John Titor\'s Laser Picture Was FAKED - Proof
The effects of a black hole far from the event horizon, however, are just the same as the effects of any other equal mass. For example, if you were to replace the sun with a black hole of equal mass, it would not suck the earth in, but instead would exert the same gravitational force on the earth as the sun does. This would keep the earth moving in its present orbit.
to someone well outside of the horizon, the gravitational field surrounding a black hole is no different from the field surrounding any other object of the same mass. In other words, a one-solar-mass black hole is no better than any other one-solar-mass object (such as, for example, the Sun) at "sucking in" distant objects.
What if the Sun *did* become a black hole for some reason? The main effect is that it would get very dark and very cold around here. The Earth and the other planets would not get sucked into the black hole; they would keep on orbiting in exactly the same paths they follow right now. Why? Because the horizon of this black hole would be very small -- only about 3 kilometers -- and as we observed above, as long as you stay well outside the horizon, a black hole's gravity is no stronger than that of any other object of the same mass.
What most people don't get about how this said unit would have worked is the physics and mechanical properties, right away.
This is an electro pulsed affair, so not a true black hole, however a simulation of one, to make and event within the structure of space and time.
There are two pole to this, one within the unit itself, that simulates a gravity well,however the pull of gravity near the unit itself, is relative, so it is possible to sit near the unit while it is in operation.
January 10, 2001
With that, it may then be useful to separate the concept of controlled time travel into theory and practice. In theory, time travel was taken seriously by mainstream science when it discovered that Einstein's equations do indeed support the possibility of controlled time travel under special relativity. Since special relativity (under its current limitations) has been proved useful and accurate in predicting other physical phenomena, it is widely believed that controlled time travel is also possible.
Nearly all of the solutions that allow time travel in special relativity also have the annoying problem of crushing the time traveler in a wake of radiation and gravity.
In my experience, there is only one safe way to obtain controlled time travel and that involves the "safe" properties of a Kerr singularity (black hole). However, I do not discount the possibility of other methods either physical or metaphysical. I'm just not sure I would bet my life on them without any math to back them up.
01-31-2001 03:41 PM
The breakthrough that will allow for this technology will occur within a year or so when CERN brings their larger facility online.
Perhaps it would have been clearer to state that the math has been around since 1970. I would urge you to examine the properties of Kerr black holes and Tipler cylinders.
06 January 2001 13:10
What is the progress on string theory?
Who doesn't love string theory? Please forgive the next few comments, I'm trying to be cryptic and jump starting my memory at the same time. In 2036, string theory still dominates physics due to its continued "effect" of encompassing other physical properties from unrelated fields.
A great deal of the theoretical mathematics behind time travel was discovered by testing various ideas in string theory and eliminating the anomalies. As I recall, it was this original work that led to the final proof that six dimensions do indeed curl up to give us our observable universe. This in turn supported more of the theoretical math behind time travel.
It's ironic that the beauty of string theory gives future engineers the confidence to create the distortion unit even though the final proof is still unknown. You're a physics student, have you ever heard the Princeton String Quartet play?
02-14-2001 07:25 AM
The Physics of Time Travel:
As pointed out earlier, acceleration will produce time dilation. This can be observed by the "twins paradox". As one twin stays on Earth, the other twin in his accelerating spaceship experiences a slower passing of time. When he returns to Earth, he is noticeably younger than his twin who aged normally in Earth time. This type of "time travel" should have been proven already on this worldline with atomic clock experiments. With sufficient power, this type of time travel will only provide practical displacement in a future direction. This type of time travel is also isolated to a single worldline. You will not meet yourself.
As Einstein pointed out with his STR, the effects of gravity and acceleration are the same. Therefore, you will experience the same time travel effects in the twin paradox by being close to a large gravity source. In the atomic clock experiments mentioned above, the reason there was a difference in time was not because the clock in the plane was moving, it was because the clock in the well was closer to the center of the Earth. Constant speed is not acceleration.
The next step is to find a large gravity source to use in your time machine. Static black holes provide this type of power. As one twin approaches the event horizon or edge of the black hole, the other twin will watch him as he appears to slow down. He will notice his twin's watch run slower until it stops at the event horizon. The twin moving toward the horizon will notice none of this and see his watch running just fine. Although possible, a trip into a static black hole will not take you to another worldline and it's one-way. The force of gravity will crush you.
