Rift Surfer
My opinion on what happened on \"9-11\"...
David Rockefeller was a big lobbing force to build the Twin Towers
It is a symbol represents 11
I think people should consider the following...
George W. Bush was reading the "My Pet Goat"... At the time of the attack...
The "Pet Goat" symbolizes America... America was to be sacfird to "satanic forces..."
The first plane was real and fill with people who didn't know what was going on...
It was to attrack everyone's attention from civilians to the media...
The attacks came between 9 and 11 o'clock...
agains "satanic numbers"...
The second plane was a remote controlled uav type plane...
It was a military plane disguished as an airliner...
The bulge on the second plane makes it very likely...
It was a bomb...
If you noticed the big explosion when it crashed... The first plane didn't explond...
The Isaelis or Moussad or some covert group was cheering and laughing and filming in New Jersey...
The were found in Israel by 60 Minutes...
They did a story on it...
The fireman were called to the scene... The firemen were probably mostly Irish...
The firemen that died were mostly like non-"Mason" firemen...
They were "killing" Irish people in a "satanic ritual"....
When tower 7 fell... Mostly the "masonic" firemen were left...
They were "warned" to get away from tower 7 because it was "coming down"
I know this because I heard it first hand from my 4 brothers.. Who are Bayonne Firemen...
Bayonne... In the modern day, was funded and built by Rockerfeller and Carnegie money...
Bayonne is a "Masonic Labratory" for my evil organizations....
You never hear anything really bad happening in Bayonne or Hudson County...
It is in the "Shadow of New York City"
It is really "covert" borough of Manhattan...
This was a ritual to the luck number "7"...
It was symbolic... It was to destroy... The "Luck of the Irish"...
Which is really "Divine Grace"... from stuff that I have discussed previously...
The were many evil people from countries and organizations including the U.S. Government were involved...
It is obvious...
Who could fool our military... It is real hard thing to do... "I know"...
The towers were designed to collapse like a pancake...
It was theatre to terroize the country...
It may be something you won't believe but I think I was suppused to be there...
But I left Wall Street merged "Chase Manhattan Bank" in 2000...
I always went to work between 9 and 10 am...
Why? They want to have "Armegeddon" have a "satanic" world and "torture the survivors" for "entertainment"... for ever...
Who am I?...
I am John J. McMonagle of Bayonne, N.J.....
I worked in the "Chase Manhattan Bank" Research and Development
I developed the banking digital imaging technology industry...
I am "TheCigMan" and the other cigman characters names...
You change find me at ""
Be warned ".com" is a mind control message...
But you shouldn't have a problem... "if you are a good person"...
The stories of me being supernatural and paranormal and super good person...
Are mostly likely TRUE...
As I have demonstrated on this website...
"9-11" is solved...
And now it is time to move on and rebuild America...
David Rockefeller was a big lobbing force to build the Twin Towers
It is a symbol represents 11
I think people should consider the following...
George W. Bush was reading the "My Pet Goat"... At the time of the attack...
The "Pet Goat" symbolizes America... America was to be sacfird to "satanic forces..."
The first plane was real and fill with people who didn't know what was going on...
It was to attrack everyone's attention from civilians to the media...
The attacks came between 9 and 11 o'clock...
agains "satanic numbers"...
The second plane was a remote controlled uav type plane...
It was a military plane disguished as an airliner...
The bulge on the second plane makes it very likely...
It was a bomb...
If you noticed the big explosion when it crashed... The first plane didn't explond...
The Isaelis or Moussad or some covert group was cheering and laughing and filming in New Jersey...
The were found in Israel by 60 Minutes...
They did a story on it...
The fireman were called to the scene... The firemen were probably mostly Irish...
The firemen that died were mostly like non-"Mason" firemen...
They were "killing" Irish people in a "satanic ritual"....
When tower 7 fell... Mostly the "masonic" firemen were left...
They were "warned" to get away from tower 7 because it was "coming down"
I know this because I heard it first hand from my 4 brothers.. Who are Bayonne Firemen...
Bayonne... In the modern day, was funded and built by Rockerfeller and Carnegie money...
Bayonne is a "Masonic Labratory" for my evil organizations....
You never hear anything really bad happening in Bayonne or Hudson County...
It is in the "Shadow of New York City"
It is really "covert" borough of Manhattan...
This was a ritual to the luck number "7"...
It was symbolic... It was to destroy... The "Luck of the Irish"...
Which is really "Divine Grace"... from stuff that I have discussed previously...
The were many evil people from countries and organizations including the U.S. Government were involved...
It is obvious...
Who could fool our military... It is real hard thing to do... "I know"...
The towers were designed to collapse like a pancake...
It was theatre to terroize the country...
It may be something you won't believe but I think I was suppused to be there...
But I left Wall Street merged "Chase Manhattan Bank" in 2000...
I always went to work between 9 and 10 am...
Why? They want to have "Armegeddon" have a "satanic" world and "torture the survivors" for "entertainment"... for ever...
Who am I?...
I am John J. McMonagle of Bayonne, N.J.....
I worked in the "Chase Manhattan Bank" Research and Development
I developed the banking digital imaging technology industry...
I am "TheCigMan" and the other cigman characters names...
You change find me at ""
Be warned ".com" is a mind control message...
But you shouldn't have a problem... "if you are a good person"...
The stories of me being supernatural and paranormal and super good person...
Are mostly likely TRUE...
As I have demonstrated on this website...
"9-11" is solved...
And now it is time to move on and rebuild America...