Martial Law Watch - Precursor To A Civil War


Rift Surfer
As the election approaches everyone should be wary of 'Martial Law' due to a terrorist attack that would prevent a Presidential Election.

Due to falling polls for President Bush and Iraq occupation detoriating, 'strange events' may prevent an election causing 'Martial Law'
Hannity Wants Election Stopped If Attack Occurs

Republicans are 'known' for sharing talking points for their writers, pundits, advocates and talk show hosts such as Rush Limbaugh, Shawn Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Bob Novak and Tucker Carlson. The 'spin' is shared as if a 'mind meld' has occured.

Paraphrasing Shawn Hannity today or yesterday he suggests 'If there is a terrorist attack near the election, maybe we should not have an election'
Tucker Carlson Urges A Revolt and Civil War

Republicans are 'known' for sharing talking points for their writers, pundits, advocates and talk show hosts such as Rush Limbaugh, Shawn Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Bob Novak and Tucker Carlson. The 'spin' is shared as if a 'mind meld' has occured.

Paraphrasing Tucker Carlson last week or the week before talking with James Carville on Crossfire on CNN "Revolt.. Go head and have a revolution..." and again "Have a Civil War"
Re: Hannity Wants Election Stopped If Attack Occurs

The Ciggie Man said:

" <font color="blue">Republicans are 'known' for sharing talking points for their writers, pundits, advocates and talk show hosts such as Rush Limbaugh, Shawn Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Bob Novak and Tucker Carlson. The 'spin' is shared as if a 'mind meld' has occured." [/COLOR]

You can say that again! But it isn't just the Republican's that play that game. It isn't just the pundits. Our media for the most part has been connected to big business for quite some time, and our politics has been connected to big business for quite some time.

In Michael Moore's book "Stupid White Men", in his first chapter "A Very American Coup", there's all sorts of coincidences.

1.Katherine Harris, the Florida secretary of state in charge of elections during the 2000 election, was George W. Bush's presidential campaign cochairwoman in 1999.

2.Of course Jeb is W's brother and he is the Guv.

3.Katherine Harris' office told "Database"-the firm employed to remove felons from the voter registration list, to cast as wide net as possible to get rid of the predominately black democratic voters. She instructed the company to check out people with similar names, same birth dates, similar social security numbers, etc. And if there was an 80% match with these broad terms you were off the list, even if you were suppose to be able to vote! Yikes! Lots more to this story, I won't go on.

4.American media ignored it. The BBC covered it.

5. Election night after the polls came in : "there was much confusion over what was happening with the counting of the votes in Florida. Finally, a decision was made by the man in charge of the election night desk for the Fox News Channel." Fox was the leader in the networks to say George W was the winner in Florida. All the other networks followed suit.

6. John Ellis was the man in charge of the election night desk for the Fox New Channel. He is also George W and Jeb's first cousin.


This, of course is only one example. And it has a clear paper trail.

Does anyone remember the big flack when Clinton was in office, when it leaked that the White House clearing normal media programming on TV? Am I the only one that remembers that or noticed it? And I voted for Clinton!

The more insideous propaganda (let's call it what it is) seeps into the spin or bent or choice of stories covered. All of the programming, etc. etc. I am sick of it, personally. You just have to try and stay aware and always question.

The Appropriateness of Chance is Astounding

"There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth's protective layers" by Neil Armstrong
Re: Hannity Wants Election Stopped If Attack Occurs

Using any source by Michael Moore, a self-admitted "propagandist", hardly lends credence to anything you say.
Re: Hannity Wants Election Stopped If Attack Occurs

Using any source by Michael Moore, a self-admitted "propagandist", hardly lends credence to anything you say.
I've gotta agree with Siegmund on this one. There's quite a "rap sheet" of truth on Moore available that displays his egocentric bias in how he crafts his propaganda. To me, the test of a measure of a man and his message is BALANCE. Have you ever seen Moore put together an "expose" of any Democratic faux pas? Not a one! And don't you think the Clinton/Gore Chinese campaign fundraising flap (a la "Templegate") from 1996 may have warranted it? Even though I have conservative/Republican tendencies, I can still find things about Bush that I don't like, just as I found things about Clinton I did like. Extremists from either side of the tracks are dangerous. Politicians that play to these extremes are only interested in their agendas. Moore's first agenda is garnering spotlight on himself. Once his ego is fed, that is when he goes to work for his left-leaning buddies.

Kind Regards,
Re: Hannity Wants Election Stopped If Attack Occurs


I would tend to agree. Michael Moore has been documenting big business's move from the U.S.A.

A true patriot.

However, the millions he has made detracts from his credibility unfortunately.

Re: Hannity Wants Election Stopped If Attack Occurs

Michael Moore has been documenting big business's move from the U.S.A.

A true patriot.

However, the millions he has made detracts from his credibility unfortunately.

That along with the crazy assumptions he makes. I for one am totally glad he is no longer in our country.
Re: Hannity Wants Election Stopped If Attack Occurs

I think that Michael Moore can make some really good points.. as in Bowling for Columbine, bringing to our attention the difference in murder rate between the U.S. and Canada.. no real definite answers there as to why but offering the different perspectives.

Then there is when he completely crosses the line in that movie, as in his pathetic attempt to make Charlon Heston feel guilty for the death of a young girl due to a gun.. what, the person who fired the gun wasn't responsible?

So I wouldn't brand Michael Moore one way or the other.. I'll just remain open to any good points he can make and totally toss out his other ravings.
Re: Hannity Wants Election Stopped If Attack Occurs

Hello TheCigSmokinMan3,

Re. Michael Moore

Yea, I think that bothers him too.

