John Titor Book


Temporal Novice
Greetings everyone. There has been a lot of buzz about John Titor online and whether or not he is a real time traveler. My friend first introduced me to the site a little bit over a year ago but I didn’t have time to actually sit there and read all of it until recently. My eyes would hurt every night from sitting there trying to take in all that information. So what I decided to do was archive all the post from johntitor site as well as some analytical analysis about everything. It contains all the pictures ever posted. I spent a month putting this together. Originally I only made this for myself and my friend who enlighten me about John TItor, but my co-worker said that I should share it with others. So I thought that was a good idea. So I am not trying to make a profit so I am only charging production cost and shipping and handling. $19.95 for the book plus shiping and handling. The book is about 340 pages. I broke the post by date, subject, and prediction. It’s a great collection of everything dealing with John Titor and it’s right at your fingertips and it’s easy on the eyes. So for those who are interested in purchasing this book please email me at [email protected].
This might appear to be a good venue for you to sell a JT book but it really isn't. I would say the biggest JT 'experts' if you want to call it that are at these forums and at anomalies and the other ones. If you had more info maybe you could convince some people to buy it, but all of his posts and predictions are free to the public.

The only reason Williams aka Titor is making money selling the JT book is because he took his info to a forum of people that know nothing on the subject, Coat2CoastAM. If you have any news in your book we might want to see it, but not buy it. I personally will never buy anything related to JT, ever.

I'm not sorry that I don't like sellouts. Even having banners on my site makes me sick.

I sugguest you make a site and release some new findings, it would help. I'm all about free information, everything else would come secondary. For example, I have very limited server space so I'm going to add links, but not banners, I hate banners!!, anyway whenever someone buys something at amazon through those links I get something like 0.1% of whatever it costs. On my other site in over a 3 year period I made six bucks! Such a low price I couldn't collect, minimum 20 bucks to collect, heheh. Anyway, if I were to write a time travel book I would make sure the info was worth while, and I'd release some of it for free.

--- Razimus

Just a suggestion regarding your compilation - please be very circumspect about marketing the product. I really suggest that you check with an attorney first.

The John Titor Foundation, LLC (Florida) has a very good, well known and expensive attorney, Larry Haber, retained as their corporate attorney. He specializes in entertainment law and copyright law. Though the posts themselves are in the public arena the JTF has copyrighted their book through the U.S. Copyright Office.

Also be mindful that all of the Titor posts were either extracted from this site or Post-2-Post. I haven't heard any complaints from Raul (the owner here) nor have I heard any complaints from Art Bell (who owned Post-2-Post). But Bell has locked the P2P archive, including the portions where Titor posted, and requires a fee (registration) to even look at those archives. He's a big business and has attorneys of his own.

It's just a suggestion but if you're going to publish for profit it's best to be safe now rather than sorry later.

Have fun with the book - and spell my name right in my posts.
Hey Darby I've never heard that info discussed anywhere, maybe I missed that thread, how do you know about Williams' attorney?

About the text of the posts, they are open to the public. Claiming that one person holds the right to make a book on the subject and quote from his posts is extremely fishy. It would be like claiming only one person could write a book about the Philadelpia Experiment.

--- Razimus
Darby, I saw this on the johntitor dot com page, under the Media.htm

HOST NOTE: Due to numerous emails with legal questions regarding the John Titor story, I have located from other forums "the attorney" who apparently represents John's family. If you have questions about legal rights, it is believed that this is the relevant contact:

Law Offices of
Lawrence H. Haber, PA
Larry Haber
PO Box 470171
Celebration, FL 34747-0171
407-566-0181 Fax 407-566-0182
[email protected]

You said this is the lawyer for the John Titor Foundation, the only public member of the John Titor Foundation is Oliver Williams.

You said...
The John Titor Foundation, LLC (Florida) has a very good, well known and expensive attorney, Larry Haber, retained as their corporate attorney.

The JT foundation doesn't claim Larry Harber to be their lawyer, but only the lawyer of Titor's family. It is obvious to me that the John Titor foundation is nothing more than a cover, Oliver Williams is attempting to use this foundation to pretend he isn't Titor.

