John Titor's Laser Picture Was FAKED - Proof

Re: My address to the loon committii.

On QRXe's statements:This is allot of classical physics, which does not adhere to the topic of discussion here.

What do you mean by "classical"? Do you just mean non-quantum physics, or do you mean something more like "any theory of physics that's seen as reputable by the mainstream physics establishment" (ie not 'alternative physics')? Because I can promise you that all mainstream physics theories, including quantum ones, would say that light can only be bent in that way by curved spacetime, ie gravity. And as I said before, Titor seemed to claim that the principles the time machine operated on were all basically just minor elaborations on stuff that physicists already know in our time.

I know enough about Tipler (an astronomer by trade, not recognized for his deep grasp of difficult topics in physics) to know that his infinite rotating cylinder THEORY has a lower probability of being fact than many other competing theories from reputable physicists.

Tipler is actually a physicist, not an astronomer. And according to this article he didn't actually come up with this idea, he was just elaborating on an earlier paper on infinite rotating cylinders from 1937, by a physicist named WJ Van Stockum. Although the rotating cylinder would almost certainly be impossible to construct in our universe since it'd have to be infinite in length, I think it is agreed that it's a valid solution of the equations of general relativity, which means you can't really doubt the basic theory without doubting GR.
Re: John Titor\'s Laser Picture Was FAKED - Proof


Where'd you see that diagram? I didn't find it at
Here it is below, from another JT website:


Yes, Alcubierre's warp drive does require "exotic matter". Whether or not it does exist, I do think it is interesting that the NASA WMAP probe has told us just how little (~6%) of the energy in the universe is trapped in normal, gravitating, visible matter. It certainly does provide motivation for explaining the nature of the remaining "dark matter" and "dark energy". And as to whether GR permits warp bubbles....I am still on the fence, not to mention the fact that I am only a dabbler/hobbyist in this form of science. However, I have been keeping track of a "discussion" between Jack Sarfatti and Paul Zielinski, in which the primary "argument" was over "strong" vs. "weak" interpretations of Einstein's Equivalency Principle. While I am just a "causual tourist" when it comes to GR, I don't think I am "on board" yet that inertial mass and gravitational mass are identical. I think the jury may still be out on that point, especially when reading papers such as this.

Kind Regards,
Re: My address to the loon committii.

Tipler is actually a physicist, not an astronomer.
Well, I do recall reading in more than one source that he was an astronomer. But a quick google does show me wrong on that account, and so I recant, with apologies.

Although the rotating cylinder would almost certainly be impossible to construct in our universe since it'd have to be infinite in length, I think it is agreed that it's a valid solution of the equations of general relativity, which means you can't really doubt the basic theory without doubting GR.
Well, I'd say a need for "infinite" anything in any theory is enough to make it doubtable, but that does not address the GR issue. However, I will again refer to EEP and various camps that question the weak equivalance of GR. I don't think "doubting GR" is as much of a boolean function as the words would seem to address. However, this almost seems to be the basis of Sarfatti's defense of weak if questioning this important foudational element of GR is tantamount to throwing GR away completely and defaming Einstein.

Perhaps part of my "fault" is that I am too much an engineer. I take GR as a good guideline, but until there is clear empirical evidence that "something" is identically equal to "something else", there are not many engineers that will subscribe to that.... we do way too much work with higher-order partial derivatives to accept such broad generalizations!
Small differences between two things thought to be equal can make for some pretty large "loopholes" that us engineers are good at exploiting. It's also why I admire Hal Puthoff so much...he's an engineer that is taking on the practical aspects of GR and the potential for metric engineering.

Now here is an interesting thought on Tipler's cylinder that might eliminate the "infinite length" assumption: What if it was engineered as a toroid? Sure, it creates another set of problems, but you can't argue that this is not one means to approximate infinite length? Also interesting in this solution would be the conjecture that our universe is actually a 4-D torus in shape, where we "live" on the surface of the donut.

Kind Regards,
Re:last post omitted:

Last comment deleted due to TOS rules.

You might direct your comment to someone else who is listening, gentlemen?
Re: John Titor\'s Laser Picture Was FAKED - Proof

I don't like to mine old data.

I feel it is a dumb practice unless necessary and bad luck to do.

My feelings are, is that still the instructor jump video is real and genuine.

I don't feel that there was appliances used to make this jump picture and it is the real McCoy.

People who are in power, or power hungry have to control everything.

They simply can't say, "Oh well, now doesn't that look strange"? and let it go at this.

They have to, in similar fashion to the King of Persia, against the Spartans, even throw lashes at the ocean when they are loosing.
Re: John Titor\'s Laser Picture Was FAKED - Proof

The moment I saw the photo I assumed it was fiber optics, I didn't mention it earlier because I was going to take a pic myself but now that it's a well known theory I'll say I agree. I still want to take a pic of a laser pointer with a fiber optic connected to it, it would be easy to bend light in that way, simply physically bend the plastic fiber optic. If it's a good one the beam will be bright just as it is in the extremely low quality JT pic. Once my digi-camera gets back from the repair department of the company I'll take some pics.

- Razimus
Re: John Titor\'s Laser Picture Was FAKED - Proof


It was an original idea when I posted it in 12/03 before it was reposted by someone on anomalies 5 months later...

Laser Photo Explaination - It is a Hoax

Before then most thought is was credible evidence...

Re: John Titor\'s Laser Picture Was FAKED - Proof

To QRX37 and Rainmantime'

The argument that QRX had on the said Titor action being similar to a Kerr's black hole triple sinusoidal continuity, in space and a vacuum, is not correct.

