That's not what Titor said at all. He said that Mad Cow would be a major epidemic. It's not.
So when CNN says it's an epidemic - thats when it becomes an epidemic? What if it's been misdiagnosed as alzheimers or filed under "brain cancer" because doctors just havn't figure it all out yet? Maybe he meant it's an epidemic in terms of goverment corruption because there is NONE AT ALL and it's just hype into getting us to accept mandatory psychiatric assesments? Point is, it was hardly ever in the news in 2000 but now it in the news quite a bit. The author picked a winner.
Titor said that CERN would make a major discovery of a "mystery" particle central to his gadget using the LHC within a "year or so" of his posts. That obviously didn't happen because, as we knew then, the LHC won't come online until 2006-2007.
Where did he talk about mystery particles?
"JT:I'm pretty sure they have a number of experiments going on at the same time at CERN. The one I'm referring to involves very high energies using protons. "
....and about a year or so after his posts it did begin to be mainstream news that CERN spoke about the LHC being powerfull enough to look for black holes and higgs boson. But I don't recall him mentioning LHC specifically. And back when CERN announced that, before I had heard of John Titor, the news was pretty major.
He didn't say that there would be advances in cesium clocks. In fact, cesium clocks were not the state of the art for portable atomic clocks when he posted. Rubidium clocks are the state of the art in portables.
Rubidium clocks are not as accurate as cesium. And cesium clocks are too big today to fit in his tiny machine. He did say cesium so you would have to assume someone is researching how to make cesium clocks smaller. Now he's got make it more accurate.
The jury is still out on that one, but Titor said that Iraq had WMD's. I told him that a war in the Middle East was a no brainer to which he answered, "and a no armer and a no legger." No one should have been surprised by war in the Middle East.
No, Titor implied they did NOT have WMD's.
"JOHN: FEB 25, 2001 - Are you really surprised to find out that Iraq has nukes now or is that just BS to whip everyone up into accepting the next war?"
He was implying that Iraq did NOT have nukes AND the admistration was lying about it.
I was surprised by the war. For some reason I expect everyone to get along. I expect other nations to have war, but the US should set an example and not go to war. It's so big it doesn't have to go to war.
No, we didn't. But we did find a graphic art production studio, sound studio and movie production studio all using the same address and entertainment industry attorney as the John Titor Foundation.
All in the same building? That's not so odd for a lawyer to have an office in a building that has a lot of different companies inside.
And further discovered that the staff in one or more of those businesses produced "The Book" and "The Radio Program."
So your claim is that it's impossible for someone who is in the book business to share an office with a lawyer. Impossible for a publisher to read the story and decide himself and his lawyer buddy will cash in on a creation that doesn't belong to them? Nah, lawyers and publishers would never try to profit from someone elses hard work.
Thanks. But Titor made no predictions about the 2004 election process.
"I would use the word 'elections' a bit cautiously. Perhaps it's easier now to see a civil war in your future?"
...Plural.. Interesting. 2000 stands out in my mind as the real stolen election he would have been talking about. But I listened to a debate in your senate today about the Ohio votes. They sound more upset this time around.
Correct. No one was denied due process. But he made no predictions about either convention. (Or maybe you need to define what you mean by "denied due process." It's a technical legal term that has a specific meaning.)
Why do you say nobody was denied due process but the people who actually went out and protested things like Bush, Free trade or the war say otherwise. Peacefull free people are being arrested en mass for protesting. And there are lots of pictures. Just not on CNN. That is not right Darby.
No, it didn't. And, no, it wasn't a secret nor was it unavailable at the time that he posted. It was just too expensive for the average Internet user to purchase.
I know it didn't everything I posted I was being sarcastic. There are hotspots everywhere, a lot of them free. The widespread acceptance of wifi by large corps like starbucks has already lead to more wireless research.
But cable Internet is the huge market...and he missed the call on that entirely.
Cable and dsl were huge before he posted. If the north america has to use wireless internet in the future, it implies the cable infrastructure got destroyed with the nukes.
Not true. But it wasn't something that hadn't occured before. Even the Brits had this problem going all the way back to the 60's in Belfast with republican demonstrators and rubber bullets.
Any non-leathal weapon deaths on US soil pre-2000?
You either didn't read the entire article or you're purposely leaving out the pertinent facts. The Expert also said in the article that the story was an obvious hoax and that he'd got a laugh out of it. He even thought back to his team members to figure out who was behind it. He concluded that it wasn't any of them because none of them had the time to waste on the hoax.
He still said it could read many formats.. And detail in the JT story makes him think only someone working on the actual unit could have written the hoax? Dun duh dunnn.
You missed his point entirely. That wasn't a prediction.
I wasn't refering to his comments about the country-by-country voting map. His prediction was of civil war. The voting map is pretty much identical to the way it was before the 1st civil war.
1. The blue areas are also the areas that he said that his Russian allies targeted with their nukes - the large U.S. cities;
2. His "side" were country people - ranchers and farmers (red). His enemy were the city people (blue).
Titor was not a liberal democrat. They were his enemy.
I agree it's easy to look at the story and say he's not a liberal democrat. But it's easy to look at it and say that he WAS a liberal democrat. His "side" were the people who fled the city. They had the choice to stay and have their rights taken away, or to flee to the country. If Bush wanted to kick some hippy liberal ass, they would end up having to flee to the country. Neat how it works both ways.
In any case, none of the "predictions" that you've sited have come to pass.
Well except for mad cow, CERN annoucing blackhole research, the Z machine, tiny cesium clocks, iraq not having wmd's, bush admiting it was all BS to get us into accepting the next war, election troubles, civil unrest, people being denied due process, non-lethal weapons deaths.
There's no doubt this is a story to sell newsletter subscriptions. But Darby, I'd really like to see you write a story about the future and get everything so friggen perfect. That would be the ultimate proof of a hoax. Write a better story than JT and admit it's a hoax before you start. Good luck.