Which is kinda what we're pushing at with the whole 'it's bad, we must stop it' kinda thing (which is going on here in this thread).
The scale of what could go wrong outweights any of the benefits that could be achieved with this device. The device is based on one huge assumption, which is even less re-assuring (what happened to all that imperialical evidence) and smells to high heaven of suspicious activity (conflicting device usage reports, dodgy deals, application to only recently discovered science despite being built several years earlier than the discovery made). Even the 'approving' scientists sound like they have been brainwashed with some sort of glorified future, talking about how good the device is (despite several reports on massive faults within the system and never actually, key point here, testing it).
Now, the last time I checked, Particle Accelerators were the only way to destroy a black hole. But this was only in theory, and required accurate, almost precision like application. What I haven't seen before is particle accelerators being used to create objects.