" Enjoying the conversation "
Indeed. Very funny.
Just so you know, most of you who consider yourself experts on Titor, simply aren't. I don't mean that to be insulting or as a means in which to antagonize. It is just simple fact, as conclusions built upon a false premise are also going to be false. ...like divergence between truth and false.
Much of what will be written in the 2001 posts were going to be meant as a means to assist Titor, while simultaneously throwing the rest of you for a loop, so to speak.
Consider this;
Think of something that only you would know or recognize, or rarely, if ever, mentioned. It could be almost anything, such as a reoccurring thought that isn't worth mentioning, something embarrassing, a weird dream that you've never discussed, a private event or conversation, lyrics to a song or a movie script that remind you of something specific in your life, etc, etc, etc...
For example, let's say you once had a bizarre dream about a mission to travel to the moon to grow cherry trees in a bio-dome as a food source for astronauts. You didn't tell anyone about it, but it is nonetheless a part of your memory and something unique to you.
Now, write a story about something and include a reference to your dream, then mail it to yourself. Anyone that may try to intercept it and decipher it's meaning is completely lost. If they have any inclination as to what it is about, they are liable to be sitting around with a telescope looking for bio-domes with fruit trees on the moon.
Apply the same concept to time travel. If you were to try to send a cryptic message to your past self, you could make such a reference that no one else would understand. You could essentially do so in front of the whole world in secrecy.
If you wanted to get tricky, you could do so in a time released manner. You could make a reference to the dream dated before it actually happened, and in such a way that you wouldn't get the message until after the dream had occurred. For example, if you know you had the dream in July 2018, and wouldn't get the message until March of 2022, you could go to February of 2013 and plant the message.
By order of logic, you know it came from you, that it must have been time travel as you posted it before it happened and in a way that the manner of delivery of said message was also anticipated...all of which was only known by you or a select few individuals. You could even get more tricky by breaking it up or changing things around a bit. Like making a reference to traveling to Mars in 2012, and another about planting peach trees in bio-domes in 2013.
The possibilities with such a system are virtually endless. I don't want to give away any more than what is necessary to make my point. But you get the idea. It takes a sound mind to keep track of it, but is nonetheless effective. The fun part is reading a bunch of arrogant idiots claiming to be experts and arguing as to whether you traveled to Mars in 2012 or 2013.