late-night visitor (time traveller?)

Or in my case be shot!


Sorry if this sounds like an Incredulity Wet Banket re your story but let me see if I have this correct:

Several nights ago you were in bed, awake but still in bed, when a weird male nighttime residential burglar/home invader (for all you know) appears to have broken into your home, was standing at the foot of your bed mumbling some nonsense about a woman named Wanda which freaked you out and your response was to Google "Wanda Pendlewood" and post the story on an Internet time travel forum because John Titor was here at one time?

Nighttime residential burglars who end up in the bedroom and unabashedly confront the occupants are generally there to terrorize, rape, maim, murder and generally commit acts of violence on the residents. Theft is just an afterthought.
I was interested in what the poster had to say.

Pamela, dear...

If you were in bed and a guy, uninvited, was suddenly standing over you in the middle of the night mumbling something about "Wanda" would your first reaction be to assume it to be a time traveler, come here and post some questions about it or would your reaction be to get him the hell out of your room, if possible, and then call the police because he was much more likely to be a violent criminal with malicious intentions toward your health, safety and well being? Honest answer.

Come on, Pamela. It was a reasonable observation about a very unreasonable (and let's face it, incredible) reaction to the event. At least I phrased it in the form of a question rather than using an Art Bellism (or George Nooryism): "That's incredible," or "that's unbelievable" both of which literally mean that they don't believe the story.
uh...yeah....thanks alot guys. I was interested in what the poster had to say.

Me in fact the appearance of 'visitors' in such manner is not at all uncommon.

It is, though, most commonly associated with the passing away of a relative or friend. My own dad recounted once how he awoke in bed one night to find a guy in full Naval uniform standing at the end of the bed. It was a close friend from the navy who dad had not seen in years. The figure simply said ' seeing you'....and disappeared. And sure enough, a close friend who was also in the navy...had died that very day.
Pamela, dear...
If you were in bed and a guy, uninvited, was suddenly standing over you in the middle of the night mumbling something about "Wanda" would your first reaction be to assume it to be a time traveler, come here and post some questions about it or would your reaction be to get him the hell out of your room, if possible, and then call the police because he was much more likely to be a violent criminal with malicious intentions toward your health, safety and well being? Honest answer.

Honest answer....ok. The fact that this person was glowing would be my first clue that it was not a normal break in. I've never seen anything abnormal like a ghost or anything so I would probably be scared. My first question would probably be "who are you?" I don't live by a nuclear reactor so I can rule out it is not someone who fell into one and showed up in my bedroom.
I would probably be praying in my head for God to protect me as well because I would not be sure what I was dealing with at the moment. No my first thought would not be if it was a time traveler but if I was seeing some kind of ghost because like Twighlight said I have heard of things like this happening to people.
The fact that he disappeared right in front of me would automatically rule out calling the police.
I mean come can not call them and tell them a glowing man was in your room uttered a few things and then disappeared in front of you. yeah...that would go over real good.
After that I would probably write everything down and do like the poster did and search on the internet to see what he was saying to me. I would also sleep with the light on for several nights in a row. :eek:

Come on, Pamela. It was a reasonable observation about a very unreasonable (and let's face it, incredible) reaction to the event.

No Darby. You know just because you and I do not experience something does not give us a right to make fun of someone else who says they do.
I was having an active conversation with the poster because I was interested in what they were saying. I wanted to know more about it. But..I guess the poster may have got offended and left because of what some other posters were saying.

Darby...I don't think you can honestly tell me that if this happened to you that you would call the police. Come on. If he disappeared right infront of you would you still be thinking he may be hiding behind the curtain or something? You are going to tell the cops a glowing man appeared in your room?? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
You know just because you and I do not experience something does not give us a right to make fun of someone else who says they do.

I wasn't making fun of him. I was expressing my incredulity regarding his stated response to an uninvited "guest" standing over his bed in the middle of the night.
If I saw a glowing man at the foot of my bed at night that disappeared in front of me I would be thinking spirit/angel, not time traveler necessarily.

And I thought several of you were making fun of him. I wanted to hear more about his experience too.