Lizard Flu

Re: Lizard Flu Vaccination Card!

I refuse to believe that my beloved clammy ever had any form of relationship with a filthy, disgusting lizard. You can brand me a "racist" or claim that I am against "mixed relationships", but I know that clam, and it would never, not in a million time-traveling years, EVER get involved with a lizard.

I refuse to believe this. PROVE IT TO ME!

la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la..... (ears covered, blissfully in that giant river in Egypt)

Indeed your beloved "clammy" bootleg this file from the Chronicles of the Healt Lizard Police!

See for yourself:
The Lizzard Flu Vaccination Card: :oops:
Timeline Changed!
Re: Lizard Flu: Travis Elementary School

Actually it is all a matter of perspective. Different religious beliefs look at doom as the next step to a new life. One mans doom is another mans new life. To me the universe is just one big recycling plant. No need to be negative about the whole dang thing. It is all good

Have to wonder why it took 200 million years for the universe to find out that dinosaurs were a waste of time.