Let's get serious

True, but still, having 2 World Lines going at 2 different years talking to each other for an extended period of time seems impossible, even by science fiction standards. I mean, it's one of the main things I don't understand about Dr. Who. Why doesn't the Doctor show up 2 days before he got the phone call and save the world a whole lot of trouble? Anyway, phone talking time travel seems like a bit of a stretch, but I'm ready to give just about anything a go.
You could use a Ham Radio, like they did in Frequency 2000.

Assumign that the Everett–WheelerGraham theory is correct, if everything has already happened and the time is'nt a straight line maybe all "wordlines" share a "common point" that comunicates with each one. Maybe the "point zero of the creation of the universe the space and time" is one of the bridges that interconnect all the worldlines. I don't know. Anyway, time travel makes sense. Bla, bla, bla.

So, Arroz, you are saying that the creation of the universe is the same for every World Line ever? I'm not too sure.... Although it is probably a connection to a lot of other World Lines, isn't it possible that there are, for lack of a better term, alternate universes? Universes in which the earth was never created, and, instead, a new form of sentient life was created? I'm sure that there are other worlds besides our own...

Cave Ab Veritas.

I believe in the point Zero also, but I haven't figure it all out yet.
Let me help you figure it out.
You've heard of the uncertainty principle, yes? The zero point energy of a quantum system is the absolute minimum allowed energy for the system - the ground state. But the uncertainty principle says that that energy can never be measured to be precisely zero. As an example, if an electron had zero energy, aside from the fact that it would no longer exist, it would have a velocity of zero and you would simultaneously know its exact position, velocity and momentum - which is not possible in the real quantum world of uncertainty. Someone might say, "Ah, but that's just a theory." Yes, it is a theory - a scientific theory that has been experimentally shown to be correct. At the quantum scale we see evidence of virtual particles in the most profound vacuum that can be created. The temperature is never 0 Kelvin (Absolute Zero).

New Agey alt-sci voodoo aside, there's nothing magic, mystical or metaphysical about the zero point energy. It's just a minimum.

Is Time Travel Possible?The answer is a resounding…maybe. The idea of time travel as a science fiction idea goes back a long time. The idea as a matter of fundamental science only goes back about 90 years, shortly after Einstein published General Relativity (GR). There are an infinite number of solutions to GR that depend on how one valuates certain variables in the equations and some of those solutions indicate the ability to time travel to the past. That doesn’t mean, however, that the solutions describe the universe that we live in. An example is in 1949 Kurt Goedel showed a solution based on a rotating universe which allows time travel to the past. It’s a valid solution in that the math is a correct statement of GR. The problem is that it doesn’t describe our universe. Rotation is absolute, unlike linear motion which is relative. A system with net rotation (angular momentum) leaves evidence of such rotation. Astronomers, cosmologists and astro-physicists have looked for 50+ years – the universe shows no evidence of rotation.
To date, the evidence, based on both theory and experiment, indicates that time travel to the past is unlikely.







reactant for GRAVITY relating to "time manipulation"/ YIELD or "END PRODUCT FOR EQUATIONS"!

Most Likely: Cell phone companies, computer communication systems, Radio telescope experiments, Laser Beam "multi beam (using pho-tonic energy beams to bounce off each one-another" / bouncing acceleration ", Advanced solar cell conversion multipliers, or the average Meg-shift scientist, (QUOTE" "Will most likely formulate the requirements (AND ACTUAL/ TANGIBLE ABILITY) to manipulate "INFORMATION IN THE FORM OF BLANK ENCODED INFORMATION", through, around, and beyond time, itself"! Quote : "Man will eventually harness INFINITE ENERGY, THUS, CREATING THE ABILITY TO TRANSFER INFORMATION, THROUGH TIME". This information is "ALL RELATIVE", as far as NON-linear dimensional time/space, is concerned! THIS WILL OCCUR, ESPECIALLY PRIOR TO THE PASSING OF MANKIND"!

JUST A THOUGHT! For any being that may easily understand this, this TYPE OF RESEARCH may be "MERELY A PRE-CURSOR"- to "SOMETHING MUCH MUCH GREATER"! As far as humans are concerned , "there is a beginning and an end to time, itself"! As far as "different life forms" go, the beginning and ending of time may have already been repeated an "INFINITE AMOUNT OF TIMES". It just so happens, that "You and I" are somewhere in between a "EVERLASTING" , "REPEATING" , "REVOLUTION" of BEGINNING AND ENDING OF TIME!


Here is yet another fictionalized account of how a time machine might work. This is just an exercise to jog your memories.

You flip the switch.

A chemical element we'll call Lazar113 is imploded creating something called a stellar corona.

There is a brief blinding flash of light.

Then the singularity appears encased in an electromagnetic cylinder called a trism.

Time and space folds forming a two horizon donut above and below you.

You drive around the perimeter counter-clockwise using a psychometric monitor.

You can then select the time and the exact space.

You flip the switch off.

The singularity loses its continuity and ceases to exist.

You are no longer in your own past timeline.

The timeline you entered was born the moment you entered it.

The worldline is this alternate space.

The timeline is this alternate time.

Yet even though these are alternate spaces and times, they are connected and all influence each other.

I'm not even the original John Thomas. I am an alternate as are all of you.

