Martial Law Watch - Precursor To A Civil War

DoD Ready to Assist in Event of Homeland Attack

DoD Ready to Assist in Event of Homeland Attack
American Forces Press Service
Date: April 12, 2004

'WASHINGTON, April 12, 2004 – The Defense Department stands ready to assist
authorities at the federal, state and local levels in the event of another
terrorist attack on the homeland, a senior DoD official said here April 8.

In prepared remarks delivered to Armed Forces Communications and Electronics
Association members, Peter F. Verga said the Office of the Assistant Secretary
of Defense for Homeland Defense "is responsible for DoD's support to civil
authorities for domestic incident management," such as during attacks on the

In the event of a chemical, biological, nuclear or radiological attack on the
United States, Verga said, the Joint Task Force Civil Support in Norfolk, Va.;
the Joint Task Force Consequence Management East at Fort Gillem, Ga.; or the
Joint Task Force Consequences Management West at Fort Sam Houston, Texas -- all
under U.S. Northern Command -- "would be available to provide command and
control of forces in support of civil authorities."'
Re: Hannity Wants Election Stopped If Attack Occurs


Aren't you missing O'Reilly or Joe Scarborough?

You find that offensive? Who cares?...

A 'propagandist' for his views I believe... Americans Who Work...

I'm sure you and your neocon buddies think... We have to stop these people! ha ha ha

Don't forget to say hi to Prince Bundar who approved the Iraq War!

This administration is a joke.

Re: Hannity Wants Election Stopped If Attack Occurs


Whatever ciggy. It's a good thing for you that there are people like me who would give their lives to protect your right to look like a jackass.

Re: Hannity Wants Election Stopped If Attack Occurs

Oh, and... I did you the courtesy of checking your links... Why don't you check mine and tell me what you think?

Re: Hannity Wants Election Stopped If Attack Occurs



Hurry up and give yours then... I want to see you prove it...

The Constitution even protects morons like you... See? Its not so

Re: Hannity Wants Election Stopped If Attack Occurs


He's an entertainer/activist... Like a comedian? Get over it... And I suppose Detroit isn't a ghost town? And why does Canada have 5-10 gun deaths a year compared to the U.S.?

He has some points...

Re: Hannity Wants Election Stopped If Attack Occurs

I'm not sure what you mean by "prove it". I read the links. They say what they say. In the event of a catastophic event I would HOPE that they impose martial law. I don't see a problem with it.

and... Oooh... I like this name calling. Shall we continue? I'll call you a... um... Ok I got it... You are a doodie head!

Now come back with something even better! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif
Re: Hannity Wants Election Stopped If Attack Occurs


Being trained in statistics... I have run the numbers myself, based on the RAW DATA, regarding gun fatalities in the US and abroad. Moore's numbers just simply don't add up. Canada actually has similar rates of gun deaths if you hold for third variables like population density, poverty rates, etc.

Do yourself a favor, seriously, and go to . They break down Moore's number game.


I didnt anticipate being drawn into a debate... It's late I'll read it tomorrow... I promise...

2004 Will Be Remembered as \'Summer of Terror\'

FBI Agent: 2004 Will Be Remembered as 'Summer of Terror'

Today on "Fox News Live," former FBI Special Agent Harold Copus said that the summer of 2004 will be remembered as the "Summer of Terror."

Anchor Gregg Jarrett told agent Copus that Tom Ridge said special attention will be focused on stopping terror attacks on rail, air, hazmat shipment, chemical facilities and the electrical grid. He asked if all of those were vulnerable.

Copas said, "They certainly are."
Re: Hannity Wants Election Stopped If Attack Occurs

Thanks a million for the link!


Rense was the first to cover it in google...

Perhaps I should have used the corresponding DoD's plans name Garden Plot

Considered 'conspiracy theories' by many but I can ASSURE you they are REAL much like the BLUE and RED lists that were confirmed to be real by Richard Clarke and Ted Koppel.

Not discussed on NightLine but this is what the LISTS mean...
Blue List - Essential Personnel to be kept alive... For awhile anyway..
Red List - Enemies of the State [U.S.] dissendents to executed immediately

But for more detailed information about FEMA's REX 84 and DoD's Garden Plot plans for enacting martial law I provided more detailed analysis for you.

FEMA Mobile Emergency Response Support (MERS)

FEMA Concept of Operations Plan - Introduction and Background

Department of Defense Civil Disturbance Plan
DoD - Garden Plot
FEMA - REX-82, REX-84
Dod - Civil Disturbance Plan 55-2

Joint FEMA/DOD exercises and programs

Proud Saber/Rex-82
Rex-84/Night Train

Freedom of Information Act Confirmation of Garden Plot
Military role grows on home front

The Adjutants General Association of the United States/National Guard Association of the United States Point Paper on Homeland Security


House Passes Continuity of Congress Plan

House Passes Continuity of Congress Plan

The House, in a 306-97 vote, put aside for now the larger issue of whether the Constitution (search) should be amended to allow for temporary appointments in the event that an attack caused mass fatalities among lawmakers.

The House, said Judiciary Committee Chairman James Sensenbrenner, R-Wis., sponsor of the elections bill and a foe of appointments, "is rooted in democratic principles and those principles must be preserved at all costs."

The measure would require special elections within 45 days of the House speaker confirming that a catastrophic event had left at last 100 of the 435 seats vacant. Language was added to ensure that military personnel stationed overseas would have their voting rights protected.

The current legislation has split the two parties in the House, with many Democrats saying they were not given the chance to offer a constitutional amendment that would allow for temporary appointments until special elections could be held.

The Constitution requires that House vacancies be filled by elections. Senate vacancies can be temporarily filled by appointments made by governors.
108th Congressional Profile
Current Party Divisions of the House:
228 Republicans, 205 Democrats, 1 Independent, 1 Vacancy

Is the picture getting clearer?