Molecular cohesion is the key

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RE: Molecular cohesion is the key for destruction!

Fine by me Pamela Shmamala! or should I say ST-IC stands for Second Titor Is Coming!

I will exspore you as a fraud every opportunity that I get!

RE: Molecular cohesion is the key for destruction!

Thank you for your input. From the tone of your letter, you obviously took offense to my reply of your question. I do not know why! Quite frankly, your response seems as though your ego feels threatened. A childish response, don't you think? It is very nice that you and others are working on a device similar to mine and I am very happy for you. I can assure that I have no intention of trying to rule the world.
RE: Molecular cohesion is the key for destruction!

Hi Pam!

Thanks for your kind words!

I agree, we are not likely to see any "free energy devices" on the market any time soon!
RE: Saucer Junk-yard Pam and the Trollies!

No argument or childishness.

I'm just sick of real brillant people, said rich or poor, who at times are utterly almost incapable of crossing the street, due to their level of brilance.

Please forgive my comment.

When you get your time field displacment unit working, as the time mass field effect does pronounce, as by your said, publish this within Popular Science and many happy fiducaries to you.

My dream?

One day to eat a hoaggy in a UFO junkyard, somewhere out in the cosmose.

Who knows, maybe we can con beauftiful and opulent Pamela, to be Ms. Used Flying Saucer-junkpart's, poster girl of the month?

This 3X5 poster will pruport the lovlies of Ms.Pamela.
This is as she shows me and the Gray Hybrids, who are pretty good saucer junkyard mechanics in thier own right, on how to turn a wrench and look lovely at the same time?

Yes Pam, men are not only pigs, but were capable of lifting objects that are heavy, as well as commenting on famous sports figures.

Does anyone here estimate how many used and junked UFOs, flying saucers and extraterrestial crafts, that line the insides of junkyards within the universe?

I mean there has got to be, lots and lots of them?

I appologise to Pamela about the comment of having her wear and engineer's cap, holding an oil-can while wearing workman's farmer stile overalls.

However it's better than the hybrids and myself within this dream, checking out each other's fannies, while confined at the workshop??

The Junkyard whatever, which would replace the trusty old dog here on Earth, might even like Pamela's poster?

Ms. UFO Flying Saucer of the Month, then the year.

Note in UFO lore, the Grays Hybrids are not only cleptos, but also very brilliant and funny as all get out.

Belive it or not, they had tried to steal a French Poodle off one lady and she hit them over the head with an umbrella!

The leader of the two Gray Hybrids, said in a quick descive manner,"Hey forget the dog, let's get the Hellout of here"!

So they certainly know enough English?

How ya goin to keep them hybrids back in old Mars, once they have seen Parie?
RE: Molecular cohesion is the key for destruction!


Whats wrong with you lately? You've become 100% negative on everything. I mean whats the dammage here anyway? Are time travelers scarring the spatial fabric or is it cosmic soul suckers sneeking up on us or what?

Most of the people here are seeking knowlege. Knowlege we'll need to survive. What are we supposed to do, grow organic potatos while the technocrats are putting the finnishing touches on our electronic cages?

If the prozac ain't helping you can get good beer for $4.50 a twelve pack. Spike it with a little vodka and make the world a happier place.
ST-IC (Guest):

I have a few questions if you don't mind. Atoms may be bonded by ionic bonding or covalent bonding. Which of these do you plan to manipulation? Why do you think doing so has any thing to do with time?
RE: Molecular cohesion is the key to Richar18


If I can just comment on a few things to your last post:

<<My point is that according to you we are invading the consciousness of matter in practically everything we do, because of our technological society. "forcing" consciousness to meld to our every whim. But heres catch - unless we act with balance, our actions will ultimately lead to an embalanced result, a.k.a evil, correct?>>

I think you might have missed Cat's point Richard18. Instead you interpreted it, into a Buddhist ideal, in that making Cat sound as if she's saying that all life must not be tampered with. I don't wish to speak for Cat on this, but I don't think that's what she had in mind. Of course with progress there is not choice, we must implement our consciousness to improve our lives. But doing so ethically, you missed that.

But we are talking about Time Travel. A science upon it's self. A separate realm of thinking needs to be implemented when addressing it, as whether it's wrong for a Time Traveler to alter the past with what he knows.

Morally speaking, would it not strike you as wrong and as cheating?

The human condition is bad as it is. We would only be adding to the decline by adding Time Travel to the list of unethical things we've done.

