Martian Sunbathing Spiders


Quantum Scribe
Hello friends, recently I saw a photo posted by NASA where they talk about what seems to be dark spiders over the surface of planet Mars, of course they dismiss it saying its nothing more than carbon dioxide related geysers. Okay, however, they say nothing about the strange surface or rather structure that the alleged spiders are sitting on. Here's the picture

The strange formation seems to be protruding from the sandy surface, and its consistency is different than that of the surrounding soil. To me it looks like a giant fossil of some kind of gargantuan creature; crustacean even. Well let me know if anyone knows something else.
In the article (But remember Darby's suggestion of being wary with articles) it doesn't really say. You can infer that it might be some types of dunes. But it is not certain, because then agian it doesn't say. Maybe they are trying to see how imaginative people is before goin on public and saying: "Oh yeah...we forgot to mention that the sun bathing spiders are atop what seems to be a ancient martianlosaurus :)"
see what Trans? That certainly looks like normal sand, as we know it here on earth- so, there must have been sea based life you would assume.