Just for fun...let's track Web Bot predictions!

Re: Just for fun...let\'s track Web Bot predictions!

Funny how just like time traveler claimants, the web bots seem to do nothing but predict doom and gloom as well. I'd like to see a prediction such as "major discovery in space-that's positive,", or "major breakthrough in the treatment of xyz" or some other sort of technology appliance that will change our lives, such as cell phones and PC's......

But, alas. Just war, famine, and catyclismic natural disasters.

Barring any visits from aliens, Planet X or pole shifts......of which all of the above negative predictions will not even matter.... :eek:
Re: Just for fun...let\'s track Web Bot predictions!

Ah yes, we have yet more "morphing" of the Web Bot predictions as told on this Wiki page:

<font color="red"> November 8-11, 2010 - The web bot warns of a big tipping point, possibly a stock market crash or financial meltdown of some sorts. [/COLOR]

Compared to the earlier "predictions" in this timeframe, it now seems clear that the Web Bot doesn't know WHAT it is really predicting in that timeframe...nor even what specific day it would show up on.

Mmmm, yes...that sooooo inspires me with confidence in these "predictions"... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif

Re: Just for fun...let\'s track Web Bot predictions!


Monday, November 8th something will happen as in a "tipping point"; maybe some sort of financial (market) issue.

The mid-term elections are Tuesday November 2nd. The results won't be in until Wednesday, Thursday is the last full trading day (in the USA) for the week. Investors take Fri-Sun to mull over the election results and, viola! Monday, November 8th is the first full trading day of the week and Thursday November 11th is the last full trading day of the week. The market, unbelievably, will react to the election results.

Gutsy call on their part predicting fnancial market turmoil...as if every Monday following a national election isn't generally tumultous especially if there is an administration change or the Congress passes from one party to the other (which is likely to occur). A brilliant, bolt out of the blue, analysis by WebBot.
Re: Just for fun...let\'s track Web Bot predictions!

Well, since we now have a record of what was said, prior to any softening or hardening made by the Web Bot priesthood, what would you think if, say, Israel launched a strike against Iran on 5 Nov? I mean, that would be pretty statisically unlikely for anybody to nail two big time events within a few days. At least that's what I think... I respect your opinion, though, because you seem to give this stuff a lot more thought than I do.

Personally I would not be all that impressed.

It's all a bit like horse racing. If each of 20 horses in a race had an equal chance of winning, then there'd be betting odds of 20/1 or so for whoever was the ultimate winner. But clearly that is seldom what actually happens and some horses are more likely to win than others.....and one might even have a 'favourite' with betting odds of 2/1 or something.

The point being that the betting is thus 'weighted' in favour of certain horses precisely because those placing the bets think they are more likely to win. So even though the rank outsider might actually win......in truth the whole thing is never really a true 20 horse race.

And it is no different with predictions. Just as the race betting is initially based on 'previous form' so too are ALL predictions based upon knowledge of existing events......and a projection of them through to a certain outcome. An alien who just landed on Earth would not have the faintest idea what to predict, because he'd have no knowledge of current affairs on which to base any predictions.

That is why people predicting events that are likely is really not at all impressive. I predict the Democrats will lose the mid term elections. You may hail me as psychic afterwards.

What is really needed is for predictions of things that nobody would ever have guessed using current knowledge. But nobody ever does predict such things. Unexpected things happen all the time, that not one person ever predicted. Instead people do no different to what the horse race gambler does.....and place their predictive 'bets' on the favourites. Well.....it's not really any big deal when the favourite wins the race.
Re: Just for fun...let\'s track Web Bot predictions!

I see your point, Twilight. But, the window of the prediction has to be considered. If you predicted a Dem loss in the mid-terms during the height of Obamamania in early 09, I might consider hailing you as a psychic... or at least acknowledge your mastery of political trending.
Re: Just for fun...let\'s track Web Bot predictions!

If you predicted a Dem loss in the mid-terms during the height of Obamamania in early 09, I might consider hailing you as a psychic... or at least acknowledge your mastery of political trending.

Well...a good prediction is one that contains events that nobody could possibly have just guessed from analysing current trends. But that is never what you see from time travel claimants. Again and again they 'predict' either things that have already happened....or things which any idiot can see are likely.

It's not like there's any shortage of major news events containing unexpected turns of events. But whenever you read them in the news, the first thought is ' hmm...so where was the prediction of THIS ?'

All we ever get is vague doom and gloom, or something along the lines of ' a plane will crash somewhere in the northern hemisphere in the next 3 months'. The latter is actually extremely LIKELY going by past trends.
Re: Just for fun...let\'s track Web Bot predictions!

Well folks, we are just now entering the (newly revised) "tipping point" as mentioned in the Wiki Web Bot article. I dunno about you but I can hardly keep from wetting my pants with glorious anticipation, especially after the Federal Reserve announced Quantiative Easing Round 2 right on the eve of the election!


Cue the apocalypse music!!!

I predict inflation will increase, just like Bernanke said it would as a result of his actions. How much it increases is the key, and how fast. But make no mistake, pumping up the stock market in the short term (which is all this will really do) is not going to magically create new jobs.

It shall be a long winter for all of us, including the Web Bot! :D
Re: Just for fun...let\'s track Web Bot predictions!

So here it is NOV 15th, and we have seen no "major tipping point." Even the editors of the original Web Bot Wiki article have now placed this one in the "misses" column. Of course, they could not let the event go by without some glad-handing apologetics to save face:

<font color="red"> "An October 2010 release of a data set analysis (The Shape of Things to Come Volume 0, Issue 8) forecast a major event termed the Tipping Point to occur between 08 November and 11 November. The analysis was later modified to extend the time frame for the Tipping Point to occur between 05 November and 14 November[22].

The Tipping Point was predicted to be a significant event that changes the planetary perception of how the world operates for many generations to come. Although the time period passed without the emergence of a major event, there was observed to be fulfillment of some highly unusual language flagged in earlier reports[23]." [/COLOR]

What a bunch of baloney! In any event, it looks like the only big prediction left for Web Bot (until someone creates some new ones) is the big 2012 end-of-the-world party! :D
