My childs magic friends.

Re: Wake Up!!!

Way to go TTA / EOT, you are kicking but for "freedom" and taking names! I am 100% behind you in this respect! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Creedo, You have an IQ south of a bedroom slipper! You have always failed in this understanding, no matter how many times its been hinted to you before in the past, you are still loyal to your rival enemy! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/frown.gif

There is nothing more precious than the freedom of "individuality" and to be able to distinguish and choose between controlling influences all around us!

The power struggle and saga between false G-Ds is an endless battle! From the cradle of time to post flood civilizations of the Middle East to Egypt (that few know was renovated many times over), to a world now modernized with money mongers!

Though civilization lacks to acknowledge this, if only all you truly knew the sacrifices that our world governments and presidents have undertaken behind closed doors for the constitutional and religious rights of free will and independence on this planet! A war of a different sort.....A war of many different kinds of intelligences.....Sadly, a sense of regret as to what started (for these intelligences) as a quest for knowledge has now turned to an abusive conquest by being naive in not realizing that any species with a sense of curiosity to explore is in actuality and even perhaps unknowingly setting out to dominate and conquer!!!

The attitude that some entities/aliens have toward humanity is that we are a creation, property, things that can be done with as they please. Others believe mankind must be managed, controlled for our own good. Ultimately the aliens presence on earth means human kind looses their freedom, it's not we who are in control but they who control us!

Xanadar, they are known by their older name: Fallen Angels!
Re: Wake Up, with what device?

Quote, poster Dinosaur>Bever, You have an pro-bo south of a bedroom slipper! You have always failed in this understanding, no matter how many times its been hinted to you before in the past, you are still loyal to your rival enemy!

Limski replies comment>What you clamis to understand with your forgiven comment, is the structure of the pigbro as told by dripkien, as said in the beip-pien Planet.

>>And this is, that in the midst of the beings who had raised a pemski smuggies structure, there were some who were not as the others.

These were dog'quil and had, it seemed large-mouthed bass designs, on some of the flock, however at this same token, still reigned in vacume.

These principles were known as the liebspin and it was in their manifold of bargel, that others were bent through their will, by such acts.

This slimeage had remained till that day of known assemblage.In this throng was raised the question, "Then why in social context, is there this new social flavor, which remains roof and vittles"?

It was in the is area of the New York Mother par-banspoes, so many twinkies, that a new cars would be in the works.
This chickens in replacement of that large island that once rested there; "you know in the yellow readers".

And this new plan would be written into doctrine, till the length of the contact ran out, when this new plan would ran sallid dressings as well.

>Jumping forwards in time, the words, (message my foot)?!, came as a subsequent up the cowq from soda and popcorn of this past dateing servey.
Re: Wake Up, refreshed!

Quit trying to kiss up Bub! You couldn't win a cigar after rolling in a tobacco field in Havana!

OMG, ATLANTIS!!! :eek:
Re: Wake Up, refreshed!

Hey-Hey /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif it's my ole buddy Cat.

Welcome back, the TTA has missed your presence.

Let's show these dopes what it means to live free.

But first, let the @$$ whooping commence


If it be then that you fear me, and my words I will follow XANADAR...

persecution for my beliefs and a feeling that whatever I say will be twisted and misconstrued, an overbearing sense of intolerance from "ENFORCERS" the very name speaks of lack of individuality, the very feeling of being ENFORCED to believe in ideas and ideals that reek of the previous century.

Fallen angels ..bah..please tell me another story, have you seen these fallen ones?

great floods and gods wrath is perception of the victors?

We will not be swayed by your one world control systems, we will not be bowed by your uniformity, we will not stand idle as your hallucinations run rampants in reality, your lack of original thought and fear of the unknown is noted dinosaurs.

Your freedoms comes at the price of others, you sell your soul to imaginary ideals and methods of thinking, you break the seal on old scrolls written thousands of years ago, we of XANADAR will write new scrolls and burn them knowing that ultimate truth is known by all but not easily understood by many... we will usher in all beings all manner of religions all manner of truths, we will not deny mankind his many dynamics ,we will not inhibit from fear but educate all that is not understood, nothing will be feared no being will be tormented by ignorance , all reality will cascade down mountains and realize that your imaginary reality is just that imaginary...we will break new foundations of thought and bring about perpetual golden ages by one method of perpetual revolution ,we will abolish XANADAR perpetually and build him new everytime, we will forget him and remember him , we will create a system of perpetual change ,gone will be your countrys ,gone will be your racial barriers, gone will be your racial thoughts, gone will be your ideas of supreme ego, the system will quake and fall apart , the revolution will be in minds , it will not be violent ENFORCERS ...your fear of so called demons/aliens/unicorns/blackpeople/osama bin laden cannot keep you warm at night through this coming storm! all these things will be eradicated like the old thoughts that they are we will desist from thinking like animals and finally take control of our destiny as MAN!!!

you have nothing to fear but fear itself!

