My opinion on what happened on "9-11"...

Knights Templar


We all have our links, heritage, political and business connections in previous and current lives...

I never paid much attention to the Knights Templar...

It seemed like a camp fire story...

Of men who wanted to believe they were knights...

Protecting the "Holy Grail" of God...

But I think they decided to rob humanity of "Holy Grail"...

If I told you I was a "Jedi Knight"... Would you believe me? Or think me as a "Star Wars Nut"... :)

I am taking the day off today...

I'm focused on HOLLYWOOD and the MOVIES... Today...

Hope All Is Well...


TheCigMan :)

<It's kind of scarey outside the bunkers... I've been hiding in the Bunkers way too long :)>
Re: Knights Templar


An official site,, says:

"The Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States of America is the national governing body of the Knights Templar, a Christian-oriented fraternal organization and an integral part of the Masonic fraternity."

Re: Knights Templar

Hmmm I stand corrected..I thought they were an independent fraternal organization.

And Cigman, if you said you were a jedi knight I would assume you to be refering to your religion. The cult of Jedi is around 20,000 strong I think...They got a website and a dogma...

Just saying. Yeah we all got are backrounds. I wonder a great deal about mine based on the limited things I know.

You know I also wonder if the sacrifice of 911 was about the aught year superstition. If they were sacrificed for the leaders life. I know the curse was supposed to of been broken with Ronnie, But people still tried with Ronnie and they had even less reasons for the attempt.

So if you were supposed to be at the impact point but doged the bullet (so to speak) have you opted to take a lower profile or have you choosen to do something rebelious with your field of expertise?
Re: Knights Templar


As for

"And Cigman, if you said you were a jedi knight I would assume you to be refering to your religion. The cult of Jedi is around 20,000 strong I think...They got a website and a dogma..."

TheCigMan is a man of the ALMIGHTY GOD...

But the you know I heard the whole JEDI thing is one of the fastest growing religions...

And that was YEARS ago... :) Who knows what it is now...

As for...

"Just saying. Yeah we all got are backrounds. I wonder a great deal about mine based on the limited things I know..."

Are you talking about TheCigMan or the "John J. McMonagle"? I have been researching and studying that seems to be central to many political and corporate and government conspiries around him...

As for...

"You know I also wonder if the sacrifice of 911 was about the aught year superstition. If they were sacrificed for the leaders life. I know the curse was supposed to of been broken with Ronnie, But people still tried with Ronnie and they had even less reasons for the attempt."

Who is RONNIE? I don't ever recall anything here a person or organization named RONNIE?

As for....

"So if you were supposed to be at the impact point but doged the bullet (so to speak) have you opted to take a lower profile or have you choosen to do something rebelious with your field of expertise?"

TheCigMan is an Eisenhower American who watches the Military Industrail Complex and other stuff :)

It's my FULL TIME JOB... :) To stay INFORMED... And look for LINKS... :)

As for Mr. "John J. McMonagle", If I was the FBI....

I would look at every building he worked in Manhattan...

<I would take a break... And watch a movie... Let's say... "Escape from New York - John Carpenter"... Have a soda pop... relax... :)>

I would look at every type of technology company he met, worked, studied, consult and visited in the BOSTON and CALIFORNIA SILICON VALLEY TYPE TECHNOLOGY COMPANY...

It might be EYE OPENING... :)

I overheard Mr "John J. McMonagle" a recurring joke he used to tell people....

They never know what they jokes really mean :)


Of course, he doesn't shout but that was for emphasis... :)

They say he is a very bright and interesting guy... But he seems so casual and relaxed :)

You can't judge a book by it's cover... or the marketing campaign... :)

Something to think about... <and research...> :)

Re: Knights Templar Versus The New Jedi U.S.A. (c)


Imagine if you the new "JEDI".... Warriors for the United States of America...

Deeply religious warriors patriotic Americans.... With amazing skills and talents...

Is it 1? 100? 1,000? 100,000? 1,000,000? More?... :)

With "strange powers"... And no need of TECHNOLOGY... :)

Some people say that that guy is really "OBI WAN" or somebody... :)

And imagine...

If they did battle with Knight Templar... <And their many societies and organizations...:)>

Evil people with strange objects that have strange powers... :)

I heard there is only a few dozen of those guys... :) <Don't they have to fit around a table...:)>

I don't think its a contest... :)

Have one of the them contact TheCigMan... <Private Message PM of course...>

I'll arrange a meeting with one the of "JEDI" :)

Interesting theory isn't it? :)


<P.S. Would you like to defect to the Patriotic United States of America?... :)>
Re: Knights Templar Versus The New Jedi U.S.A. (c)

Too take a quick moment and just answer the few questions I can right now. Ronnie refers to Ex president Ronald Regan.

Would I like to defect to the patriotic USA?...Maybe?...I'm not sure how I feel about the abreviated form of it though:) It it really exists as a seperat entity from the US Bush leads PLEASE tell me more about it!
Re: Knights Templar Versus The New Jedi U.S.A. (c)


I think you have been manipulated to carry on the "end time scenario" of the Titor writings...

You have weird links and occurances to organizations and people... As does TheCigMan

What do you base you Titor beliefs on?

o Supposed TTI John Titor Postings
o "The Socio-Economic Countdown For Verification" "Titor - Track Record To Date" Thread

The "Titor Track Record To Date" Thread is not from "John Titor" is a validation benchmark from me TheCigMan.

As for "defecting..." it was more of a joke... Let's say politics in America is a little more pure in form and any many factions are trying to control the balance of the new "United States of America".

I don't talk anybody...

I really don't know what is going on out there...

I just "sense" things are different now... And probably for the better...

But honestly I'm not sure...

I could be just an informed "jokester" sitting in a library... :)

Re: Knights Templar Versus The New Jedi U.S.A. (c)

HEHAHA Whao...Who said anything about me being an end times believer...LOL I know my name is misleading but after I read Larry Clucks poem "a soldiers winter" the one Titor spoke of well I read some more poetry by him...Some of it had some rose/templar references...then I saw his age. 62. I can find direct proof he is a member but Hawking is an admitted member...And the buthead has since deleted his myspace account which is a shame because it was HUGE . He belonged to 5 myspace groups. One was the holy order of the roses myspace group which is private. Your not allowed to look unless your a member. Another myspace group he belonged to was "the young dead" kinda of a dark and comical group run by who I believe to be his son. It has also been deleted. (Talk about aggitateing) SO I got no proof of squat! However after I saw all this and put it into context...I no longer believe the titor story like I once did.

I still moderate the John Titor UK yahoo group...I still keep my screen name of titorite on a few forums. I still think alot of what Titor said may come to pass because inside fraternal information is even better than a time travelers information...but I have more hope that we can make our world better now.