You said that the lawyer of the JT foundation (aka Oliver Williams) is Larry Harber.

Oliver Williams aka the JT foundation doesn't claim Larry Harber is their attorney but the attorney of Titor's family.

Therefore Oliver Williams is John Titor's family, he is JT. The fact that Oliver Williams claims JT's mom wrote some of the book is proof enough that he is in on the deal, yet he mentions nothing of this during interviews, probably because it would be too easy to be tripped up.

--- Razimus
"Hey Darby I've never heard that info discussed anywhere, maybe I missed that thread, how do you know about Williams' attorney?"

Raz - for someone who just figured out who JT was, retracted it and now knows where the experts are - you seem to have alot of JT posts to read yet.

"About the text of the posts, they are open to the public. Claiming that one person holds the right to make a book on the subject and quote from his posts is extremely fishy. "

You are dead wrong about this. The person, group or time traveler who wrote the posts still has copyright ownership to them. Posting them on the Internet is like writing a book and giving it away for free. Just becuase you got a free book does not mean you can put a new cover on it and sell it yourself. I have maintained for a while that the only way to get JT to come out and play is to find out who is claiming copyright.

About the book - either the real author doesn't care, is gone, dead, or really is behind the JT foundation. Either way, its a great set-up that still leaves doubt and the story lives on.

"You said this is the lawyer for the John Titor Foundation, the only public member of the John Titor Foundation is Oliver Williams. "

If this is true it pretty much answers all the questions. Where did you see this info-nugget??????

Heh, I never figured out who JT was, Note the question mark in the article, O'Doc is simply a possible suspect, not enough connections to to prove though. I would say Oliver Williams has the connections that could prove he is either JT, or is a business partner with him.

Where did I get the info that Oliver Williams is the only public member of the JT foundation?
Well, I listen to a show called Coast to Coast AM, the JT foundation went on that show to plug the JT book, it's kinda hard to go onto a major radio show and call yourself, "The JT foundation", he was compelled to reveal his real name, Oliver Williams.

It is obvious that what can be published is the story itself in a 'news', 'documentary' type setting. Facts concerning the story can be reported on by anyone as far as I'm concerned, even in a book. At this point Titor is a public figure, fictional or not, public figures whether they like it or not automatically lose certain rights when they become public figures. For example, someone could more easily sue an accuser of allegations of defamation if they are not a public figure, as opposed to that someone being a public figure, the president, for example. Even the image of a public figure cannot be copyrighted, the generic image itself, is open to the public, to be painted, made fun of, reported on, etc.

--- Razimus
Raz & Qflux,

Larry Haber is the attorney for the John Titor Foundation. When the JTF incorporated in Florida it was done through Haber. He is listed as the Registered Agent for the JTF and his address at 606 Front Street, Celebration is listed as the corporate office for the JTF. Haber may also represent "Boomer" and/or his family but there's no evidence that that is the case.

This means that if one wants to communicate with the JTF or serve papers on them it is done so through Haber's office. That's the purpose of the Registered Agent. A corporation must maintain an address where legal process can be served, the attorney can be contacted and where inspecting entities have proper access to the corporate and tax records of the corporation.

There's no indication that Haber has any connection with Williams or <a href="" target="_blank"></a> It could be the case that there is a connection but, other than WIlliams' refering legal questions about the JTF to Haber, we simply have no actual evidence that a connection exists. Without any other connection it is appropriate for Williams to refer legal inquiries to Haber's office.

So far we have no evidence that Williams is associated with the JTF and I don't believe that he's stated as much. Again, it's possible that he's a part of the JTF and/or Group Titor but we cannot state, based on any evidence, that that is the case.

Florida Limited Liability






Document Number
L03000035057 FEI Number
NONE Date Filed
FL Status
INACTIVE Effective Date
Last Event
10/01/2004 Event Effective Date

Total Contribution


Registered Agent
Name & Address

There is one new item on this corporate filing: The John Titor Foundation, LLC is now an Inactive Florida Corp. Is was dissolved on 10/1/04.

