RE: Saucer Junk-yard Pam and the Trollies!
No argument or childishness.
I'm just sick of real brillant people, said rich or poor, who at times are utterly almost incapable of crossing the street, due to their level of brilance.
Please forgive my comment.
When you get your time field displacment unit working, as the time mass field effect does pronounce, as by your said, publish this within Popular Science and many happy fiducaries to you.
My dream?
One day to eat a hoaggy in a UFO junkyard, somewhere out in the cosmose.
Who knows, maybe we can con beauftiful and opulent Pamela, to be Ms. Used Flying Saucer-junkpart's, poster girl of the month?
This 3X5 poster will pruport the lovlies of Ms.Pamela.
This is as she shows me and the Gray Hybrids, who are pretty good saucer junkyard mechanics in thier own right, on how to turn a wrench and look lovely at the same time?
Yes Pam, men are not only pigs, but were capable of lifting objects that are heavy, as well as commenting on famous sports figures.
Does anyone here estimate how many used and junked UFOs, flying saucers and extraterrestial crafts, that line the insides of junkyards within the universe?
I mean there has got to be, lots and lots of them?
I appologise to Pamela about the comment of having her wear and engineer's cap, holding an oil-can while wearing workman's farmer stile overalls.
However it's better than the hybrids and myself within this dream, checking out each other's fannies, while confined at the workshop??
The Junkyard whatever, which would replace the trusty old dog here on Earth, might even like Pamela's poster?
Ms. UFO Flying Saucer of the Month, then the year.
Note in UFO lore, the Grays Hybrids are not only cleptos, but also very brilliant and funny as all get out.
Belive it or not, they had tried to steal a French Poodle off one lady and she hit them over the head with an umbrella!
The leader of the two Gray Hybrids, said in a quick descive manner,"Hey forget the dog, let's get the Hellout of here"!
So they certainly know enough English?
How ya goin to keep them hybrids back in old Mars, once they have seen Parie?