Looking for John Titor

Goodness sakes! This forum is like a day time soap. Haven't been here in three (3) years, and nothing has changed, lol. Any way; I was reading the news the other day, and a thought crossed my mind about this site, mainly Darby and RMT. Just out of plain speculation and curiosity, what happens if (BIG if), Russia launches a nuke attack next year at some point? Will your positions or beliefs change in any way about the JT saga, and if so what would your conclusion be.

Goodness sakes! This forum is like a day time soap. Haven't been here in three (3) years, and nothing has changed, lol. Any way; I was reading the news the other day, and a thought crossed my mind about this site, mainly Darby and RMT. Just out of plain speculation and curiosity, what happens if (BIG if), Russia launches a nuke attack next year at some point? Will your positions or beliefs change in any way about the JT saga, and if so what would your conclusion be.
I think that would be the last of our worries in that scenario!
Lol, that fb jt is a joker. I recognise the profile name of one of the posters. He also claims to have time travelled, via a jump room (similar to that other claimant, Andrew Basiago).

Goodness sakes! This forum is like a day time soap. Haven't been here in three (3) years, and nothing has changed, lol. Any way; I was reading the news the other day, and a thought crossed my mind about this site, mainly Darby and RMT. Just out of plain speculation and curiosity, what happens if (BIG if), Russia launches a nuke attack next year at some point? Will your positions or beliefs change in any way about the JT saga, and if so what would your conclusion be.
You've got to be kidding. How much of your hard-earned $ are you willing to wager on that scenario? Because I will go "all in" that Russia is not stupid enough to throw any nukes at anybody. You have to understand Putin and the state of the Russian armed forces. He clearly does not want a fighting war, and he is clearly showing himself to be a much more studious tactician than Obama and his clowns in that regard. Did you see what he did in Syria? Putin, of all people, came out looking like the adult, and the peacemaker. Meanwhile, all Obama did was reinforce to our allies that he is all talk and no go. And that has pissed off BOTH the Saudis AND Israel at the same time. Now think about THAT for a second! :)As I always suggest, one needs to keep their eyes on the things going on around the world that are NOT being hype-reported by the media. Putin is doing something overt in Ukraine and Obama is playing into his hands because he does not want the media reporting on what he is doing with his other hand. Have you been keeping your eye on Venezuela? If not, you should for two reasons: (1) The socialist model is in SERIOUS trouble there (it always has failed whenever it has been tried, just a matter of time), and (2) There is a LOT of oil there. 'Nuff said.

You've got to be kidding. How much of your hard-earned $ are you willing to wager on that scenario? Because I will go "all in" that Russia is not stupid enough to throw any nukes at anybody. You have to understand Putin and the state of the Russian armed forces. He clearly does not want a fighting war, and he is clearly showing himself to be a much more studious tactician than Obama and his clowns in that regard. Did you see what he did in Syria? Putin, of all people, came out looking like the adult, and the peacemaker. Meanwhile, all Obama did was reinforce to our allies that he is all talk and no go. And that has pissed off BOTH the Saudis AND Israel at the same time. Now think about THAT for a second! :) As I always suggest, one needs to keep their eyes on the things going on around the world that are NOT being hype-reported by the media. Putin is doing something overt in Ukraine and Obama is playing into his hands because he does not want the media reporting on what he is doing with his other hand. Have you been keeping your eye on Venezuela? If not, you should for two reasons: (1) The socialist model is in SERIOUS trouble there (it always has failed whenever it has been tried, just a matter of time), and (2) There is a LOT of oil there. 'Nuff said.RMT
This comment says it all and I couldn't agree more.
Only 1 more day before the end of Q1, 2014. Barrett Titor predicted a market crash. Really is not looking likely, which can only mean 1 thing. He/she is a fraud; the whole page is a hoax!

Sure that is his son. His handle is "Son of Titor".How do you know for sure John doesn't have a son that can't speak English well?He posted a few hours before the March 11th earthquake in another thread. He said specifically there would be a 8+ earthquake in Japan just before it happened. Another handle SignalSeven, posted the same thing.
I'm not wasting my time. I'm just testing the conditioning.

Thank you Nika.

How about you, Paula?
Like I said, alleged time-travellers are not the only ones to predict earthquakes:Quote:
What are the odds that the biggest quake since 1994 in NORTHRIDGE, just "happened" to hit the EXACT TARGET DATE of the warning posted to GLP MARCH 27th for a big seismic event to occur on MARCH 28th due to HAARP???

And apparently, this was also the only major seismic warning that was issued for March 28th naming California as the SECOND most likely places to be struck!

another huge validation of Gcm's seismic warnings in which 100% of every major quake and megaquake that's occurred just in 2013 & 2014, have all struck the exact dates or windows warned!

So much for the ignorance and deception of modern science that claims major quakes can't be predicted.


