Hey John Titor is a Genuine teller, I think this is true because the fact remains that he said a war will start in 2004 and that is USA vs Iraq, I figure that this is the begninning of it all, a country trying to rid one less country of falling nukes. and some other country is gonna get pissed while USA conflicts with its self, i hear he said that Russia will come to save america, but who would launch nukes at a country with a conflict within themselves. Maybe America has pissed someone off, and a country took advantage of this and nuked them, so USA nuked them back, But how can nukes go off for 3 or more hours? and if a nuke silo were to get hit that nuke would whipe everything out 200 feet down, "Must be some Big craters left over aye John?" I beleive this guy yet i dont, i do because of his predictions, but i dont because hes from another worldline, but thats just a shove in that direction, because we dont know what worldline. And on another case wheres his video tape of him departering? And i have one question if he ever comes back, and that is " how did you see this nuclear war coming to prepare for it? and how did you survive and regroup after it, with all the radiation lingering around, did he have anti-thyroid cancer pills just lying in his gym bag? we need mmmore details i think, but i know come 2010 i'm hikin it south, i'm in canada...goin to like antarctica or peru behind the mountains. I think that if after the Iraqi war if it ends, if there another war, then it might be tru that he's telling the truth. But now John titor has an aircraft that can project a crop circle drawing with his tiume machine, showing two black holes warping together, where are the burn marks? this is merly a making of crop cricle specialist that go out with ther boards on strings. GOod work boys, Johnt Titor wont be back, maybe some of will run into him in 2016-2036. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif Anyone know Nostrodomis' prodictions of after the second millenium of christ?I think he said that there will be war for 10-20 years then 2000 of peace, that is what i recall, i'm gonna put some research into this. you other beleivers should do this as well, maybe he's a hoax. WHO KNOWS, DONT SIT AROUND AND FIND OUT!