John Titor

The Martian explorations that your foolish visionary of a president spoke of were never enacted. As Titor himself stated, missions to Mars were never completed. Furthermore, the arrival of the 5100 computer contained dangerous and classified information from cold war era United States. This, coupled with guerilla insurgent members of the populace, created a tremendous instability that has halted any attempts at space travel.
chrono said alot of things. like we havent discovered nuclear fission yet. or was that fusion? he seems to be messing up alot. if you look on the first thread he said 1 years meaning that he went back and changed it from either 2 or 3 years but forgot to take off the s. also he says that he says what he wishes to type but if that were the case then he would have to read what others type back and understand how to use grammer and spell. he also said that it was in the history books. but in his time they didnt have books. also he said that a child would understand what he was talking about but how could that happen if humans in their time only used 10% of their brain as we do now.

also the torturing for a month is unreasonable. if someone would be tortured like that for a month they would have a mental breakdown as people do in this age and time. also we are learning that the balance in brain chemicals controls our moods so if some1 had an imbalance then the bowl tests would show the changes and have a docter fix it meaning that there would be no crime worth punishing some1 with torture for a month.
chrono said alot of things. like we havent discovered nuclear fission yet. or was that fusion? he seems to be messing up alot. if you look on the first thread he said 1 years meaning that he went back and changed it from either 2 or 3 years but forgot to take off the s. also he says that he says what he wishes to type but if that were the case then he would have to read what others type back and understand how to use grammer and spell. he also said that it was in the history books. but in his time they didnt have books. also he said that a child would understand what he was talking about but how could that happen if humans in their time only used 10% of their brain as we do now.

also the torturing for a month is unreasonable. if someone would be tortured like that for a month they would have a mental breakdown as people do in this age and time. also we are learning that the balance in brain chemicals controls our moods so if some1 had an imbalance then the bowl tests would show the changes and have a docter fix it meaning that there would be no crime worth punishing some1 with torture for a month.

I was being sarcastic, I have called Chrono on many of his rediculous posts. This hoaxer seems to be trying a litter harder than Chrono, who doesn't even understand the periodic table yet.
Canon-the years thing was a typing error.

we have electronic books that tell us what happened. The books are not made out of paper but we still call them books.

people are a little bit smarter than people in this time.

Torture is a good deterrant to crime.
people are a little bit smarter than people in this time.

Since you are a university scholar, and as you stated "the best of the best", then by being smarter you must mean:

1) Can't write with proper grammar, spelling or sentence structure.
2) Cannot remember what they have written on this board one page to the next.
3) No basic understanding of mathematics or science (I knew more than you in grade 9, so don't tell me it's because your major is history)

Basically, you don't seem to have a basic understanding of anything, so how can you say that you are smarter? Honestly, go back and read your posts, a 12 year old OF THIS TIME could write better than you and you claim to be 22 years old! Your fantasy stories make no sense at all to anyone with a basic understanding of science, and to back them up you claim that "anything is possible in space". Why is space different than here, are we not part of this universe.

Watching you make an ass of yourself was funny at first, now it is more than annoying, I am beginning to agree with the others Chrono, you are polluting this forum with your bs and it is ruining the experience for others who have a serious interest in this topic. Let me explain it to you so that you can understand:

Sorry for getting off topic. now about John titor. i read a little about him and it seems kinda funny that a country just coming out of a nuclear holocaust has time to invent a time machine.
The Martian explorations that your foolish visionary of a president spoke of were never enacted. As Titor himself stated, missions to Mars were never completed. Furthermore, the arrival of the 5100 computer contained dangerous and classified information from cold war era United States. This, coupled with guerilla insurgent members of the populace, created a tremendous instability that has halted any attempts at space travel.