Since the Earth experiences a million earthquakes a year, I could probably make a generalized earthquake prediction too. But the real fact is, time, date, location and magnitude were not given.

JT was talking about His timeline. Very similar to ours but not all the predictions are going to be the same.
Except so far, none of them have been the same. Didn't he claim a ridiculously small "divergence" between his timeline and ours? Even if he could not explicitly explain how divergence was measured. Even so, from his predictions they don't come anywhere close to his claimed divergence. Our timeline from 2001 through now have been nothing like what he described.[/FAIL]

What's a jump room? Sounds like a cool feature to have in your basement :)
A jump room is supposedly a means of travelling through time or travelling to different planets. Andrew Basiago describes the jump room experience below: (p.s. he asserts that he and Barrack Obama both used the jump room to travel to the planet Mars in the 1980's)"The doors of the elevator/jump room at the building in El Segundo, CA would close. We would be asked via an intercom whether we were ready to jump. After we stated that we were ready to jump, light panels at the top and the bottom of the walls of the jump room would begin flashing. About five minutes into the jump, the elevator would begin morphing from a box into a cylinder. We had to steady ourselves inside the cylinder, as when one walks through a water main on Earth. There was a spiral pattern, like a wormhole, spinning clockwise at the far end of the cylinder. The morphing of the jump room peaked and reached its most nauseating about ten minutes into the jump. Then, the visual and visceral effects of the twisting would begin to abate as the jump room began to twist back into a box. This took about five more minutes. At the 15-minute mark, the jump room had righted itself back into a box. Five minutes later, the door opposite the door we had entered in the building at El Segundo, which is to say the wall we were looking at while watching the spiral at the end of the cylinder, would open, and we walked out into a basement one story below ground beneath one of the jump room facilities on Mars. We would then walk up a concrete staircase [or, in the case of the jump room facility called "The Corkscrew" an incline plane] up to the surface, and then exit the jump room facility and walk out onto the Martian surface. In one case, the first jump room facility on Mars that I was sent to in July 1981, the staircase that we took to the surface terminated at a concrete dugout behind a large statue of a skull on the surface and upon walking into the dugout we then walked through the eye socket of the statue of the skull to reach the surface. Andy"

He doesn't mention needing a pressure suit and breathing equipment to be on the martian surface....this is just like the old stories I used to read as a kid

He doesn't mention needing a pressure suit and breathing equipment to be on the martian surface....this is just like the old stories I used to read as a kid
He mentions all that malarky about breathing equipment, and being chased by Martianoid creatures and such, elsewhere. Your right, his story reminds me of John Carter and other stories.
Since the Earth experiences a million earthquakes a year, I could probably make a generalized earthquake prediction too. But the real fact is, time, date, location and magnitude were not given.
The date, location and magnitude were given.
This person on GLP predicted an Earthquake in Chile on 24th March. The person said that it would occur in a few days from the 24th March and that a Tsunami would be an issue. He/she also mentioned the depth of the earthquake being about 20km.

On the 1st april 2014, a 8.3 magnitude earthquake occurred in Chile and a Tsunami warning was issued. It had a depth of 12.5 miles (20.1 km), the U.S. Geological Survey said.

BIG EQ in Chile really soon

Tsunami warning and evacuation of thousands after earthquake in Chile | World news | theguardian.com

Lets go over the facts:

Was an exact time given? NO.

Was an exact date given? NO.

Was an exact location given? NO.

Was an exact magnitude given? NO.

None of the criteria for predicting an earthquake were met. And I might add that a prediction has more credence if it is made before the event happens rather than after. As is the case for most internet hoaxters.

Lets go over the facts:Was an exact time given? NO.Was an exact date given? NO.
Was an exact location given? NO.

Was an exact magnitude given? NO.

None of the criteria for predicting an earthquake were met. And I might add that a prediction has more credence if it is made before the event happens rather than after. As is the case for most internet hoaxters.
Whoever made the Chile call on the GLP forum, did in fact give a location (Chile) and said that it would be shallow at about 20km. U.S. Geological Survey reported the earthquake as being 20.1 km. Also, the "person" mentioned about a Tsunami. Additionally, I read the prediction on the 27th March, so the prediction did in FACT occur before the event. This does not seem like the usual vague prediction to me.For the sake of balance, it should be noted that an article was written, warning that a big quake was overdue to hit Chile, but the article was not specific about when it would happen; the article said it could be months or years away. This person said it would hit in a few days after the 24th March.
I don't know what to make of it, just relaying all the facts that's all.


It was a generalized prediction. Even you could do it. Using statistical data.

The location was a miss. The epicenter of the quake occurred offshore in the ocean.

Given the time span evident, roughly 22,000 earthquakes occurred across the earth.

It's just like predicting lightning strikes. They will happen statistically. But when and where?
