Dimensional Traveler
Hypothetical just for fun
If one were to imagine a world complete as it is now, however without any humans at would one go about making something that most closely resembles what we know as human; using only what creatures are already here?
Pig and monkey is my answer. Anyone else venture one for fun?
The facts:
That was the promise on the TV series Animalia...
The book on which the series was based is a picture book with each spread depicting an elaborate illustration in which every animal and object begins with a particular letter of the alphabet. As there was no coherent narrative or central characters, these were developed with the concept of a fantasy world where animals of all kinds intermingled and interacted becoming the central theme.
As the series was to be broadcast internationally, the alphabetical theme central to the book was dropped, as it was based on the English language alphabet, and would make no sense if the program was redubbed into another language.