When you say "each object", I assume you mean object to be transported back in time. Why is it that an object to be transported to the past would need a temporal-molecular memory? Its presents in the past is totally artificial to begin with. It is not disassembled and then reassembled with atoms from that time period. This fact does not create a matter displacement problem, only a temporary shifting of energy in the form of a temporal bubble, which would also extend equally into our time frame. An isolated sphere in which the two time periods interact.
The sphere itself would not have any linear-spatial movement, provided the field was balanced. Any imbalance would cause spatial movement in both time frames. The bubble that I just described has already been created in NY by:
Time Travel Research Center
PO Box 1047
Smithtown, NY 11787-8547
Although his approach does work, it has very limited capabilities. The temporal sphere appears to be totally isolated with no interaction with the past. A universe all to its own. They can put an object within the field and slow time to a crawl, but no interaction. His current reseach is focused on developing this system for commercial medical use. IE: Placing a patient within the field to slow the progression of illness.
His device creates this field by injecting rarified gases into open air. These gases are held in place by a powerful rotating magnetic field. The molecules are then excited with lasers, creating a spherical plasma field. The center of the field remains open unless to much energy is introduced in which case the field begins to implode in on the open area subjecting this area to dangerous radiation and then the field collapses. He is only able to slow time down by several hours behind that of "real time" before the field collapses.
My approach utilizes similar concepts, but a very different mechanism to create and support the field. The reason he looses the integrity of the field is because when the field reaches the point to actually transport matter back in time, The energy does start to flow backwards in time, but the equipment that supports the field is still here, in this time frame! My approach would bring all the equipment that supports the field with it.
I stumbled on how to change molecular cohesion many years ago when I was trying to duplicate a free energy device I had read about that was based on ion exchange. I did not have all of the equipment I needed so I made changes in the basic design. I could not get the device to work at all! However, it appears that I created a localized, randomly occurring changes in molecular cohesion that resulted in temporal distortions that started the next day and kept happening at random times. It lasted several weeks and moved around within a 20 foot radius. I can not give you more specific details without revealing details of my design and I am not ready to to that. I could not explain what had happened until years later. When I had learned about what was going on in NY, it all came together. I do not have the money to create my model, yet! But I hope to create a prototype within a year if all goes well. I can not say for certain that I will ever achieve the ultimate goal of time travel, but I know for a fact that I can duplicate what the people in NY have done because I have already done it.