Fortunately, most black holes are not static. They spin. Spinning black holes are often referred to as Kerr black holes. A Kerr black hole has two interesting properties. One, they have two event horizons and two, the singularity is not a point, it looks more like a donut. These odd properties also have a pronounced affect on the black hole's gravity. There are vectors where you can approach the singularity without being crushed by gravity.
Another other more interesting result of passing through a donut singularity is that you travel through time by passing into another universe or worldline. Please see Penrose diagrams for Kerr Black holes or you can examine the calculations of Frank Tipler.
So now the problem becomes where do we find a donut-shaped singularity?
Steven Hawking proposed the existence of microsingularities that were created in the big bang. They were probably about the size of a proton and disappeared over the years due to an effect of radiation evaporation. (Yes, black holes do emit energy.)
When I first started posting online a few months ago, I said that major breakthroughs in particle physics were around your corner. Soon, CERN will bring their big machine on line and they will be smashing very fast and high-energy particles together. One of the more odd and potentially dangerous items produced from this increase in energy will be microsingularities a fraction of the size of an electron. (
Through trial and error, and although they are quite heavy, hot and capable of putting out a great deal of energy (300 - 500 megawatts), it's discovered that these microsingularities can be electrified and captured. It is also interesting to note at this point that electrified singularities also have two event horizons. By spinning these various microsingularities, a localized Kerr field is created.
By using two microsingularities in close proximity to each other, it is possible to create, manipulate and alter the Kerr fields to create a Tipler gravity sinusoid. This field can be adjusted, rotated and moved in order to simulate the movement of mass through a donut-shaped singularity and into an alternate worldline. Thus, safe time travel.
30 December 2000 13:17
I do not wish to antagonize you however, we both know the Tippler cylinder is only a thought experiment to explain the very real physics behind Kerr black holes.
By using two microsingularities in close proximity to each other, it is possible to create, manipulate and alter the Kerr fields to create a Tipler gravity sinusoid. This field can be adjusted, rotated and moved in order to simulate the movement of mass through a donut-shaped singularity and into an alternate worldline. Thus, safe time travel.
Creedo answers; This is not so, there is the Einstein Bose condensate, there is also superluminal cesium C.So you can both speed up and slow down light.
There are and I'm sure that I've heard of this, effects now that bend light in a laboratory using a very powerful magnet.
The simplest one is light at a distance bending over galaxies and planets, where mass over M+ equals distortion of transit, however I'm not saying microsingularities at all.
Your dealing with the physics supposedly from 2036, so some things have changed.
Like I said, this is probably a pulsed gravitational effect more akin to a gravitational pulsar, rather than a steady state phenomenon.
Overpumped C in lasic, probably bends due to a gravity phenomenon.
It may be that since mass is relatively at rest, does not correspond to the gravity attraction of the Triplers as posed on the car seat.
However what is the problem, is the acceleration rates of C in a relative gravity well location.
Mass in C stringed is contigual, therefore an enmass field, however overpumped lasic, is a free acceleration phenomenon and would then correspond to a gravity well.
This is a phenominon which is pulsed, so mass may stay at rest, or relative to the gravity well, where overpumped lasic C, can not correspond to this option?
Yes I know what a double nonspecific locaty with reference is to a kerrs phenomenon, I knew so a few years ago, plus the necessary dynamics.
First of all, it is TIPLER...if he was named TRIPLER, I might give his theories a deeper look, but that's the Qabalist in me talking!You know the theoretical output of the said Tripler cylinders......?
If ya don't know that, then you know nothing.
I'd like to know your thoughts on another part of the Titor story that I find a little too coincidental. That is: He (the alleged Titor) describes the gravity-induced time warp effect as being created by these two microsingularities. And he provided alleged diagrams of how the field was formed with one microsingularity in front of, and one behind, the time travel target (person).
This sounds suspiciously like a ripoff of Dr. Miguel Alcubierre's Warp Drive concept from his paper of 1992 (if I recall the year correctly). This, along with your other citations of already-established concepts of theoretical physics, seems to support the theory that whoever concocted the Titor Project/Experiment "borrowed" from many different reputable sources to try to make his story sound coherent and believable. Hence, this could provide a logical continuation of his "story" that time travel concepts were developed with minor tweaks of existing physics.