John Titor officially a Liar?

It is 11/01/04. The time is 8:36 p.m. The polls here in California open in 10 hours 24 minutes. We will see if John Titor is telling the truth or not. His predictions have a little under 2 months to come true or John Titor will be branded officially a liar. Personally, I hope his predictions about the future come true because it means that someone actually from the future came here to visit our timeline.
Signing off.
And in Dixville Notch, New Hampshire, the polls are opening as I type this.

I'll go out on a limb and make a prediction: John Titor will NOT be elected president... of the US or even of the "John Titor I really wish you were a real time traveler" fan club.

There will be no civil war. The US went through that phase, and we survived. It would seem that most people in the world do not understand the United States.... and, unfortunately, that even includes a lot of our citizens who think we are "so fragile" that we would descend into civil war over two less-than-stellar candidates who were chosen by their parties because of their ability to be controlled by the party politic.

Even the news of today where we heard Osama Bin Bubba's "grand scheme" to send us into bankruptcy is quite telling that HE does not understand the United States. He thinks the same tactics that "he" used to cause the USSR to crumble (oh, by the way Osama, you do recall that you were a mere pawn of Ronald Reagan and the US in that little fray, right?) will be just as effective on the US. Ha. It even hurts to laugh it is so laughable. We are a market economy, unlike the USSR of old. We have created the interdependence of the world's global economy. As goes the USA, so goes the rest of the world's market. We have economic allies, whether they "like" us or not, just because we are all linked. If Osama actually thinks he can topple the entire world market, then maybe he is gullible enough to think he's got 25 virgins waiting for him when he martyrs himself.

Wake up, people. You are in control of your destiny. If you want to create a civil war, you are fully capable of doing it. But don't mind the rest of us if we decide to not participate in your self-loathing, world-ending phantasies!

Wake up, people. You are in control of your destiny. If you want to create a civil war, you are fully capable of doing it. But don't mind the rest of us if we decide to not participate in your self-loathing, world-ending phantasies!

How dare you use logic and common sense????
Your sanity is disturbing.