Signing off:
Corrections, the Dracks are relative to the evolutionary development of humans, even thought the Dracks are an older race and much more inteligent.
This is a relavisitc law of biology, where the sentients of a species, proclaims its right within stability.
Dracks and humans can and have understood each other, so developments, although seeming lopsided, are consider equalatteral.
Blue Dracks are not not part of the Alpha Drackoian continum, and in a way, very contigual to the human society.
There have already been ovitures from the blue Dracks, to humans taken to their dimension as guest, in order to see and expiernece their domaciles.
Blue Dracks are very loving and not useary to man, where it seems with the Alpha Drackoians, the oposite seems to be true?
Note to others, both TTA and CAT use telepathic abilites in their scans of me.
TTA's ability was with certain predicted events, which I have on records.TTA, it seesm is not an, but clairvoyant
On CAT's, it is ther statment that 50 yards away, in the bushes, pigeons.
The only way she could have known this are R.V. techniques.
CAT has also violaited her own religion, which in her own proclimation, that demons help relay information, so therefor any telepathy and or R.V. techniques are by someone's church, illegal.
The post in the last sentance post of CAT's, that now TTA will give the jail bird report, seems to be a Freudian slip on her part and why someone had aksed someone not to call the police??
I don't do this, it seems to be a projectile launched from CAT at TTA?
Does Darby think that the Air Force Lutentant who saw a glint of light and went towards it at White Sands will ever be considered a war hero?
This doing this now, with a West Point hero, held in captivity by the Viet Cong, even though the body has not been recovered, however the story relaied by fellow P.O.W. captives, who saw his exicution.
WHITE SANDS USAF officer:This man was caught by some for a Grays down there and surgically accosted, so makeing this event the first happenstance where U.S. military personel was attacked by Grays sorts of alien?
Won't matter in the future, will it Darb?
Other notes to Darb, we did get some level of law from the British, in the forming of our won court systems, even though it seems to be the monstrocity the legal system is today?
Other notes, general, yes it was the birds, however they really were not birds, but something else in someones UFO reports.From a book on UFOs.
The other day a (Cat Bird), "believe it or not", flew down by me, while I was doing very noisey yard work, and was getting friendly, as if to warn me of something or express concern.
Maybe my best freids after all, are the birds?
If your going to R.V. here CAT, don't do it five miles down the road, in the approximate area where the Douglas County Bridge meets the the Douglas side of the River, from Okanogan County.
Four thousand feet up, there are visitors, who come through this way all of the time and you might get a supprise.
It's government funded, so what's the differnce anyway?
To the Grays, whatever you guys did on my right side, a few years a back, "thanks"! as mine does not seem to bother me, like another memeber of my family.
For this I owe some of you, although the equation is not fully understood in the minds of some like CAT.
CAT's name should really be Mr. Phelps Tape, as she will self destruct in five seconds.
Bye all, don't get too close to me, there are complications to this arrangment.