Mental Time Travel v Phyiscal Time Travel

I have an account of an out of the body experience at Scribd (Subspace2009):page 53,Ch.7, "A Personal Experience."

Or Google: cigoffard7668 /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif and look down the list. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif web page
Me, personally, I would consider it "mental time travel" when I have a dream that clearly spans a longer time than the time I was actually asleep. In other words, I am sure most of us have had dreams where the events unfolded over an entire day or more than one day.

The truly strange thing is dreams where there is a 'history'....and you remember things that did not happen in the dream itself but which are part of the history of the dream. If one considers that most dreams are simply 'ad lib' acting.....this ability to pluck a history out of thin air at just the right moment is quite remarkable.
What's also remarkable is that dream "locations" seem to persist, so you can revisit a place a second time years after the first visit.

But there is also a curiosity. For me, the dream location never looks like the "real" location, and yet they're the same place (somehow). /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
There are no two ways about it. You cannot exist within the physical world...even in a disembodied form.....without interacting with it. Those interactions will be physical interactions. They must be. Which means by definition there can be no such thing as a non-physical is a contradiction in terms.

Observing a television screen doesn't change the program. We can be observed by hyperdimensional beings without their changing the interactions on the holographic program.

First off I have been first stumbled across this website a little over a year ago. I tried for a few weeks posting my own story on here hoping that someone had had a similar experience. Just some sign that I wasn't going crazy. Okay here's my story...

In the middle of 2008 I started having these episodes. I was working a night shift job at a factory then. I would be in the middle of doing something and bamm, I'd be somewhere different all of a sudden. before I would have a chance to think I would understand where I am and what I was doing, I would have no knowledge that I had been somewhere and sometime else a few seconds before. I would be at some point in my past, not realizing that anything had happen to me. It was not that I had no control, but rather I had no knowledge of the future from that point in my life so I would make all decisions as I had in the past, because to me I was the past me. I would live out my life exactly as I had before for a completely random period of time before I'd return to exactly where i was when I left. When I was returned to the future it was like waking from a dream. At first I didn't know what had happen or where I was, then suddenly my memory started to return. Except more violently. I would feel a sudden rush of information coming into my skull the first time it happened I felt sick and stumbled. But the more times it happen the easier it became to deal with. it didn't seem like any time had passed in the present when I would leave. But the in the past their seemed to be no limit. I believe the longest was 2 weeks 5 days. The shortest I can remember is about 10 minutes. I have no control over when I leave, what point in my life I arrive, and how long I stay. I would not even be too certain I was time traveling at all if it wasn't for the fact that I could recall vividly things I had long forgotten, people's faces, a phone number I over looked a million times. Crazy little stuff that I think would put even people with photographic memories to shame over. I felt like it was seconds ago and I possible was. I believe I can only travel to the past, but I do have a very strange memory that seemed so surreal it could be the future or it could have just been a dream I just randomly remembered a part of. This one was of me holding an infant in my arms a woman nearby. The woman and the room were constantly changing, as were the child. at one point it was a dead fetus. This whole thing lasted for at most 5 seconds. The only reason I considered that this was not a dream is because it was from the first person point of view and I never have dreams from the first person. Sorry for this being so long. please tell me if you know of a similar case.
If we live in a continuum of possible realities then there exists regions of indistinguishability where we can trade places with our alternate selves and never know the difference. When the occasional trade occurs outside the boundaries of indistinguishability, we notice slight discrepancies with memories of our previous universes of experience. A rare happening and I wonder how far out we can venture, how strange the realities can become?
Boredom is a subject you can control. Afterall, Einstein came out with his thinking on the Universe.

Out of Mind is really a very stupid idea. Try actually having a thought or two by learning something in your life.

Boredom is a terrible way to go for the mind.
What exactly is mental time travel and how can I achieve it?

<font color="orange">hdrkid[/COLOR]

I have done astral time travel to the future.

Can you do astral time travel into the / your past to? Is this even possible?
I guess that depends upon what one believes about the astral (or ether
) realm -
if they believe in it as a possibility in that sense at all for that matter.
Though your question did make me wonder along a different train of thought.
'Was just curious if any research had been done in regards to deep hypnosis and
future event predictability rates?
Maybe just bunk, but an interesting thought.
Come on dude, remembering things is hardly mental time travel. By real mental time travel I am referring to what others have talked about on this topic with the ability to use your energy consciousness to travel throughout time in a conscious first person state. Remembering something is not really any comparison.
to use your energy consciousness to travel throughout time in a conscious first person state.

