Mental Time Travel v Phyiscal Time Travel


Temporal Novice
What is the difference between mental time travel and physical time travel.

I noticed most of them on this thread focus on physical time travel.

what about mental?

Does it work?
You're not really asking about the difference, are you?
I'm guessing you just want to hear some thoughts on mental time travel per se?

Well, I think this would be a more convenient way of travelling, since you wouldn't have to watch out not to cross paths with your double (since there is none).
And another plus is that you would get into the body of that timeline, meaning people who know you and then see you wouldn't suspect a thing because of your "visual" age.

But there are con's of course. For example you can't take anything with you.
A more indirect one would be: What about the body you leave in the other timeline?
Would it be without a conscious mind since that has travelled back? Or do you merely switch with your past consciousness?

If the last one would be the case it would be a very trying experience for your past's consiousness. A little bit similar to what happend to 2 people in LOST.

Oh, and a big pro I forgot:
You could relive your life and try different choices, without having to fear death, since you'll always end up in a younger body (given that you could travel that far back).
That sure could be VERY nice! I think I especially would try to memorize the lottery numbers from the weeks after my arrival in the past, hehe.^^

EDIT: This way you could even live as long as you wanted. Sure, it will be a loop, but you could always live out your life in different ways, always getting a whole different experience overall. Then again the chance of dying in an accident statistically rise higher and higher the longer you live.
So make sure that if you see it coming or are dying and only have a few seconds left: Shizzle quickly back again!^^
In my understanding it means that you only travel back with your consiousness; replacing or switching with the consiousness in your past self's body.

You could also say it's almost like downloading knowledge from your future self into an earlier version of yourself.
What is the difference between mental time travel and physical time travel.

The problem I always have with disembodied 'mental' things, spirits, ghosts, etc is this :-

Let's say I'm a disembodied mental thing of some sort. I'm floating here, quietly looking at the world around. But hold on..............being able to SEE requires a physical interaction with the photons all around.

It is a basic tennet of science that something that does not interact with it's environment essentially does not exist at all. Things exist BECAUSE they interact. That makes nonsense of the whole notion of some 'non-physical' entity....because by definition...non-physical means no interaction with the physical world....which in turn means the entity does not exist !

There are no two ways about it. You cannot exist within the physical world...even in a disembodied form.....without interacting with it. Those interactions will be physical interactions. They must be. Which means by definition there can be no such thing as a non-physical is a contradiction in terms.
That might be true, but with mental time travel (at least in my understanding) you're not without a body.
You're "just" switching/replacing your consiousness of your body in the past with the consciousness of your body from the future/present.
What is the difference between mental time travel and physical time travel.

I noticed most of them on this thread focus on physical time travel.

what about mental?

Does it work?

As far as I am concerned "Time Travel" should apply to only physical time travel. In other words, physical bodies are "local" and have location.

Can we say with certainty that the mind is "local?" The brain is, but then in so-called "mental time travel" the brain doesn't actually travel independently of the body (although this is a hilarious idea--it's the funniest thought that has occurred to me in some time, ROFL) :D

If the mind isn't local, then what is doing the traveling?
I'm not quite sure what you mean by "local" but I would think about it this way:
The consciousness that travels (or the mind or whatever you want to call it, but please not soul^^) is like the data on a hard drive.
And sending it to the past is like sending the data of the hard drive via WLAN to another hard drive, overwriting/switching its contents.
Only that you're not sending the data through space, but through time.
As far as I am concerned "Time Travel" should apply to only physical time travel. In other words, physical bodies are "local" and have location

I believe this is a good question to discuss.

I would first agree with Packerbacker and his comment regarding the definition of a time traveler.

Those dynamics that are considered to be seperate and distinct ( Physical verses Mental ), are they really ?

It seems that as we advance with understanding, knowledge and technology, that we are seeing the merging of science with paranormal concepts.

We have a preconcieved notion of "time travel". However, if there is some sort of "verifiable" movement through time, regardless of the method, should we exclude those methods because they are different than what we first thought time travel "should" be?
Well has anyone been able to do mental time travel or astral time travel? Anyone here at all had experiences with this? tell us all about it.

I had an 'out of the body experience'....years ago. No time travel involved...simply drifted up to the ceiling. A fascinating experience, and of course one can then no longer doubt that others do indeed have such experiences.

But whether 'the mind' is genuinely leaving the body is another matter entirely.
Well has anyone been able to do mental time travel or astral time travel? Anyone here at all had experiences with this? tell us all about it.

