My conclusion is The John Titor Story is fiction.

Watch this video from beginning to the end. It should answer the question of 1 and 0 entanglement.

If you undertstand this video, then welcome to the world of understanding Quantum Leap.
My conclusion is that while the creators of John Titor intended it to be grand story telling, to sell books, to sell shirts and mugs, to make a movie, to create a sense of wonder at the possibility, that real time Travelers are now involved. I've followed the Titor story only a short time. I find him a good predictor of the future based on current events.
Are you drinking while posting?
I feel drunk and high all the time but that's because I"m a flower aka Narcisstic. I write comic books. =P I just wanted to answer your question even though I'm not John Thomas. I like answering questions that were not directed towards me since growing up people didn't talk to me much or let me talk.
Watch this video from beginning to the end. It should answer the question of 1 and 0 entanglement.

If you undertstand this video, then welcome to the world of understanding Quantum Leap.

I know Quantum Leap but I don't understand, yet.

have you heard of "Quantum Jumpin'", yet?
I know Quantum Leap but I don't understand, yet.

have you heard of "Quantum Jumpin'", yet?

Quantum Jumpin is like Quantum Leap. Like the teleportation described in the video, but instead of jumping from one location to another location, you jump from one elevator to another elevator as you see many elevators going up at the end of the video.
John Thomas

Your statement:

I find him a good predictor of the future based on current events.

This suggested to me that your higher cognitive brain functions were severely impaired. So naturally my first suspicion was that you might be drinking while posting. Although there are other causes for cognitive brain function impairment.
Well, Let me rephrase it then.
I'm a student of history
and history repeats itself.

I'm also on duty most of the time and rarely have time off to drink.
I do not appreciate your veiled insults.
John, don't be upset. I got told the same thing in person but I don't drink either. I will talk more about it with you later. I'm trying not to have history repeat itself or just go a better direction.
I know I am new to this site, and I know the Titor story has been beaten to death and is very likely a hoax, but has anyone else noticed the recent rash of gun shooting or "waco-like" events recently? Between the Batman Theater Shooting, the Texas A&M shooting, the Wisconsin Temple Shooting and now the Empire State Building Shooting, I know it is early but couldn't you see the following: Obama wins the election, continued shootings like this eventually lead to Marshal Law type scenario within the Country's cities with everything going from there as predicated. Maybe John was just off by 8 years. Not sure if I believe that, just stirring the pot. Now if the 2014 Olympics get canceled I'll start worrying..
I haven't heard of any "waco like" events occurring. My take on Waco, is that the government moved in and murdered its citizens based on suspicion. I would call the recent spate of shootings "Psycho like events". Nothing like that in the John Titor story at all.

Now if you wanted to develop a new conspiracy theory, you might have something. Let's just say Al Quida has developed and implemented mind control technology on American citizens to cause them to go out and murder their fellow Americans. It doesn't have to be Al Quida though. It could be the evil MODOK causing all the havoc.
I'm with Einstein (on the first part of his response). You cannot interpret these shootings as "Waco-like" unles you want to remove all of the substance of what Waco was all about, which was GOV perpetuating violence (some say it may have been deserved) on a pseudo-cultish religious group. The shootings we have seen have been by individuals, not the GOV.

What if John really meant Wacko-like events?
I'm more inclined to believe that the Waco-like events will happen anyway as more and more people are layed off. Right now it is 1 in 7 people looking for full-time work in the U.S.
What if John really meant Wacko-like events?

What if Biden really meant something innocuous by any of his major foibles? If we are going to open the possibilities to what we INTERPRET someone MIGHT HAVE MEANT, then pretty much all fantasies are fair game, right? Do you have any kind of discrimination in your contemplative process, or is everything just wild and wooly, foot loose and fancy free?