There is no longer a John Titor Foundation.
"It is obvious that what can be published is the story itself in a 'news', 'documentary' type setting. Facts concerning the story can be reported on by anyone as far as I'm concerned, even in a book. At this point Titor is a public figure, fictional or not, public figures whether they like it or not automatically lose certain rights when they become public figures. For example, someone could more easily sue an accuser of allegations of defamation if they are not a public figure, as opposed to that someone being a public figure, the president, for example. Even the image of a public figure cannot be copyrighted, the generic image itself, is open to the public, to be painted, made fun of, reported on, etc."

Raz - You can talk about the JT posts all you want but you cannot reprint them and sell them without the permission from the author or copyright holder. No one loses rights, they just have a harder time proving their case with different standards. Ask Tom Cruise. Titor a public figure? Really - can you please show me a picture of him or tell me where he lives? Under that definition doesn't that make you a public figure too?

Hey Darby - you seem to have mellowed out a bit. I still have that footprint of yours on my pants from Anomalies though.
Darby, how'd you get that piece of info?

Qflux, a public figure doesn't have to have a face, I personally am not a public figure unlike Titor, as I haven't had exposure as Titor's name has, in many news blogs across the net, translated in different languages, etc.

About the posts exactly word for word, you're right, if they were copyrighted they could be reserved only for the author, I suppose you can attempt to copyright my posts but it wouldn't happen, making the copyrighter of JT's posts most likely JT himself. As you mentioned might reveal the real JT in court, if a lawsuit took place. If the book was nothing but JT's posts not only would it go against the copyright, if a copyright existed, but nobody would buy a book with nothing but JT posts, well maybe the super Titorians would.

--- Razimus
Raz - A copyright exists as soon as you write something down and you are totally wrong about your other comments.

Darby - when I followed the link - it says the company is ACT. Where did you see it was closed?

I checked Sunbiz again this morning and you're correct. The corporate charter was reinstated sometime late yesterday based on papers filed on 10/18/04. The information that I posted yesterday was based on a search that I did in the morning.

There is a change. Larry Haber is now listed as both the Registered Agent and the Manager of John Titor Foundation.

I have to upload the document to my personal website and then do a URL link to a post from there. I'll work on that tonight when I have more time.
Raz - A copyright exists as soon as you write something down and you are totally wrong about your other comments.

I'm not sure what 'other comments' you are referring to, since I'm not a psychic I thought you were talking about the public figure comments, which I am right about. About copyright, I admit I'm no copyright expert, but for publication it is common practice to 'secure' a copyright, which can usually only be done if you are the author is what I was trying to say, I was agreeing with you on that, about how a lawsuit could reveal JT, but apparently my comments are wrong, making yours wrong too? Anyway just some info on copyrights...


Several categories of material are generally not eligible for federal copyright protection. These include among others:

•Works that have not been fixed in a tangible form of expression (for example, choreographic works that have not been notated or recorded, or improvisational speeches or performances that have not been written or recorded)

•Titles, names, short phrases, and slogans; familiar symbols or designs; mere variations of typographic ornamentation, lettering, or coloring; mere listings of ingredients or contents

•Ideas, procedures, methods, systems, processes, concepts, principles, discoveries, or devices, as distinguished from a description, explanation, or illustration

•Works consisting entirely of information that is common property and containing no original authorship (for example: standard calendars, height and weight charts, tape measures and rulers, and lists or tables taken from public documents or other common sources)
Copyright is secured automatically when the work is created, and a work is "created" when it is fixed in a copy or phonorecord for the first time.

About writing a Titor book, anyone could write one, and use those methods to do so.

Ever see one of those register your name on a star scams?

Can I get a star named after me and claim copyright to it?
No. There is a lot misunderstanding about this. Names are not protected by copyright.
The date at which the original copy was sent to the printers proof reader, should be available.

The vested date of original copyright, on said book should also be public domain.

