My Friend from the Future

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Acrtor Micheal Dohrn, of Star Trek faime?

Yes' he along with actor Johnathan Frakes, have equally produced videos on both UFOs and E.T.s as well.

Dohrn goes into some biblical aspects, within his UFO video.

Dom, is latin for domination, I think and (ataia), is the suffix which attaches this charicter to a personna?

This is like Jess Walton, who is a beautifull actress, within a Six Million Dollar Man eppisode.Within the episode, Jess shows an out of control fear, for the moutain lion Tehn-ea-ah.

"Oh' it's tenaeha", No Steve, don't hurt him, he is special. You dont know what this cat can do"!

Jess now stars on daytime soap operas and still makes my middle parts, very, very stiff!

I did reply top him in secret and he; however suffers from hurt puppy syndrome?

I had wanted to go up close to him and pet and stroke him, like the animal he is> Odds botkins!; I do not know how either genteel well furred men are, or whether they can be trusted at this close a distance?

A sack of biscusts and soothing herbs may be the ticket for closeness?

RETURN THOUGHT.Yes I do love you and I have always thought about you, since the day I have had certain knowlege of you.

We knew everything about your equipment and even how it works.

AND YOUR AS WAS POSTED AT THE ACCROPOLVS<.>I see no reason to you father's piety, that it is only he who has the ancinet judgment placed upon our kind, to where his lord can only make sence concerning our said future fate?

JUST>I am thee and they you, for we are two..