When events come full circle and we see that a conscious signature is embedded in these complex events. What speculation would we come to when we see evidence of foul play in our freewill?

Would not speaking out about it, and wanting to clarify things be acceptable? Then just dismissing it as being nothing?

Doing so would be blind and ignorant of what's the real concern that we are speaking about here. That Time Travel is behind this, controlling our lives and the events that mean great significance to us as a whole. Manipulating us to have us come to what the future deems "spiritual." The motives behind Time Travel.

Is exploitation of a race, or in present terms; using people for cheap labor right? No, for we are only being slaves to them, and we are human beings.

We are meant to be free.

Time Travelers are using us, and we are allowing them. For this is a decision we will come to someday, and will sanction it, if we do not see the consequences this will mean to humanity as a whole.

CAT and the TTA are only trying to convey this message out to everyone for consideration. Why not? Especially when there is convincing evidence in proving this case?

The Time Travel threat is real; the changes are being done as we speak. My computer has crashed 5 times as I typed this post in MS word. The double digits have been showing up like crazy, daily and as I typed this post. Things are happening in my personal life that shouldn't be happening, and the numbers are present in the conclusion of their demise. And that's just me, many others face this Time Travel condition known as: Temporal Manipulation, without truly knowing what it is, or believing it to be a sign of good things to come.

You are being controlled, yet you don't act on it as if it were a real physical threat. But a real threat on your freewill none the less...

They need to be told that they are not alone, and that hope exists if we do not accept this, and find a way of exposing them of their crimes.


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RE: Molecular cohesion is the key to Richar18


The numbers hit again! Having just made a very important life decision I looked at my watch to record the time of that decision....11:55:55 AM.

Manipulation seems to be 'in the data'. BUT I'm still unsure if it is caused by ME or by outside influence as believe.

Are you familiar with the theory that poltergiests are the result of unconscious psychokenetic actions of the people involved? Maybe our number coincidences are low level, self generated psychokenesis.

To say it differently it could be our oun (future time forward) superconscious crafting the present before and as it arrives. Of course implied in this is the fact that "what we can do to ourselves can also be done to us by others".

Don't be too quick to paint all anomilies with the same brush of 'exterior evil intent'.
RE: Molecular cohesion is the key to Richar18

TTA' you do in the right to do so, however as far as the conception of democratic process, have the right to term the human condition as bad all over?

There are currently by the web serch word,, (hidden alien bases), some eighty hidden alien bases hidden here on Earth.

This is almost two million hidden people or more?

There is also by the web serch world, (underground civilizations), some addiitonal two to three million people who are not surface dwellers hidden here on Earth.

What your doing by your sixth statment on you last post, is diagnosing the whole lot as in bad condition, are you not?

Do you have the right to proclaim this as an accurate statment?

Or are you only talking about your computer problems?
TimeMaster 1a

I finally got around to writing out a response to your questions. I was just about to paste it in to the form but I first read your other post regarding CAT's position on time travel. Although you are nowheres near as insulting as CAT when trying to express your views, you still share the same obscure belief system! I mean this kindly, but I have no desire to engage in a meaningless debate about the "ethics" of time travel. Now, knowing what your belief system is, it is apparent that your questions were not sincere. On that note, I will decline from answering your questions.

I do not mean to sound insulting, but I have no idea were you and CAT get this stuff! I have never heard anything so "off the wall". Is this some sort of New Age thing? Temporal environmental activism! Oh well... to each their own...

You know, they do not call it the "Continuum" for nothing!

BTW: You forgot about "polar bonding".

Evil spawns in the hearts of self-righteous.
Well it has been fun people! Not really, just trying to be polite. This place is to strange for my taste. See you on the flip side!
RE: To Shadow, who\'s negative???

Hey Bubs!

Of course I'm not opposed to knowledge! What I am against is knowledge being used in the wrong way and falling into the hands of the Evil Do gooders!

Did you know that NASA employes horticulturist to grow organic Potatos and other vegetibles and fruits in space. They have a green house set up in the space station hooked up to a water filtration system that reuses their urine for water.

They even bring ants up in space to see how they build their ant farm while crawling and floating around.

I get my Prozac from Chocolate and my Alchohol from grapes!

But whats your exuse? I'm not the one missing underwear!!!

RE: To Shadow, who\'s negative???


>>>>but what is your excuse<<<<<

I'm so friggen sorry a I don't even have an excuse. I'd trade my entire past for a kit-cat bar.....and come out way ahead.