Every time I run into time travellers then my world changes and what was supposed to be doesn't happen and then well another thing happens. Paradoxes. I can choose to live the life I did before. Like joining the CIA or writing a book. A lot of time travellers tell me I write a book. We all have choices in life. We can choose what was in our other lives or do something different.

Hmmm. I'm no proponent of alternate time lines. Do they, can they exist? I don't know but one thing I imagine is if, as you stated above, "You are no longer in your own past timeline. The timeline you entered was born the moment you entered it.", then you will not know anything about the "future" of the "new" time line you are in. Wouldn't this remove the credibility of time travelers that come on sites, like this one, and tell/ warn us about our future. They won't know any more about it than we do. Just a thought.

Hmmm. I'm no proponent of alternate time lines. Do they, can they exist? I don't know but one thing I imagine is if, as you stated above, "You are no longer in your own past timeline. The timeline you entered was born the moment you entered it.", then you will not know anything about the "future" of the "new" time line you are in. Wouldn't this remove the credibility of time travelers that come on sites, like this one, and tell/ warn us about our future. They won't know any more about it than we do. Just a thought.
This was one of the main points that people brought up to disprove John Titor, but it also strengthened his case. You see, according to him, he had come back in time to acquire an IBN 5100, and gave many predictions about what would happen in the future. Some of these came true, though they were very vague, so it's not much of a stretch for them to have been predicted, and some didn't. People thought this disproved his idea of time traveler, and he must have been lying, but he stood by his claims, especially about those of alternate time lines. This meant that all of his predictions would have been correct in his time line, but not ours, because he had changed the past by coming to our time line, therefore creating an alternate time line.Basically this means that, by coming to warn us about the future, the time travelers have already begun moving our time line away from their own. The choices we make then change our future further. However, by coming to their past, they can influence the future. Say, for example, I came to the year 1935 and warned everyone of the oncoming WWII, and the threat posed by Hitler and the Nazi party. This could influence the Nazi party and Hitler to rise to power, or even give Hitler the very idea for the Nazi party, and, therefore, all I have done is ensure that WWII happens, instead of actually changing anything.

Cave Ab Veritas.

Hmmm. I'm no proponent of alternate time lines. Do they, can they exist? I don't know but one thing I imagine is if, as you stated above, "You are no longer in your own past timeline. The timeline you entered was born the moment you entered it.", then you will not know anything about the "future" of the "new" time line you are in. Wouldn't this remove the credibility of time travelers that come on sites, like this one, and tell/ warn us about our future. They won't know any more about it than we do. Just a thought.
It's like a beginner and a pro going down a slope. The pro has been down it several times and knows what to suspect. Though their could be surprises. Time travel is no different.

This was one of the main points that people brought up to disprove John Titor, but it also strengthened his case. You see, according to him, he had come back in time to acquire an IBN 5100, and gave many predictions about what would happen in the future. Some of these came true, though they were very vague, so it's not much of a stretch for them to have been predicted, and some didn't. People thought this disproved his idea of time traveler, and he must have been lying, but he stood by his claims, especially about those of alternate time lines. This meant that all of his predictions would have been correct in his time line, but not ours, because he had changed the past by coming to our time line, therefore creating an alternate time line.Basically this means that, by coming to warn us about the future, the time travelers have already begun moving our time line away from their own. The choices we make then change our future further. However, by coming to their past, they can influence the future. Say, for example, I came to the year 1935 and warned everyone of the oncoming WWII, and the threat posed by Hitler and the Nazi party. This could influence the Nazi party and Hitler to rise to power, or even give Hitler the very idea for the Nazi party, and, therefore, all I have done is ensure that WWII happens, instead of actually changing anything.
Cave Ab Veritas.
More likely, if you embarrass Hitler, someone else might come along to lead the Nazis, a former general who knows enough not to keep attacking Russia in the winter. Hitler is irrelevant. The Nazis would have risen to power without him.

^ Pretty much. It doesn't really matter what you do, unless you somehow drastically change the time line, the Nazis, or something similar, will rise up. In any case, WWII is all but inevitable unless you completely avoid WWI, and everything that led up to it.

Cave Ab Veritas.

i was thinking of creating a school, creating my own OS, writing a book, start up a company to help people out, be in the entertainment industry, learn languages, and all this was said that i would do i still want to do all of that and so I live in a paradoxical life.

That's not really a paradoxical life, that just means that you are following the predictions given by people in the future. I mean, by you doing all of these things, you might ensure that we go on a time line that involves an imminent WWIII, but at the same time, your doing of these things could also save us from said WWIII. I have no idea how someone creating a school, creating an OS and book, starting up a helpful company, being an entertainer and learning languages could create or prevent a WWIII, but, really, anything is possible.

Cave Ab Veritas.

True, but some people have more influence than others. The president of the U.S is more powerful than a hobo on the street preaching about the end of the world. But then, I suppose, it's more about the people who believe in your idea and act upon it than you (Or whoever it may be) who is actually speaking the idea.

When you are referring to "alternate time lines" here, are you talking about a present we are currently in that was changed due to interference with the past (as in, this is now the timeline we are in and the only one that we know about because the other one has been erased) or are you referring to the concept of time travel creating parallel worlds?

When you are referring to "alternate time lines" here, are you talking about a present we are currently in that was changed due to interference with the past (as in, this is now the timeline we are in and the only one that we know about because the other one has been erased) or are you referring to the concept of time travel creating parallel worlds?
Sorry, can't help you out here.
