Pamela the John,s don't need any help "that ship has sailed, landed,docked, and retired, and now resides as a historical factoid in his timeline as his missions being accomplished", and sad to say there will be no more John,s in this timeline as none are required. If the event's he described ever took place in this timeline which odds are "they will not to the letter" it still wouldn't be John this timeline as all the stars had to line up so to speak to create the circumstances that lead to his having to make the trip in the 1st place .
The timeline he originated from has been changed and we are no longer a part of it. There was no war "yet", the short comings of the Unix "end of time" bug are well documented and fixed by utilizing an updated 64bit version extending it's life exponentially. Omaha/Bellevue is not the capitol "although it is still the presidents field of Operation during a national state of emergency. Our technology is advancing far faster than was originally anticipated in his posts we are very near the point of having to rewrite Moore's law now that quantum processors don't follow that model with each successive generation. Example: A 1024 qubit quantum processor isn't doubling the ability of it's 512 qubit predecessor, it becomes an matter of exponential magnitude. None of this was mentioned by the original John as it didn't have the opportunity to happen in his timeline before all heck broke loose.
This timelines John is only 16 from what I understand "according to whats out there on the all reliable internet, his family resides in Omaha under a lawyers supervision " I can only assume under a different name, as for those who state the name Titor never existed, they have obviously never heard the word anagram for example Rotti

. If "and I am not" were a time traveler, I wouldn't give you my last name if for no other reason to protect the innocent namely my non involved self of this timeline.
As for his location during his original postings figuring that out "isn't rocket science or digging for an IP address" for that matter. I can safely guess that he was possibly around the Gulf Breeze/Pensacola area in 90 and 91 "by his reporting his existence on the web he would have sparked a spurious amount of interest from the time travelers of our future", which I can hypothesize resulted in the documented rash of unidentified craft sightings in that area in the early 90's. There was no other reason "natural disaster's etc" that would spark that much interest in a single point in space and time from travelers of either extraterrestrial or temporal origin. Of course time travelers from the distant future would be easily able to zero in on the field generated by Titors box it would have been a road flare in a cave.
So If you want to find a early era time traveler, follow the bread crumbs it's that easy, as any temporal visitation is only going to be a known documented fact in the future. Thus a point of interest to those further in the future.
Good luck in your search.