Here's the problem(s), Don.

What is the definition of "energy consciousness" and how does that, by definition, differ from memory?

You used the term "conscious(ness)" twice in the same sentence to state the question in a form where one defines the other. That's a tautology.

What is a "first person state" and how does that differ from a person's personal memories?

And last, what do you mean by "time travel" as it relates to some mental mechanism? Time travel (to the past) generally means the ability to revisit events that you've already experienced with the ability to interact with the events - indicating the ability to interact with yourself (your younger self). How does that relate to "mental time travel"? How does one differentiate between memory of an event and "mental time travel"? Be specific, please. We do, afterall, need the ability to run an experiment that can tell the difference between the two to the extent that another researcher can recreate the scenario and get similar results without resorting to personal prejudice.
Here is another problem with mental time travel. OUr science requires test results to be verified independently by third party. With out them, anyone "claiming" to have time traveled mentally is dismissed as crazy. Rather than our society embracing the unknown or little known, we shun it. Psychics, nut jobs, and wackos, and mental time travelers are all put in th same category. This likely has limited many claims to actual experiences because people are afraid of being ostracized, whic has hindered any knowledge base or general understanding of such phenomenon.
Regarding the 'difference' between 'mental' and 'physical' time travel, I would like to quote from the Swetasvatara Upanishad (from THE UPANISHADS: BREATH OF THE ETERNAL, translated by Swami Prabhavananda and Frederick Manchester): "Time, space, law, chance, matter, primal energy, intelligence--none of these, nor a combination of these, can be the final cause of the universe, for they are also effects, and exist to serve the soul...The seers, absorbed in contemplation, saw within themselves the ultimate reality, the self-luminous being, the one God, who dwells as the self-conscious poser in all creatures. He is One without a second. Deep within all beings he dwells, hidden from sight by the coverings of the gunas--sattwa, rajas, and tamas. He presides over all time, space, and all apparent causes...Mind and matter, master and servant--both have existed from beginningless time. The Maya which unites them has also existed from beginningless time. When all three--mind, matter, and Maya--are known as one with Brahman, then is it realized that the Self is infinite and has no part in action. Then it is revealed that the Self is all." This, at least to me, shows that Consciousness and Reality are One, so any change in an effect (say space-time) is a change in Consciousness, and appropriate changes in Consciousness produces changes in space-time. Thus it would seem that any alleged difference between 'physical' and 'mental' time travel is itself an illusion....AUM.
Regarding my previous posting, the word poser in the phrase, "the one God, who dwells as the self-conscious poser in all creatures." should read "the one God, who dwells as the self-conscious power in all creatures." However, since the "one true God" who "deep within all beings..dwells, hidden from sight by the coverings of the gunas--sattwa, rajas, and tamas..." might be considered the ultimate poser/poseur, the mistyping of the word 'poser' for 'power' would still be appropriate...?
then is it realized that the Self is infinite and has no part in action. Then it is revealed that the Self is all."

It's interesting that the vedic writers grasped concepts that maths and science have only recently come to grips with. One such concept is the curious property that a universe that is infinite across space and time is actually ( paradoxically ) a universe without action. Where every conceivable thing that can happen does cannot ADD any action or activity to this state or it would not have been infinite.

It's only us human beings, with our sense of seperation from it all, that experience time as a result of that seperation. To a universal being, the whole of space and time would exist as a single unchanging entity.
hi paladius.

galileu was called a "crazy" too, and Einstein also ,probably, called a "crazy'", he made some quotes about the Universe with a higher counsciousness behind.

many scientists and genius ,were called crazies.

some of the recent quantum physics scientists and astrophisics are talking about god and parallel universes, are they "crazy" guys too.?

the Fbi used some psychic guys in remote viewing projects, like scan gate, and more...

are they "crazy"..?

Some quantum physics scientists, like Amit Goswami, are talking about a Universe Higher Counscience, they are scientists with studies
there is no empty space, the air is aether, and for example the sound waves and radio was travel trough aether.

we can receive packs of informations trough aether directly to our subcounscious mind, and there is also the noosphere, and things like that.and we are also connected with the frequency of earth, (schumann resonance) at 7 or 13hz

our brain generates frequencies, due to activity of neurons and biomagnetism, when we are in the Alpha state we are in ressonance with the Earths field, and we receive informations (intuition)
Mental "Time Travel" is not time travel at all. It is a subjective phenomena which cannot be proven . It is better to call it Strange Loop.