Temporal Navigator
I travelled naked, where exactly was I supposed to carry pictures of the time machine? No, don't answer, I can guess
And guess what!? We're still waiting for the 'stern warning'
what do you mean, 'for a fact' - I'm from what you'd call a dystopia, there ain't much left of the world in my future! Y'know the hooligans you see in this timeline's TV shows - thats us 3 from the 25th century, but with better technology, you dig?
Get used to it
We're not all bloody do-gooder liberals like you Mr "Gazzak Derant"!
And how in this galaxy or any other "if you are a time travler?" did the let you out of the looney bin. Because in this timeline or any other you would be considered mentally unstable. So as in your own words "GET USED TO IT"This is what you said:Hmmm, YOU call me 'mentally unstable' and claim they've 'let me out the looney bin'? Then you inform me "you should never judge a person unless you want to be judged." Now I find that extremely hypocritical, don't you?
Why would I 'never' understand the term 'For a fact'? Why would EVERY time-traveller be some nice, friendly, liberal bleeding heart? Is the product of your decadent ways too much for you?
Hint the word considered does not mean I called you any thing. So really I do not see how I am hypocritical. And I don't think any one on this board even said that time travellers were nice friendley, or liberal. This is why I said you would not understand what a fact is. You seem to twist them to whatever fits your argument. So go back to sucking your mum's bossum, or grow up.