The reason I am having trouble with you, is that your a militarist.
Militarist seem to function from the stance that they are right and therefore everything that they want should be afforded.
And that is what is sad, because it is your misconceptions and misperceptions that prevent you from understanding what I am saying. And in some areas we are saying the same thing, but you don't see it for your misperceptions. I am a scientist, not militarist. Technically, I am an engineer, which is an applied scientist. That means I insist on clear explanations of physical phenomenon, and part of that is expression in mathematical forms. This is the part you don't like about me, and so you label it as militarist. And all the while you are missing the mathematical description I provide, much of which describes some of the properties you describe, even in this very response...
From this goes both a misunderstanding of how time travel principles work and the need to inject ego into everything.
Your judgment of ego injection can only come about from your own ego, which naturally seeks to judge others. Our egos are both very similar, Creeds, even though you seem to wish to project that you are egoless. Reflection and refraction upon this Energy you describe, Creedo. Then you will understand its closed-loop Creative principles.
If you establish points A to B and then project a beam of light between these two points, you begin to found the principle that C as a pumped factor, gives off a dynamic resistance.
You see, this is where you fail to see we are saying the same thing. However, I speak of it in a mathematical sense with respect to the fractal similarity between speed of sound (a) and speed of light (c). What you describe about light in this statement, in non-standard terms, is already well known about fluids and sonic speeds in the aerospace sciences. The application of the principles of Mach are fractally self-similar in the domains of "a" and "c". The only difference between the two is that of a frequency shift. Another thing we have both agreed upon.
I think you are simply frustrated because you don't seem to "get" the connection I am making, and pointing out that the math is already available...from Mach. Closing the loop on lightspeed is simply the next step in our evolution of Energy manipulation beyond closing the loop on sound speed, which we did in the mid 1950s thanks to advances in the aerospace sciences.
If you then establish light in geometric forms, what you have founded secondly, that light has pressure and can be applied universally, as utility describes.
Again, you are not saying anything that I have not described with respect to light manipulations and the Merkaba. Let's just agree with each other that sound dynamics and light dynamics are fractally self-similar in how they exhibit Energy. Can you agree with that? If so, then you know that all the equations that describe pressure forces in the sonic Energy realm (Mach) can be simply scaled-up in frequency to describe the pressure forces in the light Energy realm (Warp). Would you please agree that we are talking the same thing here? Just because I have the math and aero background on this stuff is no reason for your pride and ego to prevent you from coming to an agreement and moving forward. Don't you want to move forward, Creed?
Velocity of the person involved is not even important, if you can a'que you FTL principle, to stay in one spot.
This is where I say you are mistaken, and it is because of your lack of study of the existing aerospace and physical sciences. Velocity is not only important, it is the PRIMARY non-linear factor in how Energy is manipulated. Velocity-squared IS the Power Law of Energy. The squared nature of dynamic pressure with respect to airspeed velocity if what makes the flight of aerospace vehicles possible. By fractally scaling these velocity squared relations up to the speed of light, we encounter a whole new tool for manipulating Energy. It's all the same. The universe is self-similar at multiple scales, Creedo, and I think you know that... but for some reason you do not appear ready to admit it. Perhaps this is where your ego gets in the way?
You don't need FTL to time travel, if your light tensor, follows the exclusionary principle.
Again, if you read my posts in this thread, you will see I have never said FTL is needed, nor even that it would "work" for time travel. In fact, I have argued against it, and provided solid scientific evidence for why it is problematic. Hello! Creedo! Why do you insist on thinking that I disagree with you on this issue? Can't we agree on what we agree upon, and then build upon that? I'd like to do that, but you don't seem to want to, or you do not understand where our discussions are saying the same thing.
and if I were to ascribe to my source, then you might chide this?
No, and I am sorry if you think this. I wil chide you if you cannot explain such theories mathematically. And I will chide you if these sources are pseudo-scientific, in that these very sources cannot describe the things they write about mathematically.
Any theory of science can always be described mathematically. Even if it means defining a new form of mathematics that have never been available to describe these theories before.
It is not militaristic to wish to see mathematical models of a proposed theory of physicality. It is nothing more than good science.