What are these dates then, please?
I don't know, I have no JT book, hey I know some one out there owns a copy of it,
I know it would clear up some questions, what does the book say about the writer
of the book, does it indicate more than one person are authors of it? And the book
claims to have 'additonal info', what additional info is in it if any?

- Razimus
Just goes to show ya - it ain't what you don't know that makes a person ignorant - it's what you know for sure that ain't so!

Raz - Hello? Are you now arguing that JT is a real time traveler? Being a public figure has nothing to do with the copyright issues you brought up. Public figure or not, Jt, or his attorney will sue you and win if you copy and sell his posts without permission. You can write a book all day long about how crazy this has made you. Hey - I would buy that!

Here's an idea for you - why don't you acuse him of murder and see if JT comes forward to file a libel or slander suit? If he does, then I will agree he is a public figure.
I’ve never argued that JT was a real time traveler. I think you came here to these forums just to annoy me, show me where I ever argued that he was other than a fraud. For the record I am not writing a JT book, never have, never will, I was simply arguing the rights of someone who would do such a thing, the creator of this thread, I don’t agree with his idea of writing such a thing, as you can see I said I would never buy it. Someone’s interpretation of Titor’s predictions for example, someone could legally write a book about this. As long as copyrighted material was not in the book, this would be easy to accomplish, but apparently your mind is too limited to even comprehend such a posibility.

Yes being a public figure can easily relate to copyrights, it is harder to claim rights to yourself as you become a public figure, the various internet blogs alone are proof of this. Before you argue your case concerning defamation, are you sure you understand what the word means?

Quote from qflux...
Here's an idea for you - why don't you acuse him of murder and see if JT comes forward to file a libel or slander suit? If he does, then I will agree he is a public figure.

Umm.. It was your idea, I’ll let you go ahead with that allegation. This statement of yours is more proof you have no idea what a public figure is.

Even if someone were to acuse him of that, they would most likely get away with it, only because Titor is a public figure.

An example of this from the expert law library:
Under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, as set forth by the U.S. Supreme Court in the 1964 Case, New York Times v Sullivan, where a public figure attempts to bring an action for defamation, the public figure must prove an additional element: That the statement was made with "actual malice". In translation, that means that the person making the statement knew the statement to be false, or issued the statement with reckless disregard as to its truth. For example, Ariel Sharon sued Time Magazine over allegations of his conduct relating to the massacres at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps. Although the jury concluded that the Time story included false allegations, they found that Time had not acted with "actual malice" and did not award any damages.

Quote from qflux...
You are dead wrong about this. The person, group or time traveler who wrote the posts still has copyright ownership to them. Posting them on the Internet is like writing a book and giving it away for free. Just becuase you got a free book does not mean you can put a new cover on it and sell it yourself. I have maintained for a while that the only way to get JT to come out and play is to find out who is claiming copyright.

They could have ownership of them, if they could prove they were the author, to prove they were the author, they would have to have pre-dated writings that match, or would have to have confirmation from the webmaster on the IP address, etc.. Posting in an open online forum isn’t exactly the most secure place to keep your records.

Quote from qflux...
Raz - You can talk about the JT posts all you want but you cannot reprint them and sell them without the permission from the author or copyright holder. No one loses rights, they just have a harder time proving their case with different standards.

You seem to think I was planning to do this. Never have never will, try talking to the creator of this thread, ArcaneEdge.

Another idiotic quote from qflux
Titor a public figure? Really - can you please show me a picture of him or tell me where he lives? Under that definition doesn't that make you a public figure too?

These questions obviously show you have no idea what a public figure is.

From the expert law library:
The concept of the "public figure" is broader than celebrities and politicians. A person can become an "involuntary public figure" as the result of publicity, even though that person did not want or invite the public attention. For example, people accused of high profile crimes may be unable to pursue actions for defamation even after their innocence is established, on the basis that the notoriety associated with the case and the accusations against them turned them into involuntary public figures.

qflux, Your total of 4 posts at this forum are replies to me, you obviously have some fixation on my posts alone, did Darby send you here? I assume you will be too lazy to actually read the quotes I just posted from the expert law library, but they prove you wrong in many cases.

----- Razimus