Media John Titor on the Why Files

I think what you are describing gets worse in tightly populated areas honestly. People become disconnected completely and cold with the use of the "modern technology" but I think in rural areas it is now more like it used to be in some cities it means its better.
We escaped from the greater Portland area to a 500 person town in the middle of the Ozarks, and this was one of those reasons. It's wonderful here.
now it makes more sense why hosted Celebration FL forums
Yep. It was only a fluke that I discovered the connection between this site and the Celebration, FL BBS. One night I was curious so I clicked on the "Terms of Service" link at the bottom of the page and, indeed, it did take me to the TOS page. Then I clicked on every other link at the bottom of the page which eventually landed me on the Magical Mouse page. That page had all of the links to Raul's other projects including the Celebration, FL BBS. I then clicked on the Celebration, FL BBS link and was able to read the posts without logging in (but I couldn't post without having an account). That's where I discovered that Larry Haber was the very first person to move into Celebration when Disney opened the community, that he and his wife were both current (wife) and former (Larry) Disney execs. Larry had since moved on to Universal Studios and then hung a private shingle. Looking at his business address in Celebration I could see he was located in a building where it was his office and the offices and production studio for a graphics arts and film production studio VISI Corp). Rick Donaldson and I continued to follow the links and discovered that an email account was used by Haber, the Book crew (John Titor: A Time Traveler's Tale, copyright John Titor Corp) and someone who blitzed the Internet with thousands of posts pumping The Book in a single night during August 2003(I don't have my notes handy but I think it was 2003). At that time it was very obvious to Rick and myself that Haber had not planned on being discovered so early because "Momma" Kay Titor had not yet made her appearance. I did some digging at Sunbiz, the Florida Department of Corporations webpage, and discovered that Haber was the attorney of record for both the John TItor Corp and VISI Corp.

It was around that time that Raul said that I should have already figured out who Titor was because he had been posting as both TimeTravel_0 and another member who had been around much longer than Titor/TTO. He said that TTO had occassionally forgotten to mask his IP and would log on to post using the other member's IP. It was just before Titor/TTO started posting here that Raul decided to mask all IPs when we posted. And we had to start registering in order to post. Prior to that time we could post as Guest or make up a one time handle and post. That ended up with too many puppet/sock puppets which is why Raul imposed the change.
dont dismiss titor so easily..... you have no concrete evidence to anything just an ip garbage #s....
admins of sites cant know a thing but ips and if they have a little tech knowledge in the field of it they can try to ddos a system or a site... everything you see today on the net belongs to 3 agencies cia nsa and mossad... no one else... and those 3 agencies are 1 as of 2020s
dont dismiss titor so easily..... you have no concrete evidence to anything just an ip garbage #s....
admins of sites cant know a thing but ips and if they have a little tech knowledge in the field of it they can try to ddos a system or a site... everything you see today on the net belongs to 3 agencies cia nsa and mossad... no one else... and those 3 agencies are 1 as of 2020s
Ummmm. Wow! That was Absolutely clear as glass without a hint of the Thorazine Shuffle. Good on yuh.