Why would you come to this time? Why not go back to when John Titor was posting on this board? It would be alot easier to track him down then don't you think. Since John was wrong about parallel timelines (according to you), then go back, and when your posts pop up on this board dated 2000, we will all believe you. This should be fairly easy for you since you have a time machine! It seems to me that you are wasting your time hanging around in 2004, Titor is gone. Hmmm, I look forward to your explanation of why you must remain in 2004. Unless you go back in time and start posting, you really shouldn't bother continuing your silly game. Another timetraveller who didn't plan his story out very well, maybe next time prepare a little better.
hes going to make some lame excuse why he cant. cause if he did then you wouldnt make that post and we would all believe him. also if i was a time traveler from the future the last thing i would want to do is post and tell everyone that i was (unless i was from a parellel universe like John Titor). i would know that if i made predictions then the world will turn out different. if i was a historian that traveled back then i would not watch the simpsons i would instead watch the news (about 90% true) and record what i found out. with your memory chrono you would need alot of paper with you to record. or else people in the future would think that all we are is barbarians.

let me make some predictions that are going to happen in the future. theres going to be a severe drought in some parts of the united states. theres going to be an earthquake in california. theres going to be a terrorist event soon (dont know where) but its going to happen within 5-10 days. hey im pretty good. maybe i should start telling people that i am from the future aswell.
I have been reading about this Titor stuff, did anyone ever point out that when asked the question:

"What are the other time travelers' destinations, and missions?"

he replied:

"I am not aware of the details of other missions. Of the seven, three had
already left before I did. I suspect they are on similar missions."

One problem with this is that he already stated that when people go off on their time trip they come back (perceived) immediately after they left. So surely John has made a glaring mistake in the above response. Isn't he implying that he does not know the details of other time travellors because they were not back from their trip?
For your information, my kommandant was annoyed about the trash you call the "matrix". Here is an illustration of my illustrious time travel capsule thingy.

For your information, my kommandant was annoyed about the trash you call the "matrix". Here is an illustration of my illustrious time travel capsule thingy.

Hey, that's from The Best Page in the Universe... I love that site. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Strange tales from on and off our world. This issue we feature Internet exchanges in 2000/01 with John Titor, who claimed to be a time traveller from 2036 and gave alarming details about our future, including imminent conflicts leading to World War.

Although there is debate over the exact date it started, on November 02, 2000, a person calling themselves Timetravel_0, and later John Titor, started posting on a public forum that he was a time traveler from the year 2036.

One of the first things he did was post pictures of his time machine and its operations manual. As the weeks went by, more and more people began questioning him about why he was here, the physics of time travel and his thoughts about our time. He also posted on other forums including the old Art Bell site. In his posts John Titor entertained, angered, frightened and even belittled those who engaged him in conversation.

On March 24, 2001, John Titor told us he would be leaving our time and returning to 2036. After that, he was never heard from again. Speculation and investigation about who John Titor was and why he was online continues to this day.

Although it may be easy to dismiss all this as science fiction, most people who read his posts agree that there is something very haunting about John Titor and what he said. In addition, and open to more debate, he also made a series of predictions and comments that eerily seem to be coming true.

Unfortunately, I never spoke directly to John Titor but there are many out there who have and continue to wonder about their experience. As you get deeper into this site, you will find his posts, links to other sites about him, downloads and speculative information attributed to him after he left. I have taken the posts and organized them by date and subject. My editorial work is copyrighted but the unedited posts and the people who experienced it are in the public domain can be found on other sites listed inside.

As you read, please try to keep two things in mind:

1. John appeared to answer nearly every question that was asked of him over the 4-month period he was online. Because of that, many people neglected to read the previous posts and asked similar or exact questions he had already answered. It may offer a glimpse of what a time traveler goes through when having the same conversation again and again.

2. These posts were written before 9-11, the Columbia accident and the second Gulf War. Many people believe John may have known of these events and dropped clues without actually referring to them. It's also widely agreed that he made several predictions about future physics discoveries that have materialized as he stated.

I have included a guest book where you may leave your comments. I will endeavor to respond to any questions you have based on my work as well as to continue adding any relevant information and web links. Please check the guest book for news and developments.

I hope you enjoy your journey with John Titor.

[Copyright 2003]

T12, thank you for your post. You've said many of the things I feel.

I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post this thread on the website;f=9;t=001280. Please Mod's delete if I am not.

My basic premise is that several people experienced strange occurances because of their "relationship" with JT. I believe it is substantial even while it is circumstancial (I hope you understand).

To discredit the circumstantial evidence related in this thread is to discredit several people on the board that have had long relationships on the board. They appear to be consistant and believable. From a "human" not a scientific aspect, I believe Titor to be real. I'm sure I will be debunked, but I cannot believe that several people who experienced strange circumstances, who had contact with JT, have deceived people for three years after much questioning. The "percentage" of strange ocurances seems way above the norm to me.

Just my opinion