell me HOW you could have sent a Tweet in October of 2001, when Twitter did not exist? I was not the only one who heard this. My fiance' was in the car with me as we listened to the rebroadcast. As soon as you mentioned you were on Twitter, I turned to her and asked, "I heard that right didn't I? You heard that right? HE
TWITTER? She replied, "YES HE SAID TWITTER.!!" IMPOSSIBLE!! I said, F-ING IMPOSSIBLE. How can Hoagland Tweet when Twitter didn't exist? Shit, another time line shift. Well we have proof now, Now I have to go search youtube, or the C2C archives for this show. I yelled out the date OCTOBER 18th, 2001! I said to my fiance' excitedly, Don't you think if Twitter existed back then people would be tweeting about 9/11 it was only a month earlier..? She agreed with me.
When we got home I did some research and found out Twitter did not come into being until July 2006. So unless I can find that show again in archives and listen to it and pin point where in the show I heard that.. All we have is the story at hand.
I tried contacting Starfire Tor about this. She says she investigates claims such as this. But she has ignored my email.
This is the truth. Nothing is made up. this happened. I wish someone would listen for once. Thanks for your time. I thought you should know about it since the time shift, or whatever happened directly involved you AND Art.
Jason Mathis
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"Robin Falkov" <[email protected]>
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"J <[email protected]>
Quite weird, especially since Mr. Hoagland is not on Twitter even now. You do need to get a copy of the show
Dr. Robin Falkov
Health Freedom Rights
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"RCH" <[email protected]>
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" [email protected]>
IF you have shifted ... then that version of my tape will NOT exist in THIS timeline ....
But, you HAVE to check.
Good luck.
I tried finding a bit torrent of the show, which I did, however when I'd DL the program, it would not work. I am not very computer savvy when it comes to bit torrent. I've never bothered using it. Does anyone out there have a copy of this complete broadcast?
That's our experience.
Below are original emails I sent to Richard C. Hoagland about what happened. I first emailed Lisa at Coast To Coast AM and George himself and received no response. Thanks Lisa! Thanks George! Here they had a genuine incident, and the story was ignored. So I forwarded my email to RCH and one other person. Starfire Tor who supposedly investigates incidences like these ignored my story. I realize these people get a lot of emails, but I've been contacted by C2C for lesser interesting issues when I've written in about a subject. Here we go:
To Lisa at Coast To Coast
Is there any possible way to get the full recording for the past show dated October 21st, 2001 for Coast To Coast AM with Richard C. Hoagland as guest?
The following is an experience my fiance' and I had last Saturday evening, the day before Easter. I wrote it in an email to Mr. Hoagland and also included responses I received about the incident. Any help getting a copy of the original broadcast from 10-18-2001 would be greatly appreciated. Thank you We know what we heard!
"Mr. Hoagland,
I have heard you on Coast To Coast since the mid 90's when Art still hosted the show. Last Saturday evening, Coast To Coast ran the usual weekend show, Somewhere In Time with Art Bell. The show was from October 18th, 2001 and you were speaking on the Mars information. During one particular segment you stated that you were asked to speak at NASA about the information you had, but was, in so many words censored. I can't recall the exact details however you DID state that you TWEETED all about it on TWITTER!! There is one problem with this Mr. Hoagland. Twitter did NOT come into existence until July, 2006. So, pray tell me HOW you could have sent a Tweet in October of 2001, when Twitter did not exist? I was not the only one who heard this. My fiance' was in the car with me as we listened to the rebroadcast. As soon as you mentioned you were on Twitter, I turned to her and asked, "I heard that right didn't I? You heard that right? HE
TWITTER? She replied, "YES HE SAID TWITTER.!!" IMPOSSIBLE!! I said, F-ING IMPOSSIBLE. How can Hoagland Tweet when Twitter didn't exist? Shit, another time line shift. Well we have proof now, Now I have to go search youtube, or the C2C archives for this show. I yelled out the date OCTOBER 18th, 2001! I said to my fiance' excitedly, Don't you think if Twitter existed back then people would be tweeting about 9/11 it was only a month earlier..? She agreed with me.
When we got home I did some research and found out Twitter did not come into being until July 2006. So unless I can find that show again in archives and listen to it and pin point where in the show I heard that.. All we have is the story at hand.
I tried contacting Starfire Tor about this. She says she investigates claims such as this. But she has ignored my email.
This is the truth. Nothing is made up. this happened. I wish someone would listen for once. Thanks for your time. I thought you should know about it since the time shift, or whatever happened directly involved you AND Art.
Jason Mathis
This sender is DomainKeys verified
"Robin Falkov" <[email protected]>
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"J <[email protected]>
Quite weird, especially since Mr. Hoagland is not on Twitter even now. You do need to get a copy of the show
Dr. Robin Falkov
Health Freedom Rights
This sender is DomainKeys verified
"RCH" <[email protected]>
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" [email protected]>
IF you have shifted ... then that version of my tape will NOT exist in THIS timeline ....
But, you HAVE to check.
Good luck.
I tried finding a bit torrent of the show, which I did, however when I'd DL the program, it would not work. I am not very computer savvy when it comes to bit torrent. I've never bothered using it. Does anyone out there have a copy of this complete broadcast?
That's our experience.