My answer to your question is only intended to show you that the question itself may be incomplete or suffer from lack of clarity:

Me, personally, I would consider it "mental time travel" when I have a dream that clearly spans a longer time than the time I was actually asleep. In other words, I am sure most of us have had dreams where the events unfolded over an entire day or more than one day. And yet, the actual, physical time that our bodies (not our minds) slept through was on the order of 6-8 hours (depending on how long you are in REM/dream sleep state). Hence, without a firm definition of "mental time travel" this would certainly classify as such.

And even a more simple version would classify as such: In my dream I "go back in time" and share a laboratory with Sir Issac Newton and watch him run an experiment. Did this event in the past "really" happen? Who is to say? But did I travel back in time mentally? Most certainly.

I was also alerted to another notion a while back. This may be too abstract for most people to warrant any merit from it...

It was put forth that;

if an "entity" that was non physical (more accurately, from a frequency we would not associate with the norms of our 'physicality'), was to enter into our reality, They may cause unintentional interfence of certain types upon the space and time grids that structure our reality (a bit like trying to listen to a radio during an electrical storm).

Objects close-by, may travel through both time and space. Or, they may travel through time within the same space and vice versa. Things may age, objects may move, food may suddenly become stale etc. complete by-products, rather than willful actions.

This is probably the single greatest reason why the soviets studied the alledged 'poltergeist' phenomena for so long. Remote Sensing with this kind of knowledge about how Mass, Space and Time are linked could potentially gain you great distance over your 'competitors'.

Also - if such entities do exist, and have noticed us...what could we make them do for us...?

As for the dream state, We may be causing the same phenomena in someone else's reality. That however, is merely speculation on my part.

I think there are many different aspects and forms to time-travel that are not outwardly obvious straight away.
Hi Donald_Patterson:

I have done astral time travel to the future. In fact, astral time travel is a great way to get information on what is about to happen. However, as you go further out timeline divergence increases. That means the information you obtain becomes less reliable. Think of hitting the bullseye on a dart board. As the dart board is move further away it gets harder to hit the center.

The difference between metal time travel and physical is that in mental your body does not go to another timeline. It is like your soul travels and you see the future, but you are still here. In physical you can get "stuck" on the other side and never return. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
You said you did astral time travel to the future.
I hope you don't mind me asking this question, but how exactly do you know that it wasn't just a dream, imagination or strong hallucination?
Did you foresee somthing that then happened afterwards?
And you said that the more you get into the future, the less what you see has a chance of actually happening, because of divergence.
Some people could say that this is a very convenient way for you not to be able to prove your astral time travel.
But how do you begin such a travel? Do you meditate, lie down in bed to sleep? Think a certain thought?
While this isn't astral travel, as far as I know, I once had a perception--maybe a dream I remembered, of standing on the Vermont Avenue overpass of the Hollywood Freeway and looking in the direction of downtown (East). The Freeway lanes had been ripped up and the entire "valley" planted to grass which was a few feet in height. Aerial cars zipped along the routes of the old freeway at, maybe, several hundred miles per hour and four feet or so above the grass. I could see the grass waving as the cars passed above it. The cars were aerodynamic and many colors--red, yellow, blue, and so on. That basically was it. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
physical and mental time travel require different navigation systems for each. The classic time traveler would use both, so that his/her physical body and mental mind can accompany one another to an alternate time.

Mental time travel is grounded to the 5th dimension, while physical TT is based from the 4th.

I am not sure the exact detail of mental TT. I have a inkling that you can only mental TT to a body that you have some connection with. That connection may be genetic, but I am not sure. It may a type of genetic linking that is mind/soul based and not evolutionary based. Not sure though, so I can only offer that as a hypothesis and not fact.
A good example of mental time travel is Nostradamus. He was able to see our future.

Nostradamus and the Apollo Moon Landing - 1558

Century 9 Quatrain 65:

Dedans le coing de Luna viendra rendre,
Ou sera prins & mis en terre estrange,
Les fruicts immeurs seront grand esclandre
Grand vitupere l’vn grande louange.

He shall come to take himself to the corner of Luna,
Where he shall be taken and placed upon a strange soil,
The unripe fruit will be the source of great scandal,
Great blame, to the other great praise.

My French is not the best, but 'terre estrange' means strange soil. OK some translations have it as - an alien land.

Please remember that the first unman balloon flight took place on June 4, 1783, in Annonay, France, when Joseph and Jacques Montgolfier launched a hot air balloon. October 15, 1783 was date of first human passenger.

It would be hundreds of years later, due the hard work of Wilbur and Orville Wright on December 17, 1903, at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina the first aeroplane flew. However, even then, flights to our moon seem the stuff of fantasy.
“Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. THAT'S relativity.” -- Einstein