I'm Sorry to the ANOMALIES.NET people, namely Olav Phillips, Phil Fiord. Those two I focused on most so I can accept the fact that it's reasonable why they were the most irritated by my report. I honestly thought they were the biggest suspects of the Titor hoax, based on my research and evidence, but my evidence was done in isolation, I did this because I'm used to working in isolation, and I didn't want outside influences to change my data, but this is no excuse for my mistakes. I wanted to step back and get a better view on their responses which is why it's taken me this long to see they are innocent. Darby & Rick sorry to drag you into this as well. I am an honest person and I'm sure you guys are as well. The ANOMALIES.NET guys did debunk a lot of the Titor case, but the case has been cold so long I'm sure they think no new evidence can be brought to light. I do have spies talking to me here and there, I assumed they were ANOMALIES spies but their probably Titor spies having some fun. I haven't learned anything from them whether they are spies of Titor or not, but I just found a new lead in the case. I was looking through a disk from 2006 and I found my 2003-2004 files, I found the IBM logo image that I think is the JPG of Pamela's IBM logo. At least it was called that in the thread I found it in, and the thread quickly disappeared and the image hasn't been seen since, so I do think it's real. The thing about this logo is I can't match it up with any IBM logos on the net, so it's either not a real IBM 5100 logo, or maybe it's from a 5100 manual instead of being from the computer itself. Also it looks yellow, I wouldn't expect a brand new logo to be yellow, from JT's perspective the logo would be brand new, unless he got it at an old computer parts store or ebay. This IBM logo is not the lead I found, it's just an interesting image.
My new lead I will probably only discuss in future John Titor hoax update videos. Also I am going to edit my original JT videos and upload them as 1 video, yes I made so many mistakes my 2 videos will be cut down to 1 video. I work as fast as I can but this is a hobby, Olav makes no money from ANOMALIES.NET he told me, and he's telling the truth, I've had many websites over the years and none of them have made money either, the most money I've made from a website was from my Dr Pepper website, dr-pepper.com, I had an amazon banner on there for 2 years, and they eventually sent my check for 7 dollars before I took them down. Olav investigates UFOs and I'm sure it's his hobby he's willing to do for free. The ANOMALIES.NET people are not behind the John Titor hoax, I'm not being compelled to say this from any perspective but the truth, they have been open from the second my report was released and have been willing to answer any questions anyone has had. They answered all of my questions.
This investigation is not over, I have a new lead that I will mention when enough facts are gathered.
--- John 'Razimus' Hughston