The Kerr's diagram shown by the said Titor manual, shows a squashed Kerr's field.

So anything that QRX37, had said, is not binding?

Two, the consistency of space in a vacuum, is never considered by real scientist, to be uniform.

There are two said towers shown within the said G.E. time displacement unit.

This means two series of Kerr's black hole productions.

Poster Razimus had said that this said people of machinery was a wave guide adjustment device.

I have yet to see anyone come up with a proper picture of just what this said device would be.

If the timeline has been changed and or compromised, as said both in TTI and, then the validity of both Titor as well as Montauk being true, may have moved lateral by displacement values, away from what might be considered a valid point of discussion.

Pamela Moore said that chunks of dirt were captured when this unit had been turned on, via the event field being turned on.

Did she say that they were deep holes, or shallow ones?

I have a p.m. here, if someone want to ask me to let this go?

And no, this is not my Titor-quest.

Re: John Titor\'s Laser Picture Was FAKED - Proof

I just recently was exposed to the John Titor phenomenon and while I think it's a hoax, it is extremely entertaining.

After about 10 seconds of examination of the "laser pointer photo" I came to this conclusion...

Think about those "glow in the dark" necklaces kids can buy at the circus. You know, the ones that are a long straight plastic tube filled with some phosphorescent goo....? When the kids buy 'em, they are a long straight tube which needs to be bent into a big "O" to make a necklace. Unbent, they are about as long as the "laser pointer" in the photo. Furthermore, the "laser pointer" even has dark spots where the beam appears to be a little dimmer... just like the gaps in one of those necklaces when an air bubble is caught between sections of goo.
Re: John Titor\'s Laser Picture Was FAKED - Proof

I agree, it could have easily been faked. Glow in the dark necklace, Christmas lights, fiber optics, even with psp that laser could've been bent easily, simply take a picture of a straight laser and bend it in a paint program.

My digi-camera came back but is still broken so I had to send it back, when it's fixed I'll attempt my version to copy that photo.

I've looked at the "laser" in the photo closely, and I've noticed there are dark gaps, but there are WHITE gaps as well. A red laser does NOT create a WHITE gap, it's impossible, all gaps should be very dark, a white gap suggests it's a plastic tube, only partially illuminated.

--- Razimus
Re: John Titor\'s Laser Picture Was FAKED - Proof

Thanks troydayton for your analysis. I agree 100%. I decided to jump on the bandwagon of image enhancement and straighten things out as well.

Yet another analysis:


--- Razimus
Re: John Titor\'s Laser Picture Was FAKED - Proof

Excelent work, Troy and Raz.

And by the way Raz, I love your new website. Very balanced, just needs a little time.
Re: John Titor\'s Laser Picture Was FAKED - Proof

I've seen those dark splotches in images before without doing any touchups. It happens when there is 0 colour in the image, too dark, and you drop out the black, it makes it a solid grey. If he altered the image you'd see those dark spolotches all alone the edge of the laser where he bent it. But you see them in dark areas of the pic. They are normal. And the bright red splotches are only bright red splotches because you blown up the pic and applied all kinds of filters to it. If you look at the original, low res pic, it's the pattern of light shimmering, hard to reproduce by hard.

Somewhere the guy is laughing at you 'cause he did it with a fiber optic.

If anyone can reproduce the pic with fiber optic that would totally prove it's fake.
Re: John Titor\'s Laser Picture Was FAKED - Proof

It could've been done most easily on the computer. Fiber optic is a popular posibility, it could have even been both, I clearly see white gaps, try using your own laser pointer, with smoke or whatever there will usually be invisible gaps, white gaps are impossible. He may have even used a white or clear tube, and enhanced the tube with the red in a paint program, similar to how people color in their light sabers in star wars photos.

--- Razimus
Re: John Titor\'s Laser Picture Was FAKED - Proof

Newbie, you're incorrect in so many places I don't know where to start.

There are plenty of ways he could have altered this photo without any of the artifiacts you mentioned. Depending on whether you paint or liquify, you'll get different kinds of telltale traces.

Furthermore, I didn't drop out the black and I didn't apply any filters at all. All I did was turn up the contrast. The most telling hint of hoax though is the actual shape of the upper black blotch. I have a lot of experience with altered photos and that blotch is shaped just like a wipe from an untrained photo retoucher. Could it be coincedence? yes. But probably not.
Re: John Titor\'s Laser Picture Was FAKED - Proof

I'd call anything that changes the orignial image a filter. Zoom, brightness, contrast, levels, even the high amount of lossy compression used on the image. Those spots are in dark areas of the picture, the exact same pattern is found in the upper left image. I suppose he altered the part near the window as well. Or maybe it's just what happens to the dark areas of a picture when you apply a lot of compression. If it's a hoax it's because he could post a good quality pic, not because of what happens when you apply filters to a highly compressed image.

I doubt the hoaxster used Photoshop. The maxium jpg compression you can apply to a solid black image, 252 x 206 pixels large (the same size as the image from the Anomolies thread) yields a file 13k. Max compression is saving as a jpg with quality set to 0, progressive format, 3 scans. So a more complex image such as the titor pic should be larger than 13k. It's not, the titor pic is 4k. So some heavy jpg compression was applied outside of Photoshop. The artifacts you circled are from heavy lossy compression. By using auto-levels (I call this dropping out the black because I normally use manual levels and drop the black, followed by the white until I get the effect I want) you just amplify distortion.

Very possible it's just a bright green string or something like Razimus said. Should be easy to reproduce the image.... ?