Just a week or so until Titor is proved wrong!

Does anyone else wish they had access to some of those Skull/Bones meetings? I mean they have vast amounts of funding, have politicians all over the place, on both sides, they are almost like some form of secret nazi gestapo. They are inducted, made aware of the rules, told they will receive riches and power, and then instructed on what to do.

I say we start up a new Secret Society to kick the Skull and Bones members a**es. They're all harvardites, no doubt they are soft and mushy and easy to knock down. Also, if there is any info on Georgie W's IQ like he took some form of a test, I would love to know how smart he is I'm guessing a 110/120. He may have the power but I doubt he makes all the decisions.
good point, and like titor also said, the timelines are not the same for everyone. Who knows what may have changed, if the civil war takes a bit longer to start? But we shouldn't jump to conclusions.

I'm not too worried about it all, i'm in canada anything happens i'm grabbing my stuff, going north and stockpiling arms and supplies.

I was thinking this as well, the timeline could have changed and we do not know how much, if he is telling the truth the Olypic cancallation will be the telling tale.

By the way im new /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Don\'t give up hope, Democrats

It has been statistically proven that the Republicans stole the election, the odds being only one in 250 million that the election was NOT stolen. Although he doesn't come right out and say so (such restraint is the nature of scientists in their publications), that's what Dr. Freeman's analysis means at http://truthout.org/unexplainedexitpoll.pdf. So if Dr. Freeman's work becomes public knowledge, I think that could be the spark that lights civil war. Very soon we should know if Titor was genuine or not.

As usual the mainstream media are sitting on this explosive story but the blogosphere is incubating it quite well. Try a Google search on "exit poll statistics Ohio Bush Kerry" at http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&q=exit+poll+statistics+Ohio+Bush+Kerry&btnG=Search for more info. And please pass the link to http://truthout.org/unexplainedexitpoll.pdf along to all your friends.

You can stop beating yourselves up over what the Democrats should have done differently, they were and are in the majority, they have far better MORAL VALUES than the lying murdering war criminal George Bush and his fascist admirers, KERRY ACTUALLY WON THE ELECTION. Now we only need to get the fact out there so we can get the lying scumbag Bush out of the White House.
Re: Don\'t give up hope, Democrats

You can stop beating yourselves up over what the Democrats should have done differently, they were and are in the majority, they have far better MORAL VALUES than the lying murdering war criminal George Bush and his fascist admirers, KERRY ACTUALLY WON THE ELECTION. Now we only need to get the fact out there so we can get the lying scumbag Bush out of the White House.
Perhaps you're just a TAD biased here? Also, I'm not sure many would classify "truthout.org" as an unbiased news source.

Re:All is rite in normalville

Please be advised in visiting this time.

Note that on this day, that the U.S. Senate confirmation hearings are going on?

Please know that Barbra Boxer of California, had cornered Congalezza Rice durring the senate confermations.She had bantered her, on the true motivation of why Iraq was invaded, if weapons of mass destruction were not evident.

Ms. Rice countered, but not very well, as she was compromised in having to cover for the Bush Administration.

The story behind the new war in Iraq at this time, differs from the late 1980s era stile of war, as there is now not only control of Iraq from the air, however an occupational force inside of Iraq as well.

One has to turn back the clock only to see that earlier towards the turn into the 1900s, that Iraq was rallying an army to repel a British occupational force.

So this conflict, just as in the Vietnam conflict, seems to have neither rhyme or reason, however goes on.

Please understand, "I'm not getting political here", but am only telling the unfolding events, as they have gone on.

News source>>http://story.news.yahoo.com/fc?cid=34&tmpl=fc&in=US&cat=Bush_Administration

AP Photo


Rice Links Iraq Withdrawal to Security
(AP) - Secretary of State nominee Condoleezza Rice told senators on Tuesday that a U.S. exit strategy from Iraq depends on that country's ability to defend itself against terrorists after this month's elections. She vowed to work to ease ties with allies frayed by U.S. policy there. "The world is coming together behind the idea that we have to succeed in Iraq," she asserted at a confirmation hearing on her nomination to replace Colin Powell in the top foreign policy post. More ...
Live - Senate Hearing: C-SPAN - NPR C-SPAN\\End

Creedo continues>If you will note how the Vietnam war had strarted, with U.S. involvement, the Vietnam, war was really a leftover of a brushfire war, which started in 1947, involving the then Vietminh.

This was started with U.S. involvement under John F. Kennedy and after Kennedy was assassinated, this war became Lyndon B. Johnson's war.

There is noted in historie's eyes, even though there seems to be a now attempt to erase these past events, a brisk business in the black market in then certain sections of Saigon.

There were places in open air markets, were one could purchase fatigues, or Army cloths, automatic weapons of any sort, as well as sometimes heavier ordnances, along with any type of vehicle that you desired.

The black market was good business in Vietnam then.

<a href="http://http:lists.village.virginia.edu/sixties/HTML_docs/Resources/Bibliographies/REMF_bib/REMF_bib_novel_A_B.html]http://lists.village.virginia.edu/sixties/HTML_docs/Resources/Bibliographies/REMF_bib/REMF_bib_novel_A_B.html

The new Iraq war, it seems also has its black markets, which do help keep the economy moving, but at a rate to which only the users of those markets would understand.

So' maybe out of suripticous decisions, also arise hidden economies that we all do not know about?


Parallels can also be drawn between atrocities in Vietnam, as mentioned in the book Brennan's War. Brennan's war was a well placed book, about how young Americans had adjusted to the new sociological environments in Vietnam.

The Abu Ghraib hazing, could, with other foe-pas that occupational troops have performed there, as in war, there is always retributions and frustrations aired.abu>

http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/mt/mt-comments.cgi?entry_id=3836 Brennan's Wa> http://www.worldcatlibraries.org/wcpa/ow/e152859bb3de237fa19afeb4da09e526.html

The Islamics on the other hand, did not perform their executions as per true to Islamic law, which entitled those to be beheaded, as swift killing, via a very large and weighted sword.
See In Brennas War, Viet Gong caught in wire, scean where has lost body part, however troops place can of soda in the V.C.'s deceased hand:Note attrocities were on both sides, of the Vietnam War.

So knowing these facts, all is rite in normalville.

There was no reason for the Vietnam War other than it happened.

It was once said in an article that I was privileged to read and a say from a friend who had been there, that these people had been fighting for thousands of years and we had just wandered into it.

I'm sure, in some respects, the same may also occur with the New Iraq Republic; but who are we to question orders.It is our mission but to do or die.