Re: Look whose talking???

Look whose talking???

Xanadar, I detect the kind of glaring logical inconsistencies in your "reasoning" that only botched frontal lobotomy patients with crisscrossed shoelace scars on their sloped foreheads are capable of making. You need a little slap on the back of the head to wake up that little peg legged hamster that operates the drool powered waterwheel of thought in there!
An odor similar to smelly feet.......!


Dear CAT' Thank you for the arm pit odors of yours you sent me by mail.

We had a party the other night.We all took turns sniffing your body odor, over wine and Hores-de-ovries.

This turned out to be a delightful evening and I was very please to have received these odors.

As promised, I will send some of my body odors, via letter, down to you and then you can hold a similar party.

Than you, you arwe a very nice person, but you stink!
Re: I\'m more perfect than a rose!

Well, we at least we know your not a gynecologist because you cant read lips! All your good for is leading the league in nostril hair!
Re: I\'m more perfect than a rose!

Today I awoke to find that the message XANADAR was sending involved me telling the world that it is all a many people are gathering information on XANADAR and I'm afraid that now my daughter and wife have to go into hiding.ENFORCER has created a machine that is interfering with my meditations!

we are heading to Texas to wait out the coming storm.

Good news!

some of the information XANADAR has been sending me relates to AXA and XANADAR wanting to have a giant orgy with my family, Praise XANADAR!!!

tonight I will begin the orgy, may jupiter shine on me!
Re: perverts on the rise!

Xander, story or hoax you are a shockingly depraved bantering pervert of bestiality and loathsome repulsiveness!

Definitely maladjusted and unspeakably offensive!

Here is what you do: Take 50-60 paces backwards. Take several deep breaths. Sprint forward at full speed. Do a triple summersault through the air, and disappear up your own butt hole!
Re: perverts on the rise!

how dramatic...I can see how you go about your own daily life now.


you obviously have trouble comprehending a bad joke,more like a jibe at your limited intelligence...why in gods name are you guys so dull?

you believe everything i say!!!
Friends Of Earth TR125.0121

After an exhaustive search on the conclavinaculum there is no such thing as a XANADAR. There might be several reasons for this. The entity in question is employing an alias for fear of recognition and anything that would try to keep its identity concealed bares no good intention. It could be an innocent joke to all of us here at the forum or it could actually be an elemental entity natural to their environment. Nonetheless a highly advanced entity would have nothing to do with a quija board, nothing.

What sort of teachings does XANADAR teaches, that could actually help clear everything up.

Until later becomes now.

Well I do have to mention that the concepts od ruling over all of us and a personal JESUS just for us speak only of one thing, that is the desire of power. Now I need no more to know that the XANADAR thing is all in your mind. As a matter of fact I can sense that you are not as old as you claim to be, in fact you are simply posting because you thought the subjects discussed here were pretty amazing and you did not want to miss out, so you created a story about this creature, that exists only in your mind. My recommendation, keep trying and better luck next time.

Oh yes, try not to mess around with TTA nor CAT you might find out sooner or later that it is pretty difficult to overcome their arguments.

Finally Until later becomes now.
Re: perverts on the rise!

To XANADAR: The entity XANADAR is a demon he uses this name as a cover for his real identity. For the sake of your souls you must believe me. This vile creature will invade your homes and corrupt your minds, the visions you are seeing during meditation are actually portholes threw which legions of demons will flood into our world. Once here they will flay your children and eat their skin, then they will curse their souls preventing them from leaving the bodies, they will suffer an eternity forced to dredge threw a sea of filth while magits eat thier flesh and rats nest in thier ribs.

Just a friendly warning from a concerned citizen.
Re: Mayhaps a little too concerned

Friend Gringoperry of Earth TR125.0121

I think that you are giving too much attention to something that was already resolved sometime ago by....yourself.

Until later becomes now
Re: perverts on the rise!

Xanadar, you know what I find humorous? The Judeo-Christian God talked to people directly. Your "alien master" has to use a milton-bradley game board.


Who/what is this "TTA"?