In the movie "The Big One", which my public library gives the synopsis: <font color="blue">Michael Moore, armed only with a camera and a sharp sense of humor, is searching America's heartland for an execuive who will respond to the question: If Fortune 500 companies are posting record-setting profits, why do they continue laying off thousands of workers? [/COLOR]

In this movie, I recall someone asking him that question, and I can not remember his exact reply, it was quite witty, but I think he said something like he wants to pay more taxes and have all the others in his tax bracket do the same.

I don't know. He has become very well known, well liked and successful. But I will stand alone if I have to, to say I think he is still ethical and courageous.

(Sorry, :oops: I didn't address you by your full name before. A few years ago I signed up on this forum as Persephone. After my divorce, and everything changed like my email address, the only way I could figure out how to interact with the forum again, was by signing up new as Persephone8. You can just call me Persephone.)

The Appropriateness of Chance is Astounding
Best Regards

"There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth's protective layers" by Neil Armstrong
Re: Hannity Wants Election Stopped If Attack Occurs

Dear Siegmund,

You made me laugh really hard!

Yea, I agree!

Propaganda is a double edged sword. Like calling a rich crazy old dude "eccentric" and calling a poor crazy old dude a "madman".

I just like to keep aware and question everything, and then I decide for myself.

The Appropriateness of Chance is Astounding

"There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth's protective layers" by Neil Armstrong
Re: Hannity Wants Election Stopped If Attack Occurs

Propaganda is a double edged sword. Like calling a rich crazy old dude "eccentric" and calling a poor crazy old dude a "madman".

I just like to keep aware and question everything, and then I decide for myself.

So I wouldn't brand Michael Moore one way or the other.. I'll just remain open to any good points he can make and totally toss out his other ravings.

Very true! He does make some very good points. Still, I don't like the guy's approach. To each his own..
Reagan Armageddon Plan, 911, Martial Law, Red Blue

The Atlantic discloses secret Reagan succession plan enacted by the Bush Administration on 9/11.

Few people know that an alternative plan exists in case a catastrophic event incapacitated the President's line of succession. This plan was developed during the Reagan Administration against the threat of a nuclear attack, part of it was implimented during 9/11.

During the Reagan era Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld were key players in a clandestine program designed to set aside the legal lines of succession and immediately install a new "President" in the event that a nuclear attack killed the country's leaders. The program helps explain the behavior of the Bush Administration on and after 9/11

On NightLine on ABC discussing the article, Ted Koppel talked about the SECRET REAGAN SUCCESSION PLAN, unknown to CURRENT MEMBERS of CONGRESS, with administration and OMB officials about going on WITHOUT CONGRESS, Martial Law, and the infamous RED and BLUE lists that were confirmed to be REAL which were made to sound more like teams than the friends and enemies of the state lists.
Bob Kerry of 911 Commission Mentions \'Civil War\'

On April 8th - 2004, Bob Kerry of the 911 Commission scolded partisan applause during his questioning of 'National Security Advisor' Conde Rice saying 'I'm afraid of Civil War, if we continue to pursue military action...’ It was unclear if he was referring to Iraq or the U.S.
Maureen Farrell - A fan of TheCigMan? :)

April 6, 2004

Will the 2004 Election Be Called Off? Why Three Out of Four Experts Predict a Terrorist Attack by November

by Maureen Farrell

'On Dec. 31, 2003, New York Times columnist and former Nixon speech writer William Safire offered his standard New Year’s predictions. This time, however, one item stood out. In addition to speculating on everything from which country would next "feel the force of U.S. liberation" to who would win the best picture Oscar, Safire predicted that "the 'October surprise' affecting the U.S. election" would be "a major terror attack in the United States."'

'In Nov. 2003, you might recall, Gen. Tommy Franks told Cigar Aficionado magazine that a major terrorist attack (even one that occurred elsewhere in the Western world), would likely result in a suspension of the U.S. Constitution and the installation of a military form of government.'

Given the bizarre mind-melding between the government and media and the Soviet-style propagandizing that's been taking place, one has to wonder: Is there is any significance in the fact that Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and David Brooks are all beating the same tom-tom? As former White House insider Richard Clarke recently told Jon Stewart, "[There are] dozens of people, in the White House. . . writing talking points, calling up conservative columnists, calling up talk radio hosts, telling them what to say. It’s interesting. All the talk radio people, the right wing talk radio people across the country, saying the exact same thing, exactly the same words."

Sean Hannity twisted things further. "If we are attacked before our election like Spain was, I am not so sure that we should go ahead with the election," he reportedly said. "We had better make plans now because it’s going to happen."

To make matters worse, if martial law is imposed, Air Force General Ralph E. Eberhart will be able to blast through Posse Comitatus and deploy troops to America’s streets.
Rice warns of attack before election

Rice warns of attack before election

"WASHINGTON - The U.S. is bracing for the possibility that terrorists could cast their votes with preelection attacks, national security adviser Condoleezza Rice said yesterday."

"We have to take seriously that [terrorists] might try during the cycle leading up to the election to do something," Rice told "Fox News Sunday."
Re: Hannity Wants Election Stopped If Attack Occurs

The millions he as made detracts from his credibility? A "true patriot"?!?

I find that pattently offensive. I think the OUTRIGHT LIES Michael Moore has told detract more from his credibility than how much money he makes pandering them.

check out to see just a smidgeon of lies he has told backed up with empirical analysis.

&lt;snickers at the Cigarette Smoking patsy&gt;
Re: Hannity Wants Election Stopped If Attack Occurs

persephone... when I said "self admitted propagandist"... I literally meant SELF ADMITTED PROPAGANDIST.

The guy has acknowledged that he has an agenda, and that he skews, leaves out, and covers up the facts to advance it.

There a video clip of him admitting his skewed approach (not in so many words) at