You just lost the game. I'm not John Titor if this is the correct song. I'm just a code breaker if this is the correct song. I think this means that this is Earth Prime and where all the John Titors meet, but what do I know? Just making stuff up.
Yup, I know, but do others know? Then it's true then that I'm wrong about my song title choice and all of that. I don't really want to talk about what I believe is going to happen next. No one will believe since they don't already. It may be what's not mentioned, but I can't prove anything.This is not a game.
This is not a game.
It starts with String Theory and then ends with imagination. I knew you knew something servantx. I could tell you how I know but you won't believe me.
Einstein On Creativity - Creative Creativity: Inspiration and Tools for Creativity
Please share your thoughts in the song with the entire class.
IT's within the music man.Please share