>The cloth is old and the vestules where the lamps burn still hot, is now brambled.

~~~I see this man within his tunic.

Yes he is big and does show great strength to his countinace of presence.

He says to Hellen, Hast thou bringist me, such a caraffe of deep red color, that when I do down this mixture and such intoxications come.

That my love for thee shall be as such and then no more!?

In what seeking lies the vespers till morn, that dost just seekings, in my confusion for they love, hast not a grasp of my thoughts of yee.

And yet never onward, dost a gleaming request, for Helens fair hairs, dost lay accross my face, as just prose, hense scripted no more?>>

And it was in pale non-moonlight, that his love had viewed dusky collumniads, as was composed not a meeting place, but a sentiment of love..He sees, yes dark shapes do discern, but at last he not ventures forth.

All men ask within their confisions, "To where now, so rest Hellen"?
Ok, what date was this on you guys had these dreams about the amulets? I'd like to know, maybe a connection...somewhere. Thanks!

P.S. Too many replies!
RE: Regarding Amulet Dreams

<font size="1" color="#FF0000">LAST EDITED ON 06-Apr-02 AT 10:39PM (EDT)</font>

The morning of April 2nd for me. Bytheway, I'm curious, why did you bring it up in the first place, if anyone knew of any amulets? It seems pretty suspicious that you bring this up; around the same time the TTA and Shadow both have had similar dreams about an amulet. It's too coincidental to be considered coincidental.

Truly it was orchestrated and there is a connection... Not to mention, you also exhibit the curse of the double digits, as do I.

Now do you see Shadow, the Time Travel Threat is real. As I have been saying for years. Not that I am trying to convince you, but what more do you need to be convinced that you are being controlled?

The last time I had a dream this similar to someone else's was when I was in high school and my best friend had the very same Time Travel dream I did, talk about weird.

I still don't have a hell of an idea as to what you're talking about in your posts. But I liked the one (post #92) about Titor; couldn't have said it better my self

-TTA<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">
RE: Regarding Amulet Dreams

Just curious, my other friend, has a pendant that was cursed and possesed by something. Only wondering that's all.

30 years in the future.... Huh So give us a title of a new Tv Show coming out in 2003 or a Song from 2003 just the group and song title that would do it and he or she must be dead on correct about group and title. You do that and I will help anyway I can. What do you say to that...
Will work for proof of future...

hey, skye, ask him if there will ever be an OFFICIAL back to the future part 4!
if he says yes, tell him to state at least 5 of the cast members and at least one of the crew (producers, directors, etc.)
oh, i got another, too! if he says yeah to there being a part 4, ask him what year and season it will come out in (im trying my hardest not to create some mind-bending time loop through information passed down from the future, but i have to know these things!)
i basically already believe you, and all that, but i would believe you (not as much you, but your "future" friend) alot more if he could guess the cast and stuff...
well, incase that doesnt work (probably too far off to tell), ask him how many two digit numbers will be in the florida lotto numbers, well... he can pick a day, but it has to be at least 2-5 days in advance
truthfully, it doesnt HAVE to be one of those things, i would just prefer it, as they are more haphazard... if your friend can think of any other thing to prove it to us, i will go along with it (hey, what can i say? i'm obsessed with time travel! i believe that there HAS to be SOME time travellers within our midst even as we speak)
anyway, what i am basically saying is... well... we need proof!
good luck with all that vanquishing evil and stuff... i would help, but, i dunno what i can do... either way, i've rambled on for WAAAAAY too long anyway... peace!

If it is impossible, I have done it. If it is unheard of, I will do it. If it is unspeakable, I am responsible for it. I am always rising to meet the challenge of tomorrow, for I am, TheProfecy!
Last night I had a dream involving a all blue cross, a crystal one, dark blue, kinda like the bar that you see on this site, halfway see through on a black cord, A light was shining down on it, and it was black behind it, on the edges of the 'picture' of my mind, right behind the amulet it was grey adn smooth. Odd dream.

RE: Amulets


Just out of curiosity? were you able to see a reflection or any kind of shadows inside of this crystal dark blue cross?

RE: Amulets

Not really but I seem to forget bits of my dreams at times, I can draw a picture of it and show you. Do you know of anything like this that exsits in real life?

RE: Amulets

Well sure there are lots of lead chrystal crosses. But to truely understand your dream I think you need to look furture into the actual amulet itself, thats why I was asking if you saw any shadows or reflections in the chrystal of the cross. You need to remember this because oviously it was blue in color for a reason and made out of chrystal. Maybe it has something to do with sacred geometry in the way the lights reflected in the crystal.

RE: Amulets

It was in shadow mostly, because the light shined right on top of it mostly. but it was dark blue, no reflections other than the top and here's a bad drawing I did to explain better

Taht's done on paint but it' gets my point across.

Here is my current working idea for time device check my site for flow drawings
Computer Time Server or CTS.

Concept: Set up a dedicated computer time server ( linix box would be nice more reliable
check for $299 box) with battery back up and all redundant back up possible
this would sink to atomic clock through phone or gps.

Step one: Construct message program that will send text or Morse code pulses or test
pulses at a precise dedicated time, this would be possible for current and future time. In
other words enter simple message and then enter time of transmission (insertion) then time
of reception (released time). The first step would be to get this box to work with in itself.
In other words to type test message then send in 5 minutes the program would do itself,
than receive in 3 days. You have just sent a message to the future. So far this is similar to