I'm so negative that they haven't made the guage that can measure it. I tried to cheer up once, but said to hell with it.

The only thing worse than losing is thinking you are going to win. Hope is the last (fools) refuge of the damned. etc.

Have a nice day.
RE: To Shadow, who\'s negative???

Hey Shadow,

You must be having a bad day?

Go out to Neiman Marcus and treat yourself to the best and most exspensive underware money can buy! You know, the snugg fitting ones so you could feel secure and forthright about yourself! It might even cure that freudian slip of yours!

Yep! that should do the trick!

RE: To Shadow, who\'s negative???


You must be psychic. As a matter of fact I did get some new undies last week. I was down to 3 pair which didn't really last the two weeks between excursions to the laundry mat. The sad part of it is that getting new undies (even though I haven't taken them out of the pack yet) was far and away the best thing that has happened to me in a month or two.

I HAD a life once.

Nah, no I didn't.
RE: To Shadow, who\'s negative???

Hey, I want a Pitcher not an underware snitcher!

Don't get your undies in a bunch, we have to make them last another two weeks between now and pitching! I mean posting!

And I better hang on to my pantyhose!

I came accross one of your past posts and I thought It was absolutely BRILLIANT!


Post #13 January 27th 2001

You are a great methodical thinker! Most people wouldn't even give something like "shadows from a coffee cup" a second thought. Many people don't take notice to the oddities in nature that secretly reveal themselves to us on a daily basis. Its people like you that notice the subtlest things in life that on a grand scale make all the difference in the world to grasping the concept of reality.

Shadow, what is it that makes Time Travel so appealing to you?

Undulatory Theory to Brandon Richar18

Hi Brandon,

Confusious say man who stand on toilet is high on pot!

Just out of my curiosity I was looking for a proper name to your atom theory and its called the "Undulatory Theory."

Its the theory in physics that light is transmitted by the rising and falling of frequency particle waves. Its the pulsation caused by the vibrating together of two tones or particles not quite in unison.

RE: To Shadow, who\'s negative???


The subtelies are usually unimportant. It is that which is too glaringly obvious to be noticed that goes unnoticed!

Actually what I was describing there (I now think!) is the similarity of, perhaps the identity of, parallel world creation and the advancement of serial time. Parallelism being the general case and serialism being a specific case of that.

>>>grasping the concept of reality<<<

Powerfull words. People should try it once in a while.

>>>what makes time travel so apealing to you.<<<<

I've always wanted to know what makes the world tick. (One of my favorite charactors is THE TICK, he is so phenomenally stupid that you sit at the edge of your seat wondering if he will forget to breath.) I wonder at the lack of corralation between intelligence and survival.

Answer #2. Its not the time travel, which is probably a bad idea that will getcha killed or worse, its the knowlege I seek. I used to think that knowlege would make me rich. Yeh right. Rich and powerfull like a librarian.
RE: To Shadow, who\'s negative???

Observiant Shadow,

Its only fair that I should comment that life, in all its uniqueness, would not be life without the negatives and the positives. That is why it is important to be a serious student of both!

Learning not to act on the negative but to reinforce the positive!

I happend to be very subconciously observant to things around me as well much like the shadows of your coffee cup. I observe everthing in nature, like how lights and shadows shine through a fence at dusk.

The street light eluminates my front yard tree
causing a huge shadow to fall accross my lawn.

The way the wind blew through the trees when my grandfather died.

The struggle of an ant to carry something twice its size and weight.

The pattern of comtrails in the sky.

The way those tiny little bee's can effortlessly zoom with lightning speed and come to a complete halt in mid air and hover.

Those tiny atom looking particals that float accross my eyes in the sunlight!

The power of the waves sucking my feet down into the sand as the tide retreats.

The centrifugal force of a yo yo, spinning top and a boonerang.

I wonder how it is that some insects and animals have camouflage. Like the stick insect or the chameleons or polar bears. or the night flying moths with wings that look like owls eyes shining in the dark you cant tell w-who's w-who. Were they smart enough to evolve that way or were they just made that way?

The symmetrical secret and strength of a spider web.

Double Rainbows.

The smell of a Rose.

Nothing goes unnoticed or unquestioned, not just pertaining to "nature" but to the "universe" and the "grand scheme of things." I know things, but I dare not speak them here! I am restricted on spilling the beans and telling everything, only what is enough for you to know that Time Travel is wrong!


P.S. Somehow TTA knows this as well?