John Titor


Temporal Novice
Hey there i have just found all the information on john titor. and done some image processing on the image posts and have discovered that the bent lazer picture is in fact real or a very very very good fake. The pixels around the area where the lazer would have been straight have not been tampered with so the path is exactly correct. I just wish John was still around so that i could have the liberty of asking him a few questions. So if anyone out there is quite knowledgeble about Johns prevoius postings. please could you help me to catch up.
Well, with regards to the laser being correct, it's far from it.

We're talking about a gravitational force so strong that it can bend light within a tiny space (bear in mind that a giant sun's gravity is only just strong enough to bend light around it - that's a huge amount of gravity bending it over a huge amount of space). And yet, the light starts bending within the vehicle. Now, I don't know about you, but I'll say that the steel of the window supports would have bent before the light beam did so much.

While we're at it, the beam is supposed to be visible in cigar smoke, which would seemingly extend outside the cab, too. So this gravitiational force is so strong that it can bend a laser beanm by at least 40 degrees, but it won't attract the smoke particles? And the beam bends towards the floor, when it would actually bend to the shortest path to the nearest point of gravity - which would be horizontally out of the window, as the vehicle is supposed to be surrounded by a "bubble" of gravity. Furthermore, this much gravity is supposed to be affecting the beam in such a pronounced and profound way, and yet there is no shift in wavelength at all? I don't believe that the frequency of the beam wouldn't change so that the colour changes, or it even moves out of the visible spectrum altogether.

That picture is the least convincing thing I've seen from Titor, and when I first saw it I was particularly let down, because otherwise, I think it's a well-done and clever hoax. Unfortunately, that picture isn't.
Real or Fake.. it doesn't matter as the whole story IS a fake. Read the disney - celebration - TTI - Titor - MOP thread and check out the link that QuantumTheory posted... there's no question in my mind about this.. the story is a hoax, a good hoax, but is false none the less... and the details will come out eventually.
Hey there i have just found all the information on john titor. and done some image processing on the image posts and have discovered that the bent lazer picture is in fact real or a very very very good fake. The pixels around the area where the lazer would have been straight have not been tampered with so the path is exactly correct. I just wish John was still around so that i could have the liberty of asking him a few questions. So if anyone out there is quite knowledgeble about Johns prevoius postings. please could you help me to catch up.

Quick catch up...

This picture has already been replicated using a coarse optical cable. It may not have been tampered with, but that doesn't mean it's the real deal. There's a rather long thread about it all on Anomalies.


Check this out cheescloth bending infrared light.

any my point is that if we were to take one of these lazer lights and shine it from one side of the planet would it curve around the planet to shine on your back or would it shine straight of the curve of the earth ( all of this possible by a hypothetically strong lazer light) if it could then would it mean that even gravity as low as ours can bend light. I have a theoretical experiment that one can try. If you do photography that is. First you need a wheel with a handle so that it can be turned. Second you need photosensitive film and a dark room. Third a lazer light that you can attache to the inner part of the wheel so that the inside rim is free to place your photsensitive material on. Place the material exactly where the light is shining or just underneath it. Lay the material in such a way that it lies round the inside rim towards the light source

Now after this is set up you start spinning the wheel. Does the photsensitive material get affected by the light. If yes then we can say that the light was bent by the false gravity we just created. But we weren't sucked in and nothing around us bent in towards the false gravity. We should all try this to see what happens maybe it will shed some light (not intended). If you would like a pic of what i mean then send me a mail and i will send it to you

I know this makes no sense but your reply got me to thinking about the light bending thing.

Anyway thanks for the info at least the actual picture isn't a hoax hey, maybe just what is portrays.
any my point is that if we were to take one of these lazer lights and shine it from one side of the planet would it curve around the planet to shine on your back or would it shine straight of the curve of the earth ( all of this possible by a hypothetically strong lazer light) if it could then would it mean that even gravity as low as ours can bend light.