a time announce or digital assistant program. A wake up call if you will (but with your
message). Also a complete log would be kept of transmitted and received pulses.

Step two: Send message back in time.
Enter message time of transmission than time of reception, the message would then leave
on a digital or analog I/O card (basically a card that interfaces your computer to external
hardware similar to remote control devises or PLC’s Programmable logic controllers)
this message would be inserted into the external Hardware i.e. (transmitter /receiver)

External hardware: This is the tricky part, obviously the computer is always on ready to
transmit and receive from this external device. It must be left on and message event must
proceed at a designated time. At first it would be easier to send a series of cascading
counting pulses that vary each transmission so you can decipher when in the future that
pulse would occur. Example you no that on Tuesday 1000 hours it will send 10 pulses so
if on pre-Monday you receive 10 pulses you have received a message from the future
(assuming theses pulse have come from your external hardware not internal from the
computer remember the computer can send pulses forward through time not back) This
future event would be controlled by the computer not you! no time paradox here, like I
forgot to type the pulse so how could the past receive it.
External time box this is where I am brain storming. The box would transmit/receive
Light, RF, Radiation, Particles or what ever method or modulation proves time
susceptible, it good be an accelerator or decelerator (absolute zero). maybe the reflections
of the past would be show in the future (remember we are talking simple pulses here) This
external hardware would also need to be vary reliable, always on so to speak.

To me this is the elemental basis of  a workable time server or traveler, the pulses travel
they are better equipped to do it..

Pro’s: No time paradox, no living matter, simple pulse transmission- reception
Con’s: no proven time transmitter (at least for sending to past)

Please send me your ideas for time transmitter or field generator to transmit into,
sendto: [email protected]        “Vision through electronics.”   I am planing to build in
my garage, not joking, if it doesn’t work out, hey I still get some good electronics out of
the experiment. (:
Project title:  Time Server Project
related equipment,  Time server, Time reference, Time transmitter.

Imagine sending the lotto numbers to the past! HAHA that would cover the costs!

This is a new idea as far as I know, I thought details of it yesterday , although ever since I
started in broadcasting I entertained the idea of transmitting through time and how to do
it. My recent contract computer work and knowledge tied the transmitter to the server in
my mind, mainly for logging, tracking and analyze, recording and timed transmission and
so on.

Let me say this project is in the conceptual stage (its only been one day of official work on
the time server).
I did a time search on MSN for time travel and it lead me here.
Let me say I know transmitters I have worked and tested, trouble shooted full power TV
and FM transmitters analog and digital, I was a chief engineer for a TV station for over
ten years. I have a AAS degree in broadcast electronics. I also am a certified commercial
electrician and not to bad with computers I built (put together) the one I am using now. I
say this not to brag (it was a lot of work and study) but to establish some creditability as I
have read a lot of wild posts in this area. (which is good let freedom ring).

Look for a web site (geo cities) soon (for real) under search word vistronics to present
this and many other ideas. I lost or someone ripped off my Hand spring Visor platinum
PDA, so some ideas are lost (yes I back up but I got hit with the lovebug virus and had to
reformatt both my computers than I took a trip with out backing up anyway....)

On to your comments,
The core idea is to send numbers (code) through time.
If you will, think, of a time “SETI” a “search for extra temporal transmissions”, instead of
extraterrestrial. The movie contact showed a form of this when they replayed the “Hitler
TV broadcast”, not like what I propose, but you get the idea.

I think this idea will work because its electrons, or particles or a Light wave or a RF
envelope that is doing the time travel (what ever method by trail and error experiment
proves itself.)

I mean lets start at the beginning, you know take baby steps, before getting online and
saying I got a time machine you can jump in.
Like Marconi in the early radio days with a spark gap transmitter, did he build a TV
transmitter? No but it lead to it. Exact parallel to the Time Server.

Much of what I described uses existing technology, but to transmit through time you need
a hole or a field (maybe you do not need this), a zone of non-temporality, a door so to
speak (or a peep hole), you know what is great about this idea is only needs to be a pin
hole to focus your RF (High F microwave) Beam or it could be laser, or modulated Ions
like in a klystron transmitter Particle Beam. Again trail and error experiments, scientific
observation of data, hard work and experamentation is needed.
Do you think some one just sat down and dreamed up TV?

I have several Ideas for the Time transmitter, one borrows from the alternate energy
people, of High speed spinning magnets, creating magnetic fields in a cylinder (of varying
polarity), and what is happening at the center of this field, the middle of this cylinder?
could this be the place to focus the message beam? And what if we density modulated this
area with a klystron beam?. Which is contained by magnetic force? Would the remnant
show through time? what of the harmonics? What about a microwave beam? Instead of
magnets what if we used super high voltage to generate a field 250KV plus? What then?
Do you know?  To create fields of this power and intensity require a lot of power 480
Volt AC 3 phase at a hundred amps. (Imagine that wired to my garage LOLL)

This Idea may not work, but with out experiment I can not say. But I have 2 more of my
own ideas for the transmitter not to much related to above. (notice we have not talked yet
about the receiver)

I am a big fan of OPEN SOURCE so share your ideas.
I am a applied technology guy I want generate data drawings ect.
I like to wax Philosophic sometimes but I am here for nuts and bolts and planning.