The laser would continue straight. When was the last time you saw light affected by Earth's gravity? Is it lighter near the bottom of rooms?

Place the material exactly where the light is shining or just underneath it. Lay the material in such a way that it lies round the inside rim towards the light source

Now after this is set up you start spinning the wheel. Does the photsensitive material get affected by the light.

If the material is where the light is shining, then yes it would react, and if not, then no it wouldn't.

If yes then we can say that the light was bent by the false gravity we just created.

Turning a wheel will not create gravity, false or otherwise. You may be talking about centrifugal force, but that works on a completely different principal (and, technically, doesn't exist).
any my point is that if we were to take one of these lazer lights and shine it from one side of the planet would it curve around the planet to shine on your back or would it shine straight of the curve of the earth ( all of this possible by a hypothetically strong lazer light) if it could then would it mean that even gravity as low as ours can bend light.

Experiments to measure the local spacetime curve have been performed many times. To the best of our measurements, space is flat locally. Therefore, the earth is not capable of measureably bending light.

"Turning a wheel will not create gravity, false or otherwise. You may be talking about centrifugal force, but that works on a completely different principal (and, technically, doesn't exist). "

Well if the centrifugal force can keep something away from our own gravity while it's spinning (such as the bucket with the water in it) does that mean that its not a type of gravity man made or otherwise and that i can't refer to it as such because the fires of hell will come and swallow me up. Anyway what principle doesn't exist? and you didn't even ask me for the drawing for the wheel so how the heck would you know exacly what i was typing about. Is't it true that to fully understand something you need examples especially if it's the first time you hear it or read it .

Oh and like i said in the Timetravelling revealed posting have you even tried it before disputing the experiment because your so knowledgeble and know that you need to make sure before you say something. I'm getting a bit ot of hand sorry i tend to take alot of things personally especially when it come froom people i don't know.
Following John Titor's trail, leading me to pre civil war United States, I happened upon this forum. Allow me to explain. His visit to your plane has created a massive, unprecedent time/space anomaly, in the near future. I, as a member of the Corps., was chosen to spearhead a mission to intercept, and/or eliminate, this individual. Any information regarding his whereabouts should be posted. The human race, following 2036, has undergone a massive armed resistance, possible originating from his visit to your time period. Technology, of unknown origin, has been found in the hands of these insurgents, and any attempts at peaceful settlement have been unsucessful. The fate of the human race, nay, the fate of the world itself is at risk. The 5100 computer that was acquired by John Titor contained critical information that, shortly after his return to 2036, fell into the hands of a radical fundamentalist movement. This information is believed to have contained instructions on the operation and control of a worldwide doomsday device. My missions is simple. Find and stop, by any means possible, John Titor. Due to the singularity time capsule's variable gravity lock, it is difficult to predict the year, and for all I can surmise, I may be several years too late!
and for all I can surmise, I may be several years too late!
You are too late. The headache you have given me, as yet another attention whore claiming to be a time traveler, will take eons to subside.

Thanks a helluva lot!
I, as a member of the Corps., was chosen to spearhead a mission to intercept, and/or eliminate, this individual

Strange, Titor himself stated that when you go back in time, you cannot alter your own past, only a parallel past. So technically, coming back to this timeline and taking action will in no way affect your own, all you will do is begin a new one. When Titor asked for e-mails that he would send when he went back in time, he stated that the people in this timeline would not receive them, only their personas in the parallel timeline. Therefore you have already debunked yourself because your mission makes no sense according to the John Titor explanation of time travel. Maybe you should have read the posts a little more carefully before beginning your hoax. The quality of hoaxers is really going down hill lately, but at least you sound more credible than Chrono, maybe your his dad.

By the way, I don't believe John Titor to be real either. He was, however, very good at pulling off these types of games. You my friend contradicted yourself in the first post, good luck next time, I am sure there are other forums you can post on.
Thats just it, Titor misunderstood the dangers that he would create on my time, your future. By aiding him in his mission, you have incidently placed the future, as well as the past in jeopardy!

Ok. Here goes:

1. How does your time machine work?
2. What do we find on mars?
3. who wins the upcoming U.S. presidential election?
4. What is the average airspeed velocity of a swallow?

"Turning a wheel will not create gravity, false or otherwise. You may be talking about centrifugal force, but that works on a completely different principal (and, technically, doesn't exist). "

Actually, acceleration is indistinguishable from gravity. Look up General Relativity and Einstein's Principle of Equivalence.

dest future said:
Well if the centrifugal force can keep something away from our own gravity while it's spinning (such as the bucket with the water in it) does that mean that its not a type of gravity man made or otherwise and that i can't refer to it as such because the fires of hell will come and swallow me up.

You can call it whatever you want. But spinning anything around won't actually create any gravity, as such.

keeb333 said:
Actually, acceleration is indistinguishable from gravity. Look up General Relativity and Einstein's Principle of Equivalence.

It depends what you're talking about whether it's indistinguishable or not. What we're talking about here is whether you could create gravity by spinning this wheel that would draw something from the outside in because of the gravity created. Now, I agree that you can spin a bucket full of water round above your head and the forces acting on the water will be more or less indistinguishable from gravity for the water itself. However, what you won't be doing is creating a gravity well, and you could drop particles of dust next to your spinning bucket, and they wouldn't be attracted to the "gravity" created by the motion.
After reading about John for about a year now, I have to say this: Please find a way to disprove him!! That is what everybody wants. That way we don’t have to look at the uncomfortable future. We can breathe a collective sigh of relief and go on with our excessive life style. I read from all of the posts of the unbelievers that his science is flawed, his speech is not of the time period he claims to be from and he just does not fit what they think a TT should sound like. He claims he comes for a time when the community is all a person works for, I think this bothers a lot of people. I would also hazard a guess that those same people come from the city. I grew up on a ranch in Nevada, without running water, electricity or a grocery store for over 50 miles. This was during the 60’s and 70’s, we moved to the city in the early 80’s. It was a culture shock for me, people were very rude and abrupt in there ways of doing things. As far as him knowing all of the things about this time period, I wonder how much you really remember about the 70’s, or even the 80’s for that matter. I know from personal experience that the killing of people is distasteful, and can make a person look at things differently. What he tried to explain to everyone was what the feelings where, He did better than I could have. If you disbelieve that the future John Titor spoke of could never come true, you might want to turn on the TV, read the news or ask yourself if the reason you don’t believe is because John was not a TT or if you are scared that he was.
I think he has been pretty much debunked, even though his hoax was a good one.

As for the future, who knows what it will bring? For all we know, Titor's future could be infinitely preferable to the one that we're actually going to have.

I'm not scared that he was a time traveller. I also do not see current events moving in the direction s he predicted. I'm reasonably sure that we're in a dark period of history, and that things can easily get worse than they are now, and they probably will. But I don't see pretty much anything he predicted as being likely.
Well to put it quite simple, my technology is mostly top secret. The devices we used were a later version of John Titor's famous Variable Gravity Lock, a means of maintaining an accurate fix on the environment. Coupled with a Flux Capacitor, which uses the hierarchical structure of the cosmos as a timer, the machine can maintain a firm grip on the time frame, however bugs are still being worked out. It works by calibrating the trilamination of a few tiny spheres with selected metals and their subjection to a magnetic field. This results in a destabilization the orderliness of the proton, the heavier atom and the individual layers of metal. The matter then seeks to re-establish itself in it's fractal set. It requires 1.21 gigawatts of electricity, supplied at first by a plutonium powered nuclear reactor. This works through quantum tunneling, which is a process of removing electron energy. This is all regulated through a neural net processor imbedded in the traveler's skull. This form of cybernetic implant was and still is (will be) in the experimental phase. All of this is interfaced into the time capsule itself.